Editorial Passing on Panama was right reaction Panama s renegade leader (am Manuel Noriega is u ithout a ill mill itm* "I tin* greatest scourges hi this hemisphere Ills im nlvemeut in tin- mlcin.ilinii.il drug carte! undermines I In ■ seituilv "I tins n.ilmn lint slioulil tin- 1 S jump a! mu oppoilunitv In depose him. Not nei essurilv \iu iega is still m puvvei m Panama .diet Ins tniops pul down .m .illempled (imp In .1 small retiel lone I nesil.n I lie (imp was in.liked In short, sharp fight ing |tisl iilllt yards from I S troops stationed in the ( a n.d /.one rln end result ol the 1 otip appears to lie a 1 rushing virlorv lor Notiega He and Ins i routes have survived the (imp mini I and his enemies jmostlv junioi army ollii eis) have heen 1 uplmod 01 tier mi.tied Xon, with the sulciv ol hindsight. several mem bers ol (amgress have taken il upon themselves to i rtli I i/i. the Hush administration's inai lion during the coup attempt David Horen (t)-()kla ). Senate inlelli cent e 1 ouilllltlee ( h.lirtnau. s.iid that Hush should have sent troops in lo help the rebels It's hard lo lake Horen's 1 iiln isiu seriously I irsl Noriega’s lories handled the roup attempt so s vv tills and surelv lli.it I S assistance would most l etlainlv have meant mote than simple aid to the rebels an in vas'on would seem more neinssaiv and ibis country doesn't have the right grievam.es lo go lo war with I'.mama Also Hush is hardlv the man lo jump on instant oppoi111 nilles six h as a breaking coup lie is hv na lure a cautious man I his is perhaps esper tails true with I’,mania I he wool in Washington cm les is that Noriega lias something dniv on Hush, perhaps con M ining an involvement in Contra arms supplv or CIA drug innnmg II Hush pushes to hard, it could lie pole Inal sun nle and that would explain the ongoing Ke public an re 111 1 -i 11 e lo do anvthlug loo demand in g with Panama I mallv I s intervention in Central \meiiia would not have imploved the situation Ibis 1 imp was attempted hv the mildarv Whv replaie one mililarv dii lalor with anothei.* I he I i.ileil Stales Ii.is a sorrv II ,it k lecmd of being all too w illing lo deal vv ill) mill larv leaders and vv e should he glad lh.it lor 0111 e the government passed on the nppoilimilv While Horen looks li.uk with hindsight il's also worthwhile lo I eiuemhel that Noriega lumsell lame to power through .111 unpopular mililarv regime that had the good grai es ol the I lilted Stales Kelallons vv ill] the I'anamaniaii people and a severing ol the lies in the m ternation.d ill ug ( ommiinilv will not hihii d vv e i on tmile our lies willi ihe Panamanian mililarv Instead vve 11II1 si slip pul I a popul.il I iv ill.l II ( and l dale " I DUHNo, hi^> ASSURED \fc IT WAi JUST A PAIR °P PffCNT-LEMHER PUMPS" Marcos' body could bring more turmoil There hasn't been as nun h furor raised ovei .t corpse sinc e Alfred Hitchcock's I hr I'nnihlr With H.irrx Kver sine e ex Philippine president Per dinand Man ns was forced to leave his conn try with angry and oppressed Pilipinos hot on Ins heels in Pebruarv 1‘tHli. he had tried repeuledlv to gel hat h home from exile in I Innoluln first he tried overthrowing Ins succes sor Troops sympathetic to Marc.ns took over the Manilla Hilton in June ItIHti. and a r.echo television station in January ll(H7 Both limes Marcos was ready to leave Hawaii to rec hum the government il the attempts had sue.tied, and both times the coup at tempts were put down In the Philippine army Ills hostile attempts swatted. Marcos tried a different strategy first, he needed to tome home to tend to Ins ailing mother, then, as his own health tailed, he recpiested permission to die in his homeland. And even time, current president ( ora /iiii Aquino denied his requests, believing (wisely) that eithei Marcos or Ins mere pres ence would entice Ins followers to mutiny again Now Marcos is dead, and his supporters in the Philippines are trying once again to have him brought home — for burial. Yes. it's true tb.it Marcos can't do much in his ( urrent state of health, and that sup port for Marcos hus dot lined. Rallies for the ex-president are becoming smaller and more infrequent as