CLASSIFIEDS Visa and MasterCard gladly accepted. 686-4343 16!) INSTRUMENTS Fun to' you' Guitar Kc*>t’- .r l t-.» lessons with producer pufiitsn»>? SharKey learn YOUR *.«v ••!** . Ail ages all styles M4 V> c 170 RESALE CLOTHING GREAT Clothes don't nave ?-.• Qfi-Vl! p?' try C f’**rry P,i \ •• • W 13th MEN WANTED CASH paid lor clothing No appointment needed SECOND THOUGHTS 77 W 11TH 683-6501 NEED CASH? (FAST) Men & Women CASH paid lor clothing No appointment needed SECOND THOUGHTS 77 W. 11TH. 683 6501 We Pay More Gentlemen's Encore Pay TOP dollar tor Men s and Women's clothing 1111 Willamette 343-6179 TRY THE BEST 195 TRAVEL FTBOOK^ NOW FOR THE HOLIDAYS roundtnp fares plus la* LONDON.$498 TOKYO.$598 BANGKOK.$789 FRANKFURT.$530 special tare for students •acuity anti staff Portland. Ot 97906 228 1900 800 228 2854 ROUND TRIP air to Penn State cheap1 J69?S?9 eves Message tor Fran 606 3639 210 OPPORTUNITIES ASUO GOVERNMENT Want to Qet involved with the Issues 1 The Associated Students of the Uni versify of Oregon (ASUO) anil be rna* mg the following appointments ASSOCIATED STUOENT S PRESIOEN TIAL ADVISORY COUNCIL (1) GRAOUATE STUOENT,(2) ASUO PROGRAM REPRESENTATIVES Applications tor appointment are avail able in Suite 4 of the F.rb Memorial Student Union ibrtb 371*41 Application deadline is MON OCT 9. 1989 BY S PM The ASUO is an affirmative t»on EOE employer Women People color Gays and Lesbians and Stu dents with disabilities are encouraged to apply 210 OPPORTUNITIES * AMN S.’OOO S40tH" , . • F -• F -if n $?OCM) $4000* FULBRIGHT AWARDS For*1 study o* research Abroad in 1990 91 Seniors jnd students eligible LOOKING f on .1 ’1-tU-f S >< a? ga'1 Mh«* !• n\t»K*? $‘>00 $1000 *ii* i >nt? <* impua ni-rk*'f 1'ig pr ,,m ? */., .! t><* , ■• (jfini’.*.} and hardworking C.V* Conn* v , ■ . r ..*. ; •:' Opening*. Still Available University Men's Chorus No Audition Hoquited Class meet-. MW 1 30 4 SO call Dr Doerhsen or 0« ClfliV 68b 3 761 OVf RSf. AS JOBS ; * A • RPCV NEEDED POSITION PAID SHOW YOUR PHOTOS' Students' SlaP AlgfnrV Aperture Ga iffy s sem. annual pfiotu iufy Bf"Mj j matted o« framed phalli and proposal ! {'MU Ar! G.lilery Wed Oct 17 from 2 S PM SHOW YOUR PHOTOS' WANTING* A i'ip t«> »i.»»** ' W«j vi- 'jot a |Ob ftv tact Cheryt >' l yw» 89*> 39V» 215 HELP WANTED APPt !> ATlON'i l>- , i • Pass St" A'»• t» Full and pail I*n »- ; v lions in all departmerits aft? i. « i.11• *• • Ap(:i* i’ ■' " i. tw . 1 up M ■ in H ' .1' I89<> Will...Mr t ■ Appli. .1?'