_Sports t'hnlu h\ Martin fhirl Softlwniorfs lulir Ivlin s IIII iinil l)m* mi (li.irniin (hi < onlrihiilvtl .1 1 omhinvtl tnt.il ol III kills hi hrl/i /i.it v Ihv Dm As ns vr PSl Volleyball ( onlimifd Irom P.i^c ‘t wIik h ('.harroin pounded Im ,i (toil'll Sophomore outside 11ittei |tilie lelfeiA followed with tun set \ II e ,11 es In up the si ore In I t 0 llie llmks weie handed tin * last point allot an alt.11 k error b\ the Vikings Oregon strutted a wav u till a three game matt h vit lm\ "In the third game nut hint k i ame alive (Iregnrv said Msu out delense i ame alive t lur servers did a good joh In gel the hall m the court and also put a little hit nl mustard behind it I i loll 'I think it's vet \ often that lie i an heat ,i team I i It espei i.illv a team as good as Portland S|,lie (Irrgurv mill muni Ur just did mil m.iki' ,ni\ unliiiicd ('[ini', ,ind that's iIn* k• ■ \ lo w inning against Mill CHOW See Ya Then J w naturally uncurly 101) PERSONALS SIGMA NU WITH GREAT PRIDE OUR FALL 89 PLEDGE CLASS Ale* C Mike M Todd Y JasonJ Scott M trie A J4yf SC0»« M Jason G Rich Y Dave D M.ke V Pete A Trevor M Pele H T art P Brothers of ALPHA TAU OMEGA Thanks lor the Anniversary Serenade Nikki & Ben lot. PERSONALS vt> huii CONOR A tUL At IONS on you* pinning Lori t Chris We **tsh you dll Ihe happiness in Ihe *o*ld' Love Alphi Phi BUI! \l PRIVATE Mf.IP l ROM FRif NDS Free Piegnancy Tailing BIRTHRIGHT W»; &6S1 GREEKS' i.i, WAU.Y HAPPY BIRTHDAY Mf USSA" I LOVE YOU IPS PERSONALS PLANNED PARI NT HOOD unbiased counseling PRE PT/OT no LOST & FOUND PEARL LOST PRINCE tennis racket Reward' Call 342 6751 LOST RED/GREY ADIDAS RUNNING JACKET W WALLET LEFT IN PARK INC. LOT AT ARIZONA GAME PLEASE RE TURN 344 8973 115 TYPING SERVICES WORD PROCESSING & EDITING LASER WORD PROCESSING Robin i44 0759 PDQ WORD THt WORD SPECIALISTS 4 IBM Conip D«!*fc ConvtnsH Resumes ErJ.tmy CINDY 464 S4S4 CAROLYN 344 S287 & 344 7231 Doonesbury BY GARRY TRUDEAU TRUMP1 AKt iOU OUT k MR£ 2 UMAT KjNPOt m £,\ f a3 7WZ HOUR ARl. yOU Running lUAY * our cmrRACi spec if i OP, CALLiSAtSA HJHiTlr PLtASt UMO urn- CHILLZP 81 MOST ON BOARD, f,V MOT LU&JAW 85' / i y \ SHOULD HjL 3RH6 IN JHB 8U.KUP BHH&O* NO, I UKB THIS OUV HL'S UKB ML You can find stamps & envelopes at the UO Bookstore.