Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, October 05, 1989, Page 8, Image 8

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    Self-Validation Group
for Lesbians and (lavs
. Ht-ur Mutula\ muht •
1**1 w tint Ort and !h< *
i ttl to 7 it) pm $1'» SrsMiifl
Hri.m Kilhfn. MA
\L»m.»wc l .unilv
I ll^cllc
I .earning assertion skills
supporting si'll validation
ellipou ITiniMlI .mil .in
enharw cd sciiM' ul
it .ilinU vvilh i ritu ism
ul her s expel I.limns asking
lor hcl|i .uni support
I xpressing feelings of hurl
.inner disappointment love
.iflet lion .mil tenderness
I xpressing inlimai \
Wmj Ctor t h<rvr to too* rwn r to \rr
that tr»s mt*n >n (hcvqr Jhrtr *, a
(rrt{*n >jrmiffh at < haft* tn iin jo
itrrwtw \ro*C of vr^ tonhOrntr
that vyv hr h a trade* Mm brtfvr
in him On iJuW hr brt>rvn> >n h>rr>
vft Hr h a Moonr of Inn
It you Ortrrvr in yoursrtt and
*vr >uk1 hkr to hod out morr about
thr hind of >mdn\ *vr *x)* j»
to <a«l 800 MAMNt S ^
Who krntun ,VC- may r»x W
havr to ton* curty jkMQ
htfthn than^xj IfiUIuK^
Thr hm. Thr Proud. Thr Hsrimn.
"Captain Edglngton will be at the MU today and each Wednesday
through October, or call 758-0835 collect tor more Information."
Clip ODE coupons fo- GREAT savings! j
Governor declines to submit finance plan
SANA) (API Gov Neil
( .oldsi hmidl sa\ s lie won't pro
pose .i m hool finaili v plan to a
legislative panel and instc.nl
will work on improving basil
ccloi .ition
The I'lH't I,cwisl.ilurc sd .in
t )i I 1 "i deadline for the gover
nor to sulnnit .1 si I100I linam e
proposal it lie drafted one to
the joint Interim Revenue anil
Si hool I inline.e ( aiminittee
The panel is supposeil to
1 nine up w till si hool finam e
alternatives lor a statewide ail
visorv v ole nest VIa\
(told si hmidl said I uesdin he
thinks lie i an do more good In
providing a blueprint lor im
prm mg the 11ii.«111 \ ol hash od
in at inn.
I here needs to he mole In
Ills on ed 111 at Iona I esielleine
hei ause all the time has been
spent talking about mone\ he
said ill an interview with the
Statesman Jumna! neuspapei
ol Salem
High dropout rates among
! ' S students and ini reusing
compel it ion against foreign stu
dents loi college spots are lug
concerns ol parents anil edm a
tors f adilsi hmidl said
That is not purelv a inonev
question. In- said It also Is a
Of R If X! R[fK»NlT!f N Ft
MA< .NT SH ANI > tBf.’ ' t
Great copier Great people
L ’ Jtn 44 A I0»*
344 7894 344 3SSS
(piestinn of building <i consen
Mis about u il.lt the goals tor i'll
hi .ituni .«ri* .mil uh.it the rr
spnnsibiliH nf v.imuis parts of
this sui iet\ .in' «<nnvt to br to
si'i' tli.it it gets done '
( mills' lllllllit said Ills llll',is
will i (implement rather Ilian
diipln ati' the ((iinrnittee’s
u 11 r k
If all we (In Is mure uf tile
same and all we net is the
same pnidlK t fur more money
I don't think anyliud\ is going
to see m that the seeds that
would 14 row to some major
i hange in public, attitude he
lie said he hopes to have a
plan lot impnn nig basn edut a
lion In the end ol November
lie wouldn't sa\ what the plan
might he
(inldsc limidt said lie thinks
an emphasis on ediu ational e\
i ol leiii e ( an w in the support of
parents, ediu alors and reluc
tant taxpayers who then would
lie willing to adeipialeh hind a
system m w tin h tlnu have con
full'll! e
"In the end you're realh say
ing to people Do Mill care
enough about the outcomes
here to help 11> line! a wav to
solve the lit).line problem?"
