_University_ Student Senate offers assistance Grievance booth open to hear student problems Bv folic \ndrade f merald Reporter As problems iilev it.lblv plague the lives ill ,tll students the Student Semite is ,m organization devoted to assisting troubled students find ave titles to solutions for their frustrations with t'ui v’ersitv life The Student Senate was established in tort to help l’diversity students with problem issues that alfei I the individual and the entire I’niversi tv population The Student Senate is funded bv the Incidental l ee ( ommittee l.a< It ot the 1H members represent a spei ilii major m group ot m.ijors Senators are elei led tor a one veai term bar b member must maintain of tn e hours and is reipiired to spend one hour .1 week m the grievam e booth Dalene l.ovie. senatoi and grievance and in formation booth dtrei tor. 1 omrnented on the pur pose ol this booth II thev (Students) have a grievance thev could ensile stop bv and Student Senate will trv to find out how to resolve then grievanc.es l.ovie also added that the IMl booth is more visible and e.isilv a< cessible l.ov ie said that she wants students to be more aware of vv but the Student Senate 1 an otter A lot ot students feel helpless and have 110 where to turn l.ovie said. "There are a lot ol re sources students don't know about that can gel I lungs accomplished Kim (ampin, senator and publii relations person, said 'W hen issues t nine out we (Student Senate) reallv push for it We have one third the pow er of the I 'niversitv Senate I he l niversitv Senate made up of students and far nft\ meets mu e a month to disi uss important issues This veal the Student Senate is working on longer library hours, improvements on registra lion plot ed 11 res colei registration and housing problems " l ilt' Student Senate in the past has done lunger librarv hours during finals week I ilt.im Ui'cil. chairperson ol tin- srnalf said Student' an- asking tm llii- extension of liltiai v hours veer round slir said Wis'd also said that tin' small is Irving lo standardi/.i- I'valualions lire Student Small1 ion dints studml m alu.it ions of t ai tills overs term She said these evaluations enable students lo von e their opinion I low ever, her a use the i ouunenls on I he eval nations are often handu i itlen. other students inav not he able to dei ipher the comments Weed said lh.it standardized evaluations would make it more at (.essitlle "Students I ou III get it (the ev a III at ion) vv it It i lass si lied ules said Weed Anothei important issue is the (aaduate leaching fellowship I ederationH 1I I I I payroll health issue Mike l.ee Student Senate Vue I’res ident said that the senate is not onlv interested in undergraduates hut graduates as well and said that the senate would he dismissing this problem at the next meeting l.ee is also in charge ol the '(uimiltillee on (.'ommi(tees . ‘ a various mimhet ot groups on i am (ms run bv students for students I hese groups give students a chain e to get involved without having to go through elet lions, l.ee said I his is a great wav to start. l.ee and Weed said Keielillv Student Semite passed resolution with the I'niversitv Senate urging the President lo create a student position for the Institutional Animal ( are I 'so ( aim mil tec. "Weed said The Student Senate will also he working on other issues throughout the year with one goal in mind to help the students Mike l ee sums up the Student Senate s goal ' Ui' want all students or special interest groups to come into the office and voile their opinions or concerns and know vve'ie tor them Brand proposes improvements B\ Dt'ann.) lieppu f mcrnld ( ontribulor I hmersitv President M\ les Bland said .it the opening ses sum ol I lie I im i'i sil\ Assent lil\ Wednesdav that lie is con rented .ibout long term plan ning .mil finding new ini nine sources to boost hu lilty sala ries In lus remarks, Biand said the I nivcrsitv needs Innding to ret nut as well as retain "stipe i mi lai nil\ llowevei money wasn't