if rriR pi mu r dpi Office >i im s nu \i i fiSh I 'HI Get Personal! Give someone on your shopping list personalized stationery from LETTER PERFECT GRAPHICS. McCunn tells of hardship and triumphs of Chinese-Americans By Alic e Thornton Emerald Reporter Kuthanne l.um Mil unn. an tIn>r of (7mie.se \mrni.ni I'ar Ir.iils. brought to lib- the stories of (hiliese i iti/.ens who came to Anieric a in searc h of oppor (units and prosperity at a I Imrsdav night presentation riirougfi .1 slide presentation at coinpanied hv stories and anei doles Mot hum told of the odds fa< ed by (,'hinese ininii gr.ints "(Ihinese have been able to survive incredible conditions not just in America, but .ill over the world.' Mi ( unn said ' I be ( liinesc didn't |ust learn from America They had a lot to offer A merit a Mi ( unn wrote her book to present the i ulturnl and histori cal diversity of (ihinese ilium grants during the past century Her book is a collection of IT biographical essays inter spersed with oyer 1 Ml historic photos The biographies lot us on people who represent many t,i< els ol ( hinese-Amerii <>n Ins lory Among those highlighted in M< (hum's hook .ire groups of students who immigrated in the later part of the Nineteenth ( onlur\ In 1H7U. the Chinese I duration Mission h.is formed to hrmg students to Ameru a W ithin a year, a group of slu dents (ame from China to live with host families and attend Harvard University This pro gram was successful for several years The program was re i ailed In the Chinese govern ment because it feared the stu dents were tiecoming too west ernized M< (jinn said Mi (.'null told the stor\ of a Chinese professor and his fami ly who immigrated several years after the Chinese Educa lion Mission folded Harvard University ananged fbi the pro lessor and tus famih to come to Ameriia to teach culture He brought tlis family and a ser vant to Boston and was the fa ther of the first Chinese tiab\ born in ( amhridge B\ the ( lllliese |\\( III sion Ac t attempted (o control the flow ol immigrants During the 1 \< lusion, even port of en trv i onstruc led stations w here immigrants endured rigorous physical examinations and in terrogations "This was a very long pro cess," said NlcCunn "It was mm h more complicated than the process that faced immi grants .it Kllis Island After the Kxc lusion was re pealed in 1*14.'), the number of (Ihincsc immigrants was still limited to 105 per year "(The repeal) had to he done because by that time. China and America were allies," McCunn said "The repeal was really only a tec hnicality The number of immigrants was still severely limited "Ties between Chinese Amencans and China continue to he very strong," she said "I want nn hook to show the di versity of Chinese Americ ans yesterday and today I want to show we’re only limited h\ how hig w e c an dream CLASSIFIEDS Visa and MasterCard gladly accepted. 686-4343 105 PERSONALS ANDRf W HOW WAS HJROPt ' C Plan Call Kelly/C J feBfi I!fv09 COREY H YOUR CHECK IS READY TO PICK UP AT FRONT DESK ODE ’W™ C*.w E~r.ld OH ->«qon D»ily K/nf Uj QPC Or»u» r.T\ TTK5 back* G A! KA<> |l«0 i! her vwe v*' Hu«> A lh«* fh#|, K \<> HONG*r Congmtul.Mioo*' Ollir Him' Th«l4 low* and mine P*»nny MIKE S. ALIAS WORM FROM SHASTA S'UT TO MARRIED MUTT ALL YOUR FRIENDS GOB ON U! PLANNED PARINTMOOO in^li.vwliwk-. b,t\h .-»>ti A counseling Days A oven.ngs Call U4 •• that Iutf 5 lugene* two HH.sl repul at 0. 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