■ in i u! oil dale M - O. * t I Of ATTENTION FOREIGN STUDE NTS F oreiQn Students Of '.jam:abon , i i eptmg appl* »f >' FSO A*>41 slant O f*- r ' Public Relations Coordinator Paul positions Aj , p ’ • • available at FSO Rrn ?06 t MU *4 Jtt? Deadline Oct b FSO is an affirmative action' equai p port unity employe' BOUNCEft'S£CURlTV position o pen for part hm« help Musi be outgoing and personable Position tor local nightclub Atmosphere busy and ana* gain; *e are an alternative iita style club and a»e an equal opportunity am plOyer Apply at Club Arena 969 Pea/' a * ’ i ' i , ' • A r h CHILD CAHE assistant Tuesday* and Thursdays 10 30 to 5 00 from Oct 10 to Dec 14 SJ ti6 per hour Must enjoy m tants and toddlers Bring resume to 2750 McMillan St between 3 30 and S 00 Thurs Of 9 00 to 130 Today South on Willamette right on 27th t >r t* > blocks l*fM 1 M M i an CREATIVE INDIVIDUAL', traded to in struct gifted children m ompulers and scien. *■ 345 9677 DELIVERY DRIVERS cooks servu e personnel flexible hedules day >' eights Opportunity to ad van •• ■ ’ *rt mg S3 S5 t 14 25 A PPL Y Pi//A hUT *>79 E BROADWAY EXPERIENCED DISHWASHER 14 ► Hours 1 1AM U-*M 34 3 HHrth HELP WANTED FRED MEYER NUTRITION CENTER ptimintnl pari limo . Nutrition Cantor SprmgtioUi Wo»I Eugone NUTRITK i E NTE « WE ST E litif NE I RE D Ml rt H l E ARNlNt. SPEC iAl 1ST MANAGEMENT INFORMATION SPECIALIST '.PAN ,M SPt AKIN* i h.1,'1 i>e f< 1f> , ,i 1 J V • . .» My Non ‘.JNDANCl WIN! :>t PT • -.♦•eking ,» kn lijmLn' and enpenenced l>**» ' • if! tut!© [ ■ >sition Appi i lions muit have ■ omprehen•>**«• #me (' * *i A, pi, ■■ per-, m t M »*• Wed . it 1!AM?PM NO PHONE 'AllS TUMBLING SPORT TEACHER » k • graders H »ufS *> t Of amah l‘> tO/Ti ior I . A ,.>fh Stud> |Ot)S 14‘> JO ^6 ask for Sue WANTED , HARMING FlvE year old boy iffiarm* lo 't>«oI colieg** sfudent Objecfive child care I need tomtons to p»ch me up Alter pin school end piey ffiih me three Afternoons 4 areefc You must have *1 a» preferably a Masjrati SVhr Can hdfe HBOJ any evening and ask for worksTudv EVENING COMMUNITY SCHOOL ASSISTANT for W*l lard/East side Community School Greet public supervise building keep fee ,rdS App- >< 14 ’6 hours per aieek ( all Wendy at 68 •’ ISOS EOE ??o WORK smor POSmOMS i { AHN TO equipment l *rn I*> 0i»* Ea»M odd Must t*> jvadAbi# *,* I - i ,i Thur. illoi-monievf . cjv>' rnev. iy« tof WiKe 144 0? 10 JOBS! W' >« ■. and *ofVefS n#ed«d VV'-f* Study and intern openings 4v.Pl abl« Fall Winter Spnny if' profession i • >•■! .1 •*•! i’ . o1111 >• Sulapplt ,t , r J tfliuffie t'» Mon O t 9 ' p«n to UO Bii'Hju 219 Johnson Mai 606 3134 ??0 WORK STUDY POSITIONS JUSV OFHCC *o'h»tu«1» *.tu }«•«? ! J1 V*i! Atfh <»'? r -Jutirs 10 1 hoof ;x?f S5 00 po* houf t i" Hr' v rtf 3006 in v * >H K'Ni. s.MAlHJATf itw.h*.-r - i H>-..tion to>.i .if fifing G«*wl com mini 4ti ’ shill-. V atvMv to a .rfc rx • . ..' » M t I • it » ,«{..«» M ’.iv s t.JO 1? \ lunch houfS $4 .’Vhf Phom* tvrtl. Mid 22b APTS DUPLEXES Al'A*' ' *.« r S ‘ V. ' H .,?,1 l4?Vmooth d«u Woy Ptifno I4fl GREAT DIAL" !.•,»»■» Wtii i ’ » .» S'* •’ mo t*. 