the only problem on Brand's list lie said the Pniversilv must en sure that it can compete with the best institutions in the na t ion In order to tin this. Brand said lie is intent on taking .1 "svstematii look ' at the entire school It would enable us to identify programs that we can build upon and rei ogni/.e where we need review." he said Brand has set a very nmhi turns time-table lor such im provements B\ january 1 1900. Brand said the plan should already be in motion, but (autioned that "long lange planning must be realistic Brand said one ol his main goals for the I’niversitv is to keep the si I100I m the forefront of rescan h bv continuing riisc 1 plinarv and starting multi dis ciplinary researr h Along with research Brand stressed the use of resume es In recognition ot the shortage ol MKI1 (.0 I It si Kilt l \lll\(. fit s KVtst I I* ID s, 1700 IS OSIX ns lives'" ' sofoflUt'N rttHHtos! for pr(>|r( I on i f t(JtM.jils plus .» I KM ( .11 I group ollu vis t all 1 win «r»o cxi 10 l»\ Murk ^ In* I ni\rrsil\ I’rrsitlrnt \tilc* Hi.mil told thr I nnrrsitx tsw-fji/i/v U i'lliwsihn, lli.il thr I nixrrsitx nrnils liiiii’-rniii;r iil.innim; .mil ini riui.srs in hinds lor l.n ultx s.i/.irvv si,ilr luails hr s.iui lli.it tlir si.ill1 i iin'l tin it ,ill lur us Brand s.iul hr I>«• 1 it■ \i-s tlit Bern's and Ix'yoixi .in1 .1 linn' ut opportumK .inii 1 li.ius in American higher I'ducatiun and at a limr when tin- grade air si I11111I lias nnl lirrll highly productive Drspilr sue li grim prosprt Is Brand said hr is confident that ihr thiivrrsilv is among the leading institutions in the country And if to hack up that opin ion. Brand said the I'nivrrsity just hired lieu tai ull\ lor sever al ot Ihr si hold's colleges es peidally ill the College ot Arts and Sciem es Fast Convenient Relaxing Affordable SunShovift on campus • •'« » ' Jr** »r *■**<> » In i.losing. Hi,ind prupnsrti .1 1 nmmitlee i (insisting mamh ol ftll llltV mcmtiers .111(1 .1 stlldclll to help implement the planning prill ess Cash For Textbooks Mon. • Fri. Smith Family Bookstore 768 E. 13th 1 Block From Campus 345-1651 Oregon l):iil\ _ _ Emerald r i• H..* »i '•* l ...... •*’*" • • ’! • . -■ i • : v i •» mr igh » Managing 1 dilor l (1iJon.il J clito* Graphics Editor t MCOr t> t dilo» A ■-. tor i ale l diloi *. Editor >' N**w . f ditor Suppl«fT»#n|» I ditoi Niyhl I dilof (Jin-.iophff BU’itf Tracy Sumner Darla Jachson Ali. « Community Student Government.'Activit.es • High## Education/Administration Feature*. Reporters \ . . • ' '> Photographers Advertising Sales *.'■« M fv.if. r fci.M- Km-.! • • I,-!»•.«• f I •! A . I f > 1 i\ • • - Production '• A- h t’f , ! ■ ' t' ,, • : » • V , ; I l-.» Y .. It, • • W«.»mt**- »• Janet S- ‘■ th• ? 1 «*it Shopier Scott %n> Th- i S' VsUr t’ujrut Wh.tr K.- sy W> S »•’ -• S M«• i s»• Hagen : It’d l i'K Alice < m am i11.- P.msr*u A mu General Staff Advertising Director . Assistant to the Publisher Produclion Manager V Advertising Coordinator Account* Receivable Circulation Newsroom HB6SM1 Classified Advertising bttt. -t I t i Display Advertising I 't.’ Production Graphic Services 886 4 181 -AIDS in the* 1990s ih*v\ hope, greater ( hallenges, a dynamic two-part let tore series LEARN THE LATEST FACTS! OVERCOME your fears; SHOW THAT YOU C ARE! MONDAY, OCT. 9 7:30 PM Fir Room, Erb Memorial Union, UO. I )i keeling will address i ur rent Issues fei;.irdm.'. Ifl\ transmission < >pen !<> e\er\ i me TUESDAY, OCT. 10 8:00 AM Sacred Heart General Hosp Auditorium. I h kt'Hmg v\ ill .idtlrt ss i ur f t'Ml hr.ilt h i .If«• ISMII N t» u I Ml »tl'\sH Ml.lls Ki< ham krrlmi; Ml) past presalem «*l fit** \m«*n« .in t »»ii.•<;«* Health Nssoi < hair ot the Amnu an ( olle^r Health Asscm \IDs I ask lorn and I )m*< lor til student Health Servit e « at the l;Diversity ot \ irginia Sponsored 11 \ the I am* County \ 11) S ( onsortium, Ihr l diversity «»I < Ireful, and Na« red Heart for more into please tall |anel Winter at lane ( ounlv I'uhlit Health t»M" 40 I I THE FAR SIDE By GARY LARSON r-'h,