Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, October 06, 1989, Image 1

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    Oresort Daily_ _
Friday . ()t tnbri t>. I *IH*I
liugcnc. t Jit'gnn
Volumr ') 1 \iimhri 7
■ Shelter serves 500, Page 4
■ Sex hearing canceled, Page 4
■ Alumni art displayed, Page 1 1
■ Football program, Pages I-12B
Service with a smile
Seung-C'.hul Kim. a graduati• student in the business school, takes
time out to hit a few tennis balls Thursday morning
Photo by Bill Haines
Morale at Physical Plant
better with new director
B\ ( hris Bunnell
I mcr.tld Assoc into l ditor
\tter nr.irh a veal ol ( ontrov ersv. the
I niversitv Physit ill I’l.ml is on (In' Ir.u k
In improving internal umkim; i.nnili
turns .mil service to its customers said
I),m Willi.ims. vn ’1 president lor admin
istr.it ion
Last spring, former Physical I’l.mt di
rer tin Harold Biihi m k u.is tin* suh|e< t ol
.in investigation into possible unpropri
elies .mil although ll.ihi oi k was even
Itiallv i le.ill'll intern.il amlitors dul lind
instant es of poor management
Main in k retired latri that spring and
U illi.mis brought in Hull Boat li to ai t as
interim Phvsu al Plant direi tor until a
ii.itlon.il sean li tor a permanent iliii'i lot
imild he i ompleted
The searrli turned up (ieorge lleiht
funnel he.id ot the I 'niversitv of South
western Louisiana s I’hvsn al Plant, who
will he responsible tin improving inniia
gel lal prut esses
Besides the internal audit, the 1 nivei
sit\ s Department ol Hum.in Kesouri es
i ompleted its investigation this week
into alleged nepotism within the Physi
i al Plant
Williams also hired the servii es of a
Portland < (insulting firm to analv/e the
managenient problems
" There was nothing in the ronsul
tant's report that i aught me In sut
prise," Williams said "Having this
kind of individti.il assessment brings
credibility to what von want to do' in
the wav ol improvements
Two representatives from ( oast ( on
suiting (.roup surveyed Physical Plant
employees and their customers to find
areas of discontent
"What we've done is combine turn
turns together " said Michael llipps.
one of two researchers who condor ted
the survey for(!(XI "Harold {Babcock)
was divide and conquer
Hipps said problems included a lai k
of adequate communication between de
partments and frustrated employees
w ho felt their func lions within their de
p.irtmenls weir mil i learlv delmed
llll- slink Wit II ll Was released III \ 11
gust found more ill,m 'll pen out ol
Physical I’l.inl employees tell morale
was low Sixty seven peri out said at
templed impiovemeiils m working ion
ilitions won' not successful lint more
111 .n I I) pell ent said 1111 • \ wolilil eli|oy
then |nli it some t ll,imp's were made
llie snivel suggests i nuimuim at ion
with employees and with management
needs to lie improved
llie management problems grew
gradually during tin- 1 gears Main.nek
headed llie I’livsn al I’lant lint llie solo
lions would not lake as long llipps
■'Seventeen veils ol lertain plaitin ',
and phltnsopliies Is ingrained tin a
while and it will lake some time to gel
nvei that llipps said Its a good
group down there Personally I llmik
it s going to work out
Williams said lie will woik t losely
with 1 lei lit to implement many ol the
lei ommeiidat n ms made in the report
Uthough the report's findings were
not surprising W ilhams said he did not
know the problems were serious enough
to bring in new leadership
I thought I iamid i hunge things Iw
working through the existing leadei
ship he said I did not apprei iate the
seriousness of the problems
I he nepotism stmiv whii h was i inn
pleted by Offiie ol I Inman Resoim es
Director Linda king, found several
questionable hiring situations that
might fall under the state's nepotism
I he instaiii es oci lined too long ago,
however, lor < orrei five action to he tak
en Many ol the original partii ipants re
tired or were transferred to other depart
merits kmg said
In her report to Williams, king found
one instance where action needs tn he
taken, only because the situation might
appear as favoritism toward a supnrvi
sor's relative
king's list of conclusions included
lurn to Plant, Page
Speaker says attitudes must change to fight date rape
By Brian Blot h
Emerald Ans<k iate Editor
Dr Andrea Parrot, nationally
recognized sexuality educator
from Cornell University, spoke
.it the KMU Ballroom Thursday
night on "Sex and Power the
balain mg at t of tfit* ‘ill's
Parrot, a nationally recog
m/eti author and expert on dale
and acquaintance rape led an
open forum disi ussion and vid
eo presentation, encouraging
audiem e part it ipution and
feedbat k on multi-sexual con
terns surrounding rape issues
in university and social envi
The' presentation t apped oil a
host ol activities for Creating A
Rape I-'ret* Environment (CARE!)
Week, sponsored bv the I n
wanted Sexual Attention Task
Port e.
The ASUO and the Women's
Center will wrap up the activi
ties Saturday with the "Take
Hack the Night" man h begin
ning in the KMC Courtyard at
l> ttl p m
Parrot outlined a number of
contributing fai tors that tvpi
i ally surround dale and ai
i|uaintanrc rape situations
ranging from socialization to
alcohol use In addition she ot
fered advii e to both men and
women to help avoid and dees
i alate date rape situations
She said that a great deal ot
misunderstanding between
men and women stems from
the variety of terms used to de
si ribe sexual organs .mil at Is
"It's very unc Icar wh.it is
() k sexually for eat h individ
ual.' Parrot said "111 our i til
lure you don't have a common
Also, she said an intlividu
al's level of sexual at replant e
varies tn time situation and
dynamic pressures exerted by
parents peers and the media.
<ill of which can influent c sex
ual decisions
"levels of .it ( eptani e change
from tlav to da\. from person to
person.'' I’arrot said
Sot ializatiou. she contended,
plays a major role in creating
altitudes in hotli men and
women that help perpetuate a
date and acquaintam e rape
t ontinunm
She said that contemporan
male upbringing instills aggres
sive. desensitizing attitudes
that i an manifest similar he
hav lots later in life
H\ t ontrast. main females
are brought up in passive roles,
serving and accommodating
the needs of more dominant
men. I’arrot said
"Men are taught to he aggres
sive and women are taught to
he passive and no one is taught
to he assertive. she said "It
VOU put all of that together vou
Turn to Parrot, Page 1f>
i'hiiln I * % \mtir K.imrr
l)r. Amlrea Parrot •.poke .it the HMI Hallninm lliursil.n niiiht
about il.ite ami aequaintam e rape ami urged < hanges in alti
tude1» In i (imliat rape.