_Sports L Photu In Mar W ^ Irn last week's l,ac-W player of the week Mil heir hrehs.it h lele brates alter hittini; one ot her team-leading. IH kills. UNIVERSITY BRANCH 831 East 13th ( OMI Sh i l .S' MOl K N/ H I (>( 47'/ON/ • I.OWI si MKI \KI S \\1 \\ HI KI • 1*1 RSON U.l/I I) PK< >1 1 SSION \l SI R\l< I • INS I AM I I R \II I’ \SS| s • SI l |)| \ I \M) YOl I II I \KI s • IN 11 R N A I ION M SI ll>IN I IXCH \ Ntil 11)1 N 111 Y C ARD • AM I RAK • I \S I C'OMI’l I I Rl/I D Rl si R\ \ I IONS • ( < )N\ 1 Nil N I ( AM PI S I.tXMION • IK M I 1)1 I INI KY 683-5577 I oil IK I I I Hint 888 37W HOURS 8:00 to 5:30 M I Al l MAJ< >K C'RI Dri CARDS ACC I PI E!) t’tmhi ht Ma/i ) Ifn Hoad ('oath (irrrs (injury guided thr sollryball tram to a mold id 14-1 so tar this sea son. Krebsbach, Terzian lead spikers to a three game victory over Vikings By C am Sivesind Emerald Sports Reporter The University volleyball team rattled utt a flawless third game to defeat the Portland State Vikings in three straight games taking the mati h 1') 17 l'» 7 1 "ell last night at Mi Arthur Court I lie Ducks were living high attel upsetting two nationally ranked i ontereni e toes on the road at California and Stanford last weekend Oregon had not swept the two si hunts siui.e I'UC l he I tin ks found themselves ill a struggle III the first game with the Vikings last night Attel trading services hai k and lortli, the Dinks climbed out to a 7-1 lead file Vikings managed to keep the Dili ks within real h and made a game of it at 1-' u Oregon then Inhered and found themselves with .1 one point lead at It 17 Oregon scored again off a tug him k h\ seilioi outside llittei Me lissa ler/ian and sophomore outside hitter Mindec Adams An attac k error by the Vikings gave game one* to the Duc ks la 17 "Portland State is a great team and they will challenge anybody " Oregon Dead (loach Cerrv (Iregory said "I don't c are who thev play they re going to he i oinpetitive Came two ysas not error tree although the Dm ks began to pull away from the defending N( IAA Division II c hampion Vikings Oregon stormed out to a t 0 lead, oft kills by senior outside lutter Mu hole hrebsbai li and Ad .nils After trading sideouts eight limes the Dinks ini leased theil lend to it) With a servile at e tiv sophomore middle him her Dawnn ( diarroin and a kill liv Ter/.inn Again the Vikings (ought hat k with good lie tense and some help Irnm Dink errors bringing the si ore to n -I The Dm hs then turned on the at terhuninrs behind strong oflensive pin, I>v last week's I‘ai itii 10 (umlerem e I’hiyei ol the Week tsrebsbaih and good team blin king I lie Ihuks rolled on to w in the game I > I think it took ns a little while to figure out exai tlv what lhe\ were doing offensively. and we were making some union ed errors that broke mo mentuin " t ,regor\ said I he Dm ks i .line out after the break and dnm mated the third and filial game \ sen Ir e ai e b\ ( Ini nun seem to set the tone lor the rest ot Ihe game hrehsbar h billowed later with a lip and a kill loi points and a I 0 lead Aftel a reieptlon error by the Vikings in i reased the lead to I II the Dm ks went on a si 01 mg rampage Ihe Dinks exploded loi eight straight servil e points keyed by exi client him k mg and fluent team play, before handing the sen e bar k to the Vikings ( iregon (prickly regained the serve when se nior setter Stephanie Snyder layed up a tpiii k set Turn to Volleyball, Page 10 DESKTOP PUBLISHING • IBM COMPATIBLE • USER FRIENDLY IBM Computers 5$/Hour 1$/Page • PAGEMAKER • VENTURA • COREL DRAW • ADOBE ILLUSTRATOR • WORD PERFECT • SCANNING SERVICES • LASER PRINTER • COMPUTER CLASSES We sell new and used Computer Equipment. Professional service on a Personal level. GRAPHIC INNOVATORS, me 28 £ 11TH EUQBC, Oft 97401 (503) 8838434