time passes. Yet, l'l of the seats in the country's 200 member House of Representatives are held In lawmakers that are in favor of a Marios all\ coming to power Admittedly it is a small number, but something to consider. In a country as turbulent as the Philippines, any hint of returning to the old government could bring about disaster. Something else to consider: While mil lions of I 'i I i pi nos lived lives of despair and povertv. Man os was a leader of the rii h His followers are well-linanced and still wield a lot of power, as many of them are in the mil itary l or the time being. Marcos' appearance in the Philippines, living or dead, could threaten the still fragile Aquino government, and the desperately needed reforms it has promised Letters Archetypes I .im somewhat of tended l>\ Hert Trvlm's letter ''Theology" [ODE Oct 2) lie s.ivs 'Cod is im more nidi than 'Superman' or 'llalman.' and similarly, ac commodates inf I ilo not believe in them .is i om.rete beings waging private little wars against < rime somewhere on the Kastern Sealxiard Mow ever. the\ are important arc he types tor our modern age. es pousing litith tenturv ideals something that < lassii an lie tvpes i annot do The\ evisl hei ause the i ol lei live mu oiisi ions linds them net essarv even as the similar an hetvpes ot King Arthur )oh and OiKsseus were land per haps still are) net essarv So yes. I believe ill them as well I think that I represent "the average person” well enough it sni h a thing truh ovists And I i ertaink do not i onsider mv sell to have an "infantile imagt nation.'' lames Drew (omputer Sciem e Good News At a time when some stu dents are i losed out ot i lasses .mil everything seems to he go mg wrong, it is .1 good time to give credit to .1 University of lice whit It Inis developed something that will help stu dents chart then wav through w hat often seems like a maze ot graduation requirements I he Registrar's ()ffi( e 111 re i ent vears has made available to cat h student a tree unoflii 1.1I eopv ol his her transcript and an Official Progress Report The Progress Report is partic u lark useful for monitoring pro gross 111 satisfying general odu ration requirements Students ( an pic k these doc uments up at then major department A careful review of these doc uments w ill enable students to spot problems earlv For e\ ample, it would prevent a stu dent from needing to take three upper division sc ienc e' courses m the last term of the senior vear. only to find one of the courses e losed or not taught that term It is amazing how many stu dents don't take advantage of this tipportunit\ to better man age their edui at ion Barbara \ii hulls Academic Advising and Student Services Disturbed I am disturbed .it the Enter aid's sense of responsibility i on< erning student groups and student funding In their Oct 4 editorial .iboilt the ANIO IXei • utive dei ision to freeze the funds of certain groups, the Emerald illustrated an igno rance on the handling of stu dent monies According to the Aug 25 memo that notified student groups. Hi groups, ranging from the Black Student Union to the Oregon Commentator. had their funds frozen due to detii its in their fundraising a< - counts for the fiscal year The Emerald's editorial implies these deficits occurred in the overall budgets; this was wrong The Emerald also seems to think the ASUO shouldn't meddle in student groups' id t.nrs The defic its in question ranged from Slot to over SH.OOO. St ott Wvt knit turret 11\ acted when he froze those at counts: students do not luted to defit it spend Some of these deficits were due to accounting errors, anti these errors are being correct ed Were it not for the ASl'O 's at lion, these errors may never have been noticed by the >tu dent groups The IFC claims that the freeze t reated "bail feelings Of course it did: the lit s funds were among those Iro zen. Students .ire spending stu dent inonev through the inci dental fee system, so what’s wrong with a watchdog that keeps spending in line? The ASUO Kxeculive handled the matter professionally, but un fortunately. some students pre fer anarchic control over all our money Patrick Perkins journalism