Photo t>v t Iisj I it htman Thr lanr County hair Shorn i> to takr thr hattlr out I in coin Sthool to thr < ourtroom whrn thr cit\ srll\ thr proprrti to a private drvrloprr. —UO-Bookstore Screamin’ into Fall with TDK Audio Tapes and PEPSI Oltei valid thru October 7. 1989 Buy 10 TDK SA-90 Blank Audio Tapes for only 1.99 each, Get 2 liters of FREE PEPSI g 13th & Kincaid I If J Ml 7 30 6 00 SAT 10 00 6 00 BOOKSTORE 6*6-4331 __Com m unity_ Lincoln School debate rages on Bv C nthc-rim- Hawln I mer.ild Reporter \ battle over llii' fate ill urn- nt luigi'lir ■> old rsi iriii.miMii; schools may move from i ii\ nuii‘1 ing rooms to city courtrooms it the propeity is sold to pi IV .111- deli I'lopci s Kith Ki’iitrr community advocate for l-me (ounl v l .iir Share said I .1 ir Share will 1 hnllenge in court .1 1 il\ council slot ision to sell l.iiuoln School III west Fllgene to lorig \ssoi lilies .1 Sc .ittle development firm "(Hir goal is to keep pulllil 1.111(1 111 tile pull III realm. Keuler s.iul Keuter is .1 founding member o! 1 1 lends of l.mcoln Si hoot. .111 oils boot ot Fair Share formed last \ear to prevent the de strut lion of the si hool last summer Friends of l.inioln School pro posed to the Fug. :if t atv t ouni il that the si hool he used as a i ommumli center with sp.11 e tin i hilif i are rei reation meeting rooms and ollii es lor nonprofit organizations f'he i.oiiUC 11 v oled instead to ai 1 ept a propos al from l ong that would i (invert the building into moderate income housing Flint decision was made tin tinaui ml rea sons said Ruth Bust om ( itv ( oiincil president Stic said although tile 1 mint il liked the idea ot a comnnmiH t enlei the proposal was espensive and had no specific plan tor funding Non [list can't say it's a great idea. You've got to find 1 wav to pay tor it tfascom said Reuter said selling I intuln St hool to .1 pn vale dev1 • It 1 p«• 1 is .1 misuse ut the puhlit fuiltls the count il used to Inn the st hool troin Si huol Ills ti ll I I | hist \ (Mi ll's ,1 til l) standal Reuter said It llliil Hot be .III illegal Use ot funds hut it s not ill the puhlu s best interest t he I 11 v list'd S 'll.(HID Iroill the I Iinent ot Housing and l rbiin Development to in,ike ,i down p.ivment on the properlv I he h.ihuu e ot the Slttn 0(10 pru e was p.ud loi ill sen it es Iroill tin - 1 it\ to the st hool d 1st 111 t 1111 hit! 1 on engineer mg design w 111 k anil 1 onslrut turn Selling l int tdn School to ,1 private parts is not net fssiii il\ .1 misuse ot til I) grunt inonet ( 'mini il member Koh llennett saui 1's ,1 legal t|uestimi llennett suit! 'The t itv attornev sa\s that's not a breach llennett s.iiil he supported the idea ot ,1 West side t omiminitv centei hut lie thought Long's proposal hettei suited Lincoln School I strongh support historii development when it has a chance to sut t.eetl economit alK llennett said Hast mu said that some community needs w ill he served tinder the l ong proposal WioiiI one lourtli ot the strut line not int hid etl in the sale to l ong is reserved tor housing lot people with hear! injuries whuli will he built w 1111 tetleial hinds lorn to St bool. Page tl If you can find a Macintosh in this room, we might put one in yours. Ree. C P (OviCf Tl0. n, t; OPtUT * »W/ PflaJT) tZ 8^c«e t of Si f***i fti * ► t* UU >. ■< in wlui vuU surcK lx- the easiest it-Mcl your intelkci this term. \ppk- imiio uxi ; itr\ winning a tree \j>j ie‘ Macmil ish* Huspersonal u >mputer mereh l>\ IiikIiiyu mn this drawing Ue II even give mui a him It snot the table, the lamp >t the. hair Now miu re i m m air own 1.1 register. I.«ik tiinontest ck-t.uls when- Mu mil ishc omputers an- mikl - m m >ur campus Oh,all nght. well give miu a him Inf dial.too look at tin- both an c >1 this ,xl But do it reallv reallv fast Because c >nl\ one Macintosh is being given awav oil tinscumpus ,inditsgiangtciha;>|x'tiv»mi s<«m as in nght awav 1Y< >nt< > Qua.k like Hut ties Man an take a hint Hr k y \ > S( )ineb( >dy s # ting t<) win a free Macintx >sh. KntiT i K ti >lxr -lid (kt< itxt l Mil Micr(KompuU*r Support Lib 2()2 Omiptiim^ ('/’liter. ()S<> Mon In MS i fla L ' i i'Wi \LgMrf. r h*## y«i|r (jwnpnUT ir* «fw V1!* ‘V if*.'Mam**h Jfcr r.-^jwimr.' i nkirfilifc* • 4 \j^4 . *'■■•,Ir» IfcrJrjci t » . K.t ,v*n jet {rr» t. ;* i'w i JfvA Mtnr.* si *> • '* » - ii» ! jt« 1!> • »v