_University_ Panel discussion focuses on rape Police find it difficult to prosecute date rape cases B\ Pnllv Campbell Emerald Reporter "Sex (Times and the |udi< ial System w.is the topic of .1 dis (tission In .1 panel ol experts .md interested audienc e mem tiers Wednesday afternoon in the I Alt' I orum Room Most ol the rape i axes that happen are not stranger to strangei hut instead they are people who know ear It other said panel member Doug llarcleroad Lane (anility Dis Irii t Attorney I late rape is an ini teasing problem everywhere especially on a college i ampus said Nuzie I hmtei i rime prev enl ion of h ( ei of the (itlii e nl Public Sate l\ because of the unique living ( ond it ions ol coed dorms and othei sitiinl ions men and wain en are constantly in very close proximity to eat It other. Hunter said It is extremely difficult to try a date rape case, said detective Dennis W illiams ol the Lugenc Police Department and a panel member Often times date rape cases are ( ailed ill to the police de partmenl three or tour days hit ci Iix a victim who wasn’t com pletely sure it she wanted to re port the ( rime." W illiams said The delay in reporting the rape makes it dittif tilt to gel the physical evidence needed to corroborate the victim's story, W illiams said. It helps a lot if there is physical proof llarcleroad said "II we have something he sides the word of the woman and the suspei I it s better ( aillei ting the ex idem e ( an also lie a traumatic experiem e tor the victim, said panel mem he 1 Karen herbei an emergen ly room nurse at Sac red Heart (ieneral I lospilal Kerliet is one ol six nurses at Sacred Heart xxho is specially trained to ( undue t a medical exam allei a rape has oc 1 Hi red "We try to make it as easy as possible for the woman. Ker her said It's not a xeix tin e thing but yy e do our best "It is part 11 ulariy cliffic 1111 to help the woman ill a date rape rase." said Marty Hilliard c0 orilinator of the x ii tim xx itness volunteer seix i( e "Often the women are leel mg guilty and confused." Hill lard said "Other people may blame her The suspei t max even try to t.ilk her out of press mg charges Alter a date rape experienc e it max he very diffi( ull foi the xvoman to make dec isions in the future or oven ( oniinit to someone in a relationship Hu I lard said (lonunon myths about rape make It diftll 11 It to take steps to prevent it said Hex (lollins 1 (immunity service specialist for the Lugene Folic.e Depart ment Photo bv Sir \ r < on! \.nli.i l'eh>e\ mlilrvssi's .iinliein r mrmlieis ilurini; .1 ili\i ussitm hi1 It i‘ilni‘sil,n in the I \ll hirnin room /i.inrl l or prevention wo have to gel riii ot tin* myths ot w (nil 'i rapist is going to look 11 ki• wlii ii* tin* i.tpe is going to li.ip pi'ii .mil what 11nii* ot day it will happen in Itiilhint said Mine ami more women are billow ing a restm tive path Hullard said Women travel lie tween home and work and tr\ In avoid going olhet plat es alone "We trv to teat h women to have their keys out. park III lighted areas and have their house key ready at the iloin so that they don't have to fumble around in the dark Hullanl said Rape prevention edm ation ..is to iie direi ted toward grade si hoot < hililren. Hullanl said Rape awareness needs to become a part ot everyone's life she said '( h er the \ ears w hat I have seen in rases that have come through the distrn I attorney's office is that those people who have been under the influent e ot ah oliol illn it drugs or pro si riptinn drugs and aliohol re lease their normal inhibitions and more violent i.rimes occur as well as sexual activity.' I Ian leriiiid said ()ne plat e to make a sigmti i ant impar t tor yoursel! is h\ __Correct ion_ A phot*> i «iption appearing in Wednesdav s Kiiut.iIiI inis identified .in hiteiture (i l l Haig roxvnsend and graduate student Kay mund Todd The Kmrr.ihl regrets the error Looking f«>r <1 good deal?? Read tin Oregon Daily Emerald Classifieds. not bring midri tin- infltiriu r tin •nisi’ tin1 first tluiiK lli.it vou lost- is your jinlgmrnt .mil th.it i .in get you into Inmlrlr 11uliter s.inl hAoaV\v lose Yrt&f EStfcbo RotAA* | 8*X> OWxV CO^>\A 1^00 O^sV- CoC P ^ Creating a Rape-free Environment Week Continues... Today... “Sexual Assault 101” a presentation by voices of Eugene a workshop open to all noon, EMU Forum Room and Di. Andrea Parrot presents: “SEX AMD POWER: the balancing act of the 90’s” •\ talk about sc\ih)l communicdtion and relationships 6 p.m., EMC BALLROOM All I Vt MIS AMI 1 Ml I AMD OPI M ro INI PUBl 1C. Di P.ir rnl dluiil.iy 1(< OOdtn 4 Oupm 3 * Oi l- S I Kl l'.l I’ARKINC 485-6253 Buy one get one free! Buy one green foliage plant for $1.00 or more, and get an other plant of equal or lesser value, free with coupon! Offer good thru Oct 29 1989 One coupon per person E?f$ U of O afur Zumt s j low it Horn !H> UNIVERSITY FLORIST 610 E. 13th at Patterson • 485-3655