Hargain lives up to potential, stars for Duck offense By Ashley Conklin Emerald Sports Reporter A year of exporienc e and ma turit\ has meant all the differ ence in the world on the fool hall field for Tony Ilargain this season After struggling through his first two seasons at Oregon, flargam. a junior, lias lived up to his enormous all around ath letic potential to start at split end for the I 1 Dm ks, and play a leading role ill the offense "I wasn't ready for the inten sity of college football.'' Ilargain said "I didn't do a good job ol ( flanging for the do gree of play (at the college lev el | " After catching 18 passes in 1 1 games as a redshirt fresh m.in two years ago. Ilargain slumped to only five rec options last season, all in the first seven games Ilargain knew it was 11me to do something ahout Ins lac k of produc tion, and worked hard this summer to gel ready for the 1 *»««» season "I stayed up here this sum iiier and worked out." ilargain. from North Highlands < hi 11 f . said "If I want something I really have to go after it "I control my own destiny." lie added It wasn't that I didn't have the athletic ability to play I wanted to pla\ more so 1 worked harder to net it If there was one thing that llargain had from the begin ning, it was athletii ability llargain played flanker Ins first two seasons, and even quarterbacked the team briefly when Hill Musgrave was out of a< tion And then then* was has kethall season where llargain has pn ked up three letters, and w ill return to the court this sea son After last season, the foot hall i oaches just wondered when llargain would arrive Ills off season work ethil and prodm tion this year have put all those thoughts to rest though "1 wanted to come in and start." llargain said, "and help the team as much as possible llargain is tied tor the team lead in receptions with 14. has J()7 yards in receptions lor a 14 H average and two tone h downs llargain has also had some lug games and lug plays for the Ducks this season, catching five passes against Arizona and hooking up with Musgrave for a 4(1 -yard pass plav at Stanford Yes lolks. Tony llargain has arrived "lie's come up with some lug plavs lor us," offensive co urdinator Mike ifellotli said "lie's liecome a solid performer at the I’ai 10 level ■Sports Crew; EDITOR: Tracy Sumner CONTRIBUTORS: Ashley conklin, Cam Sivesind COPY EDITOR: Christopher Blair PRODUCTION: Sandi Daller, Yvette Gill, Elisa Lichtman, Angela Muniz, Michele Ross, Ingrid White, Mark Ylen Cover photo by Andre Ranieri Ill' s toucher mentally ilus season," Bi'llotti said, "and that factor has made him much better I'm happy for Totiv be cause he's a great young man who has continued to improve, and because he has. he's made himself into ,i complete football player.'' While many might not see much connection to catching passes on the gridiron to hand mg out assists on the basketball court Hargain and Bellotti see a definite correlation "It helps me judge different situations," Hargain said "The quii kness in basketball helps me to rear t to areas the defense leaves open in football Basket ball is a faster sport and you have to react quicker with your eyes and hands, and that tar ries over to football "The basketball thing keeps him in shape," Bellotti said "He misses our off-season lilt ing that would help his upper body strength, but it's great from an athletic standpoint and helps Ills 11tiit kness and elu siveness for football Despite playing both flanker and split •■nd Hargain has no preferenr e lietween the two, and has no desires to quarter bai k again, despite having played the position during high sc liool "You get an equal number of passes thrown to you at either position," he said "You pist have to wait for your number to lie c ailed The c oar hes make the game plan and you can't i hange that "I think if 1 wanted to play quarterbar k I would have gone to a sc hool that wanted me to start at quarterback." Hargain continued "Basically I want to stick with being a receiver and work on having another good season After two years of playing under former offensive coordi nator Bob Toledo's system, the Ducks brought in Bellotti for this season However. Hargain said the c lianges between the two offensive systems have been minimal "Basic alls we have the same Dairy Queen Kick-Off Special Reg. $2.59 Now s2.19 HOMESTYLE' ULTIMATE Off 40* __ ™ W v I I Homestyle Ultimate Before Every Home Football Game! 706 E. 13th • 343-7512 Off,'! Good tit Campus I)Q Only and Before Kick Off Only brazier Photo by Andre Kim-n Hard work and perseverance have helped Tony Haryain to be come a key cor in the Oregon attack s( hemes." he said, "just differ ent terminology Hill (Nlus grave) mostly has the same reads as before, and so do we llargain likes how the Ducks, ranked 2 trd in the latest Asso ciated I’ress Top 25 poll, are playing with Hellotti’s offense as they head into Saturday's game with No 2 1 Washington State "I think our passing attack is really strong rigtit now.' ilargain said, "and we can use the pass to set up the run. "This is an opportunity to improve as a team and gain some national recognition, he added, "and hopefully 1 can continue to improve and gel some national recognition for myself. 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