he said
Sen |ane Cease. D-I’ortland
i hairwoman of the interim
committee, said (loldsc limidl s
help is welcome
"You gel people who say I'm
not going to support money on
til von do something about im
proving the svstem." Cease
said "All the ideas v\e get that
c an help nove the state in the
direc tion ot a larger and more
stable base of support is a step
in the right direc lion
Another person to have .1 ma
joi voic.e about e\t ellem e in
edilt ation w ill he the nest stale
superintendent of sc bools
\\ bo'll sue c red Verne I >11111 all
when he leaves in niid-N'ovcm
( loldsc hmidt will ap|)oinl a
replac ement to sen e an interim
term until an elec ted sue 1 essor
takes of fit e The I Jennie rat ic
governor s.iid he hadn't inlei
viewed am candidates but th.it
lie would consider Narnia I’aii
Ins his Republican opponent
in the 1'lHti gubernatorial race
and former sec retarv 1 if state
I’aulus saicf Tuesdas she will
run for ttie superintendent's job
in the May piiman elec tion
( ontinucri Irom Pagi* ~
Moreover liasiom s;iiil l.orig
has offered lu build a t hild i are
i 1'iilt'i on llir property .is part
ot their deal v\ itli the city
1 ,inr olit St haul, built in
I'U-I is no! .1 design.ilod Ills
lot it luiidni.u k bill il i mild
t|iudil\ us one Teresa Hi show
n senior planner at the Kugene
Department ol Planning and
Development said the si bool
meets many ol the < riteria lor
bistoi i> status, ilie ludiug age
important e to the i ommunitv
and Itistorit al signifit ant e
Hishow said it is up to the
property ownei in this case the
i itv ol Kugene to nominate the
si bool tor historic status
Reuter said histnni designa
lion would save only tile l.u ade
ol the si bool anti not its most
distint live interior features
*'Oik** thov sign on tIn• dot
ted line tiles (Lung) can do
s\ h.it ever they vv.mt.' he said
An issue larger ill.in tin* coni
munits i enter mas he .it stake
m the battle over him oin
Si hool Renter said the cits
count il is more interested in
ini reusing i its cullers than in
sers mg (lie public interest
Hast om said the i its has
done its part bs buying the
si bool and sas ing it triiin tie
strut tion The t mini d i hose
the l.orig proposal bei ause it
ssoulil enhaili e the neighbor
As soon as the sale from the
i its to l.orig liet nines final
svithin the next less weeks
Reuter and 1 air Share will
bring their suit against the
r mini il
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As p'< >• jooa rrirovjyn OctoOe' or wn«e tupfXios ica’
Benefit set tonight
H\ Layne lakefish
Emerald Reporter
Tomorrow night will lie a night <>l mirth >111(1 niusii
iiml >i night nl fundraising
Nine Days Wonder Stone liis( uit and The Hack I’on h
A« oust it Halladeers will perform a benefit concert lor Hun
gi \ He,id Hook-- and Southern Willamette Green ()« I U at the
( (immunity (ienter for the Performing Arts a! Kighth Avenue
and l.incoln Street The doors open at ‘I p m and I fie room
will fill with music .it "I til
Nine Days Wonder is a group of five tfial formed in
MtH5 Hri.in W ilg.i proprietor of Hungry Head Hooks and or
g.mi/er of this benefit said the group has. "an original
blend of southern fried rock and San I rani isco influenced
Second in line is Stone disc uit. a Little I cal intluenc ed
group with lead and rhvthm guitars, bass, drums and Ham
monel ke\ I.. With this lineup of instruments, the hand
plavs ,i "combination of blues and roc k ' Wilga said
l he Hac k Porch Acoustic Halladeers will close the
show W illi two acoustic guitars and piano accompaniment.
the hand is known for their music al interpretations ol hnl
lads and folk songs
"The concert is to raise money and to raise a lot of pub
lic itv . " W dga said
I n kets c osl Sa at the door and all ages are well nine He
treshmenls w ill also he available for ( one ert-goers w ith II)
Hriug your friends out to support the community book
store." Wilga said "Support the Head