.Regional Hilsboro man convicted Hll.I.SBOKO (API A 28-year-old Hillsboro man lias been convicted of aggravated murder in the February stabbing death of his estranged wife The same Washington County ( ircuit Court jury that found Michael I’ W i I It* guilt\ Thursday will return to the courtroom Tuesday to determine whether hi' should he sen fenced to death for the killing Jurors deliberated about lit hours before i onvu ting V\ die of three counts of aggravated murder, two counts ot fust de gree burglary and one count ol second degree kidnapping in the death of 2t>-year-old Brenda Wille The panel rejected the detense argument that Wille was suffering from extreme emotional disturbance at the time ot the killing Brenda Wille died of a stab wound to the heart outside her mother’s rural Hillsboro home where she was slaving with the couple's two small children She had filed lor di vorce and obtained .1 restraining order against her husband in January. In dosing arguments Wednesday. Distriit Attorney Scott Uphain called Brenda While's death "a brutal horrible, un imaginably horrid way to die Witnesses testified Wille had threatened to harm his wile in the weeks before she was killed 1’phalli said Wille had told them that if he could not have his wife, no one could Defense lawyer Timothy P Dunn, who argued fora man slaughter verdict, said Wille was so emotionally obsessed with trying to get his wife bai k that he was not thinking ( tear ly the night of the killing Officer who shot suspect justified COKVAI.I.IS (AIM I'heCnr vallis |)nlh c off t« cr v\ Ini shot .1 robbery susjh*( I siv times on Sept I acted properh .ind u ith justifii ation. Benton (anility Distrut Attorney I’eter Nandrot k has determined Officer (oseph \ I rom oso Jli emptied his service pistol into robbery suspect Olio Yam e Hui k ( aitright after (aitright pointed a loaded re yelver at him (upright later was pronounced de.id at (lood Samaritan Hospital "The officer ailed properh despite the result ol a tragii loss ot life." Sandrot k saiti Wednesday adding that I rom oso s life was in danger (upright earlier had pulled the trigger Iw u e on a ( lerk at a 7 lileven ( onveniem e store, lull the gun did not lire. Sandroi k said ( ! 11111 ght and two women had driven up to the store about t a m "The intent ol (aitright and one ol the women was to rob the store, but the ( lurk wouldn't li’t thrm m bn .him' thr floors li.id |iisl hern waved." Sandror k s.oii Thr chirk railed polite. and I ranioso i ainr to the store W hile I'roncoso was at thr store, a Kenton Oountv dcput\ spotted the i ar and eventunlk pulled it over 111 the downtown area where the driver ran aw a> One ol the two women in the (.it l.orrie /.astoupil of \lhan\ told officers that Outright was armed She led ottii rrs to the home of some friends, where Outright had arranged for her to |in k him up on the street a few hlo( ks awav She agreed to let Tronrusu lode in the hat k seat She drove along the street and when Outright was hesidr the tar I mix oso lumped out of the hark seat with his pistol drawn and told ( aitright to "freeze t aitright shouted and ran Tronrusu ran alter him Kchtnil .i house ( n(rin111 li n'd to |iimp .i t loot bo,ud t<• 111 I' hut trippi'd .ind loll on tlio other Milo Sand rook said Trout oso ran up to thu font o and lookoil in oi I uli mlu rolled ovor and ho had in his hands a pistol point od directly at Officer Tronooso. " Sandroi k said |Trout oso) told him again to tree/e and ho didn't respond file officer began lo fire, at the same time (linking down and hai king aivav Irom the tent o from oso emptied Ins revolv oi firing all siv shots within two seconds I wo passed through the fence, hut all siv strut k ( utright. Sandroi k said It is normal operating proto dure tor an ottii or to fire more than one shot and it is not tin usual for the officer to empl\ his gun. ho saitl "In this i aso, the offit er’s life w as at stake ho said front oso was returned to his regular assignment last week UO-Bookstore DRAFTING FURNITURE & ACCESSORIES ARTOGRAPH s OPAQUE PROJECTORS MODEL AG 100 REG 198 00 139.50 SUPER AG 100 REG 27900 198.75 “Z” \ DRAFTING TABLE • 30x42 • White • Ad REG 165 60 99.95 A SWING ARM LAMP G2512 SERIES REG 16 ‘,0 9.95 DRAFTING TOOL HOLDER ULTIMA STORAGE FAN S5 21.95 SELECTED VINYL BOARD COVER 371/2” w 3.89 42” w ".7,° 4.59 PICKETT ULTIMA DRAWING TABLE Adjustable Height White tj.ise only Model 130 30x42 36x48 ,185.00 199.00 TABLOTTE SIDE TRAY BLACK. 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