_Encore!_ Art show to display alumni work SARO joins in celebration of Lawrence Hall B\ kelv in Wee f ih ore Editor '['he Student .V tivities Re source Office will join the 7:\tii jubilee .inniversarv < elebr.ilion ot OtwreiK e II,ill In hosting .in alumni art show in the I AH (iallerv starting Mimd.n. Thr Alumni Show will tea turn a random selection ol art ists throughout the past > years, whose works will pro vide the viewer w it El a look at humble vet ambitious student works. mid-career creations and major accomplishments bv former students Included w ill be 1 U71f j4r.ulu ale and local artist Mike W alsh l(i:i7 graduate and California based artist N'els Nelson, and 19(50 graduate Marjolnine (Irani, a New York interior de signer who in t‘)H7 was indue t ed into the Interior Design Magazine I fall ol fame The process in randomh se lei ting the artists was compli cated. said Karen liebb, SARD Director "We did an initial mailing ot letters to a random selection ol Marjnlaine Cirant THE WATER While relo* .ng n filtering and somti/mg equip ment Most importantly. 'he Staff of Our owner r •' tui fm-t i iin In- in oriqincil Hu ki-nstoi k looks*-a i And dis* ovi-i tin- livsh new. look ol Birkcnstcn k sandals and shoi’N ill <"m itmq risks colors and stylos Boston Birkcnstock Corner 5th & Pearl 342-6107 JOIN OUR COMPANY! Romeo and Juliet October 28 and 29 Cinderella February 10 and 11 Ken Kcm'n ’•> Little Tricker the Squirrel Meets Bin Double the Bear April 7 and 8 SPECIAL STUDENT DISCOUMT Season Tickets * 17 50 (reguMrly S>48 00) Available Through EMU Mam Desk Eugene Ballet company The University of ()rcy;<>u School of Music presents a benefit concert Christopher Parkening Classical Guitar The haunting, poetic melodies of Spanish guitar music will touch your soul in this "Tribute to Segovia" concert by classical guitar virtuoso Christopher rarkening. Savor the fiery dances, romantic serenades and picturesque suites of fourteen masterful Spanish composers, performed h\ barkening, the brilliant heir to the Segovia tradition. Monday, Oct. 9 8:00 pm SILVA CONCERT HALL, HULT CENTER TICKETS: S16 and S14; $10 and $X for students & seniors CALL 687-5000