Parking ( ontinucd from Pam* 1 The ( (iiitr.ic l with 1 1 1) is llif m i oik) part of tlii’ long term plan thr I'niversilv has pul into effe< t to end tin' parking night man' \\ dliatns is ipm k to point out that so lai thr i (Ultra! I w ith I II) and thi' raised parking r.itrs havi• not done unit h to in dm i- the parking prohlem "I think we will nc\er re,ills solve the problem." Williams said " I lie I ’Diversity w ill tiev er meet parking demands he < ause it i an t afford to "I ni not sure the I'niversitv i an ( liange people's behavior I'm not confident in people's behavior patterns.' Williams said The slrui lure, w hen and d it is built, would not be verv large l\st i mates are that tile si rtn lure will hold I let ween tr»() and fill new parking spots Williams said Ihe I’niversitv is i utlentI\ waiting loi an engi neering report on the strui tore Neighborhood residents around the I 'uivei sit v asked the i it\ to pass an ordinaiu e re rpiiriug i ars hav e a per mil hi ordei to paik in surrounding areas lor longer than two hours I'hotn b> Hill M*inr% I’.irkint; problems nintinue .it the I ni\ersit\ despite measures to i urb Ir.itTii . ninth ini lulled raising the prii e nl parking meters I Ills iilsn puses .1 prolili'in I MM ilUSf ll Ills! m.lkl's ) )t’< > | > 11' \\ .11it lii |>.ii k on i ,nii|His rvi'll mine Willi,mis s.iiil I he I niviTsilv < uricnllv has temporary parking ,u ross I i.illklm Hlvd next III llir \i‘W ()ri'gon Motel Bowling team meets today Mill IMiS Women's bowling organiza meeting will Is In Id to d.iv .tt 4 tl) p in in the KM1 Recreation ('enter l or more in formation ( all ')‘tB• 24(»2 or I t I 1)472 Bible ShariliK group meets starting tonight ,it H .it the New man < enter. lH'itl Kmerald St Women in ( omnuinn ations meets tonight at 5 III 111 107 Hilbert Hall Navigators will have its In weekly open forum tonight at H m I Ml' (ledar Rooms A and II _Et als_ I'hr liottum l.inr forum will discuss the role ol wealth m sin i ess as outlined 111 the III hie I Iv ervone is w tdcome Student Senate meets tonight at ti in I All t (lenturv Room I) I’ Soc iety meets lodav at I tl) p in m 11)4 Oregon I lall I he Soi letv s set ret.trial position elec lions w ill he held Survival (.enter meets to night at I in the Survival ( en let office I-Ml' Suite 1 All i lent forest issues will he dis cussed Si'KAkl-.KS AM) I.K( Tl HI s Kuthanne I .uni Me ( unn an llinr u( A Thousand f’irirs nt Cold .md Solo Sunimrs will discuss her must recent puhli (ation. Chinrsr American I'm Ir.uls Sponsored li\ liir (Voter lor Asian and I’ai ifit Studies the Northwest Regional China ( mini d. the (Ihinese Henev client Association, and the Asian Council of Eugene Springfield MISCEl.I.ANKOrS Krishnamurli (iruup for people interested in the life and tcac hings ol I krishnamurli. meets tonight in the Instruc I ional Media (lenter at 7 A \icleci on sluciving in Cer manv and working abroad will he shown tonight from 0 to 7 in 7 14 I'riendh Hall l or more in formation i all (>8(>-40.c>H Students planning to .ittend law s( liool are invited to a tree workshop m Oregon I hill Room Hi-4 toda\ at t 10 p m I’repar mg for law school, best majors, preparation lor the I,SAT. hem to seine I the right si hool. and how to make an application will lie discussed UO-Bookstore PRO ART ARCHITECTURAL SUPPLIES -v ^4 -;:new;; PRO ART Mini 31/z x 43/4 SKETCH PAD pRO ART news print too SHE ETS PRO 0235 00 REG 1 00 PRO ART SKETCH ROLLS CANARY OR WHITE 12" Msa . 3.49 18" REG 7 50 4.99 24” REG 9 95 6.58 PRO ART TRIANGULAR SCALES £ ENGINEER ^ OR ARCHITECTURAL REG 3 75 2.29 AIRLITE METAL EDGE DRAWING BOARDS 20 x 26 18 x 24 REG 25 00 REG 21 50 18.79 15.99 PRO ART ELECTRIC ERASER 47.99 PRO 3914 RE G 72 SO PRO ART FLEXIBLE CURVE FC 12 REG 4 9S 2.99 FC 18 REG 6 SO 3.99 FC 24 REG 8 SO 4.99 PRO ART HAND WAXER 1'; ROLLER 3 ROLLER PRO EHW PRO 378 REG 44 95 REG 69 95 39.95 60.95 PRO ART TRACING PADS 9 i 12 REG 2 95 11 X 14 REG 425 14 > 17 REG 6 95 14.24 REG 11 75 1.69 2.49 i 3.99 i 6.89 1 ART & ARCHITECTURAL SUPPLY + IMJNDCRIAND * SHI AT EOR PAWTIf S AND BIRTHDAYS 5j*l/inpn All GAMES WORK ^VIULU WITHNICKELS GAMES ADMISSION 1 so STH STRICT FUlUCHUIfl ^ f Ufiili • H3 14(4 V r 4(K off one i Gyros or Falafel j J *• ZMTTJJ l | 1210 Aider 343 3062 ] f <-»|> Ml 16 89 * Brakes • Tune Up • Muttler $19.95 Lube While U Wait Mike'i Ea»t*ide Auto Repair franklin & ViUard. J44 2523 GREAT MOVIES DISCOUNT SHOWS Su-Mo $3 / Tu-W-Th $3.50 3-^^1492 E 13th liJv 686 2458 THE ULTIMATE INDOOR TANNING MACHINE Fast Convenient Relaxing Affordable SunShower on campus MS I i )i* Up»l»«* by »