Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, October 05, 1989, Page 4, Image 4

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    Anorexia Nervosa & Bulimia
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nighl «tub
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Kristi Strother nets help Imm Tanya Tiffany alter her l!)H5 Nissan dietI in front of Co
lumbia U ednt‘stl.i\ afternoon Strother made her final payment on the pickup earlier in
tin■ da\
Photo by Mark Ylen
OSPIRG focuses on waste issues
New OSPIRG projects emphasize waste reduction
H\ Brian BI<k h
I mcrald Assoc iate l ditor
Turning its primary torus
a was from toxic waste issues.
Oregon Student I'uliln Interest
Research droop (OSI’IKtl) is
kic king oil tlie sear ss illi ness
emphasis on waste reduction
and re( si linn projer ts among a
host ot other ensironnient.il
t he group ss ill again lie so
lulling student involvement to
generate and initiate environ
mental and i onsumer projer ts
including toxic and waste re
dm lion ret si ling pestir ides.
Ins safets hunger and home
lessness. and the continuation
ol I he group's i onsumer
Students interested in
t ISl'IKt. oi ss ho ss isli to tier time
invols'ed m the group's projet Is
i an attend a general interest
meeting Wednesday t )t t It at
7 p m m the I AII I tirum
' Its lift inning involveri svith
OSIMRtl students tail he real
soun.es ol sot lal and political
change." s.nti Dalene l.ovie,
OSl’IRll t haptei i liairsvoman
Stephanie llavei solid waste
and let vi ling project leader,
said the group ss 111 continue a
ret st ling prujet t begun last
year in Itu .11 apartment huild
ings Die pilot pro|et I targets
tenants tor ret yt ling ml in alion
and survev information on
practical methods ol separating
ret yr lable materials
This year, the surveys ssdl he
distributed state ss itle in hopes
of generating broader interest
111 recycling and treating sirn
pier methods of collet ting the
Almost everyone I know
w,lilts III lei \i le lull most |llxt
don't know how lo do it. " said
liistni Mi henna. OSI’IKti i hap
lei vice t hairnian II \ ou i an
make it easy and get people eil
Hi .lied lhe\ 'll do it
I he waste red in lion and le
i vi ling pro|ei t group will also
he working on banning the use
ol poly si vrene loam in laigene
.mil lobbying lor slrii.ler laws
defining en\ ironmentalk
sound pai kaging
Although it is pl.u ing a
slnmgei emphasis on stale and
loi al waste reduction and re
i \i ling |iro|iH Is this seal, the
group will he pursuing other
environmental and i unsumer
issues as w ell
OSI’lRll will talkie i lean air
issues as it pushes loi lighter
national auto emission stan
dards in the federal < lean All
Ai I and lobbies lot al legislators
to press loi higher slate emis
sum standards It also will ad
voi ate ai lion to i onliol produi
lion-related air pollution and
elimination ol i an inogens
"We’re one of only a few or
gani/.ations ai mss the country
working on the issue of air
toxii s said OSI'IRC! stall
infinite! Maureen Kirk
In addition, the group will
press lor a redui lion in the use
ol toxins in rorporate inanulai
turmg and energy production
bv advix ating the replai ement
ol loxu i liemii nix w ith non
toxu substitutes improvement
of plant operations to redui e
toxin use. and redesigning
equipment that uses and pro
dm es toxii i hemii als
The group is coming off of a
landmark legislative \ ii torx
with tin passage (it tlit* Oregon
It i \ i ( s 1st* Reduction At:t a 11 ft
a two-veai (ISl’IRt I t ampaign
for ihf at I
ONl’IKO will also t o-spunsoi
last lor World Harvest and
various at tivilies during Hun
gt*r Wci'L Nov I I 17 Kllt'ii
kielmrtz. hungei project lead
el said the group Will also .1(1
dress the homeless problem
and the needs ol lot al homeless
indi\ iduals
I'd like to see the group
move awav from just hunger
hut working on hunger anil
homelessness together
keiburtz said
I t»\ safety will also be a t on
tinning issue fur the group this
year OSPIRO members util be
survev mg tov stores and tie
parlmenls. testing loss tor pro
jet tiles solid ((instruction and
small parts that t an t ause t link
mg The group will then re
lease a report 111 I let ember ll
lustruling the findings ol those
tests and issuing ret ommenda
lions to t onsumer agent ics
(ISl’IRt I will tat kle consumer
issues with its Consumer Issues
Hotline making its vcurl\ re
opening Wednesday The
hotline is a student volunteei
staffed service for I'niversitv
students who need advit e on
issues t out erning landlord ten
ant rights, door to door sales
tactics, toy safetv. nets and
used car lemon laws and other
consumer issues The hotline
number is littfi-l IKI.P
"Overall. OSPIRC. is con
t erned about t orporate at
countability and responsibility,
whether it's products or
waste." said Norine
MtCelham. t onsumer hotline
project leader "That s w hat
we’re all about
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