A ATARI COMPUTERS - QVkhill » nnipulH is IBM 'hc*> ** any 2 *unql*- Em htlacta Dinner; NACHPS MEXICAN RESTAURANT West 11th & City View Eugene 485-6595 • Shredded Beel • Cheese Onion • Chicken • Greene Chili Pork (hoi) • Chicken Verde • Beel Green Chili : ..fM r) will. ( • I* .1'. I. I • '< ’ . I Two Margaritos 99C each “PRONOUNCING ENGLISH AS A SECOND LANGUAGE” Learn the vital communication skills necessary to personal success and effectiveness at work and in school. ENROLL NOW FOR FALL CLASSES A 10 week program of individualized instruction taught by licensed speech pathologists. FOR MORE INFORMATION CALL 485-8521 EUGENE * SPRINGFIELD HEARING * SPEECH CENTERS 1500 W. 12th, Eugene 1705 Centennial, Springfield Regional More rumors arrive in Franke case PORTLAND (Al*| An m m.ili- .il tin? Idaho Stall' Penilen liars said Frank I (Intilr told him hi* killed Oregon (.nrri'i lions thirl Midtarl I rant kr during a hnngli'd i .ir burglary I hr (hegonian reported Friday Mike hrrrins told Ihr new s paper that I .atilr tuld him about Ihr killing u Ill'll hr \ isilrd hrrrins' house in Salem in Fell riiarv (iahlr is now jailrd ill ( mis Cmililv no an assault i liargr "It was just a i at Ifling hrrrins tuld newspaper i oliim nisi Phil Stanford It was jiisl a fluke, man I Ir i .imr nlltsidr was in I hr i at I ram kr t amr around ihr wall and < aught I rank in there and tried In linld I rank (ui the pullt r and ihr rest ul i uursr (iahlr III has brrn a lot us nl Ihr I -rant kr investigation sinr.e September A soun.e dose to Ihr investigation told The Ore gum.in that (iahlr made similar t hums to his wife, |anvnr \ irrra (iahlr. In another inmate and to (,'uos (linintv lailurs A Coos County jailer who identified himself only as Sgt )at kson toll! The Assot ialrd Press however, that (iahlr hadn't made mk h t hums to jailers (inns Countv Sheriff Veral larno went home for the da\ without returning .1 telephone call lor i omme 111 keerins said Cable told Imn I ram ke s < ar door was 101 Ini hod and that lie did not have II no lo lake anything from the 1 iir Alter lie did what he did lo Mr I ram ke he look oil keerins said keerins said the stabbing had no connect ion with Corrections Department nffir nils keerins is serving lone in the Idaho Stall1 I’eiiilentiar\ for 1 onvii lion on ( lltirges of se( ond degree lull' glar\ and attempted embezzle ment I lam ke s brothers have said Ihe\ believe I ram ke mu overed elements ol i orruption in the ( orrei lions Department and his death might he linked In a 1 ov er op Authorities sa\ I ram ke was attacked about 7 p.111 Jan 17 near Ins 1 .11 outside his oft it e in Salem An autopsy revealed he died of a stab wound to the heart and that he suffered other wounds, whii h have not been d isc loser) I ram ke s hod\ was found on a port h of the building around midnight by a security guard keerins said another Oregon prison inmate questioned in the Franc ke i ase. Johnny Fee ( rouse had nothing to do w ith tin* stabbing Crouse reportedh has (liven differing stories about the i ,ise .uni lilts denied tli.it lie Wits involved ill the ( rime lie s.lid he has heeil inter viewed h\ Oregon St.itt* Police detei.lives .1 lid thc\ were 111.1 k ing preparations to bring him to (iregon |.tilers in Coos County would not forward (.ills to Cable on Tbursdai and his lawyer. Kk k Inokiii hi was in (oiirt and couldn’t be real lied for com men! ( faille s toster lather I ,es (iederos ol North Mend has told klfW-TY 111 Portland that (fable told him lie was not in vnlved w ilh the slaving Marion (founts Ilistrii t Attor ni'i Dale Penn, who is in charge ol the Kraut ke investiga lion, refused to comment on keerins’ statement “What I have to sav is. I won't comment on who we've talked to and what they’ve told us." Penn said lie said only that the case is “moving for ward." lie would not confirm that investigators have talked with keerins, although he said in vestigators had gone to Idaho and other states in connection w ith the case Center to focus on nuclear waste KICI H AND. Wash (AIM I urlv wars utter nui leat w,isles began to lx' cliiii11M* million rein budg el. is In lui us on problems ut i leaning up the I ianhird site Hanford since I'l-I I has pro limed much of die plul'inmm lor the nation's nut le.u arsenal and is the I S I lepnitment of Knergy’s most polluted Site, with more Ilian hall ol the n.t lion's defense wastes Much of that waste in the past was dumped directly into (lie soil, and what it has been doing underground is not known, according to lion Friedrich, who is using lasers to study the underground i hemii .il reactions Wastes that i uuld lie relative l\ benign on their own i an combine with other subsurface wastes, or with natural ele ments in the soil, to bee ome very dangerous Friedric It said Also the danger from some w astes could he red in ed In molecular conversion occurring underground he said I he laser researi h is de signed to give s. ientists a i leai (in lure ot what is going on be nealh tin1 siirtai e forming a sort ol underground weather map of the Hanford site, he said It u ill help si ientists predii t how the wastes are changing in u hi< I) dirni lion they are traveling and how fast. Fried ru h said I riedru h is one ol about 10 researchers and stall members already working at the t enter Lotus Futon Co • all cotton and foam core futons • 4" 10” thick • hand made with the best quality materials Clip this coupon for $10 off any futon!! 10 lf> by appt. 683-6063 Create-A-Tee 120 W Broadway Eugene, Oregon the Downtown Mall Your own individual design with spin art 484-0675 BMBtftf PMUM CHINESE. RESTAURANT Oriental Buffet Lunch Downstairs G Try Our Dinner Upstairs Hours: Downstaars M !h li 00 7 00 F Sa II 00 4 )0 Cln\eL) Sundays Hours: Upstairs M Th 4 30 1000 FSaSOO 10 30 Closed Sundays 127* A later Strte. . 683—6