4 ’ 'tf .i • A, , • > M ! OR APT S>. A«.i 141 N- I' Mr M'-t _ ?3l> HOUSES TWO BEDROOM HOUSE $445 ?40 ROOMS QUALITY < MHIST1AN l IVlNu ?4!, REAL ESTATE HELP U BUY’ Am- , »w* paitmJ-i « l-» > out with student housing7 '•rf! 1 .1 fuaMoi Jo r»pr«s»nt y M.*ih Ci M»nm% M S U of 0 19/4 Hi oh pi 484 9441 ?50 MOVING SALES WHAT A BARGAIN" siuthml !«••>•> .m,J uheMf If .r. !H *40 $40 14 I H WO ?55 DORM CONTRACTS ui con Thai; ? R)n i i . » 6036 260 ROOMMATES WANTED f-FMAif ROOMMATI mature wanted lo Share house non smoker |!M(mo plus 1 2 util 4H4 24?ti ft MALI It* share fum apt on i 18th If tnlo school and not drugs >r heavy drinking and you want a friend ill Sa rah J44) 1406 PE HSON TO share home invement bus campus downtown prefer f* male consider male $?2*> 144 4711 WANTED Female roommale lo share spacious 1 bedroom furnished apartment in quiet area with great bus onnechons 8 blocks from t ampul convenient Shop ping laundry facility and sauna WOO 00/mo plus shared utilities T or oign •itudentwelcome Call Dagmar at M2 i 162 before 8 30 AM after * 00 PM anytime weekends 0» i«a*f me*, sage on machine ?t5 CHILD CARE CHILD CARE MWF •ft«rnoons for MOndarful 2 And 4 yf olds Would m«mh1 .if 64U 7201 270 MEETINGS HONG KONG STUDENT ASSOCIA TION GENERAL MEETING 89 Ocl b 6 JO PM EMU Forum (EMU G/F» All Hong Kong ttudent ere invilod" Movie alter the meeting' ?/b EVENTS MAMA AH! IflMM SAH ?7b EVENTS SINGAPORE STUDENTS ASSOCIATION ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING AND POTLUCK 89 ?»o ARTS & ENTERTAINMENT NINE DAYS WONDER STONE BISCUIT BACK PORCH ACOUSTIC BALLADEERS benefit (o» Hungry Mt*ad Books WOW Hall. 8th & Lincoln Today 9:30 PM $5 COUGAR HUNTING STOP THE COUGAR HUNT!! CULTURAL FORUM FILMS KOYAANIJ tfSxfcNNli koyaanisqatsi BALLROOM ACOUSTICS' MUSIC BV PHILIP Gl ASS EMU BALLROOM 8:00 A 10:00 FRIDAY, OCT.6 NEVER CRY WOLF 7 & 9:15 PM 150 COLUMBIA (GEOLOG r> SATURDAY, OCT. 7 BEAUTY AND THE BEAST 180 PLC 8:00 PM SUNDAY, OCT. 8 210 ARTS & ENTERTAINMENT PI AYS OUTSlDt , by H i‘ JtiJilfUir.tMg .it . .• . »*■!': '* -• Hu* » a ! J Apeiluiv tialloi v ’' I Ml1 • t BEER GARDENS with AGRO SOUL ■< »»< hwn iiatanf 9 • '« THI SIC 040 ANIMATION CELEBRATION Ho4mm WXlam* i« an unaiOiculiii I j •»» J*«o DEAD 1*01 IS SOCIETY T»] DO * the RIGHT THING INDIANA JONES ] A THI lAST CRUSADE l*» Might Mtm Ft S» I) / Su Th 12 M GHOSTBUSTERS 2 i I tint* /trttnnnln James Dean In Rebel With- i out a I Cause Saturday 7:30 & 9:45 180 PLC 300 COUNSELING PROBl i MS ’ (Sill !f>o UofO Crises ' on te» for lato por»on#i > ou» soling Sir*' liy oMfidonliol 686 4488 305 SERVICES R R R RING Mi1 I m H-.j'l A T A f Student • i«nj i,s M<«(•.»'jof here .it the l, ■ ly >f Oregon l would like to fell you ftoW AT AT .r rod; a*" » ' 1 >ny ! -.1,1' p h . i .r i s i ■ a *■' my of your lo'Mj rlulw f» MttP TUEfit U A NV XI V nMt