Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, October 05, 1989, Image 1

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    Ore son Daily_ _
■ OSPlRti diversifies. Page 4
■ New Educ ation programs. Page f>
■ Linc oln School debate, Page 7
■ Volleyball 4-11 in Pac-10 Page «t
'I'llursctav < )t tuber i. 108!)
Kugenr. ()regcm
Volume >11 Numbei ’i
Barrel riders
Kir in Hurkr.i horxrs <i round with her pl.ivnuitr uulsidr I hr I Ml I In Id ( ..nr ( rnlrr I hr i rnlrr
pro\idrs child < nrr ussistuiK c foi <ludrnl> tm ull\ •ind slull
I’lioto In I ni l\\ <ms
Auto congestion
plagues campus
Hi Prior ( ogsvwll
I morale! Reporter
Plans tu hmlil ,i p<irking strut luro mi the west end
ol i IIin|mis luivo boon |uisl|)iiiiml pending .in agreement
between tin' I dm ersitv .mil neighborhood rosiilonls
Wo li.ivo llio mlonlnm ol evenluallv budding .1
p.iikmg stun linn s.ml I).111 W illi.mis viie president
lor «ti 1 in 1 ii 1 st lit IK > 11 "Wo |iisl luivo m.mv i|iioslions lli.it
still have to bo answered
I'nivorsilv oltn mis luivo proposed building tbo
slim lino on tin* i urroiit silo ol tho Aliloi Slroot 1 onitis
t ourts vvhoio llioro .ilro.ulv is sp.ii o lor .mniiiil lull
1 ins
tho problem is tluit vv o luivo to Imtl .1 vv.iv to 10
liii.ito what is i 1111011 (Iv on tho loi.ilion tho proposed
slim tu 10 is snpposoil to no.” Williams said
I II.’ proposed stun luro is tho third part ol a tlrroo
part plan tho I'nivorsilv has tm solving tho parking
problom, Williams said
I nsl llio I'nivorsilv raisod tho pin os ol parking
|iorinils lor tho I'nivorsilv to St tu a vo.11 lor stand.ml
poi mils and S t .() a voat 101 rosoi v o pormits
I bis itiado pooplo think Ivv 11 o about vv hothor 01
not tliov roally had to drive to school. W illianis said
l lio tin reused rates also raisod rovonuo that tho
I'nivorsilv was alilo to uso when working out a con
trai l with I am- I ransit Ihslrii t that subsidizes travel
loi all I'nivorsilv t.n ultv and students 011 tin- oils ■
him to Parking, Pago I i
Rust says millrace needs cleaning
Emerald Canal issue needing immediate attention
By Hon Walker
I merald Assik iute I ditor
Restoration and beautifii at ion of the I ugene
millrai e should lie a i hief issue of focus during
c oustrut tion of tin’ Riverfront Kesean fi Park said
Cine County (UHiimissioner |err\ Rust during a
meeting of the park i ouunission Wednesday
\ ( leanei millrai e also i ould he tin: lust step
toward i (instruction of the long envisioned Miner
aid Canal pro|ei t "Water is going to In- the issue
ol the "His Rust said
This is not a new idea f ile idea ol getting
the millrai e < leaned up ( a me out of the litis lie
With ( onstrui tion ol the Riverfront Kesean h
I’,irk Site Si heduled to begin this spring iniprov
mg the millrai e and building the Kmerald Canal
are issues that need attention now . he said
"We shelved (millruce revitalization and ca
nal plansl in l‘IH2 when the eciimmii was bad
and nobody wanted to talk about new projects
Rust said "I think the time has i ome
Rust said the millrai e i an be improved In in
i leasing the amount of water flow ing through it
" The millrai e is one of Kugene's most pollut
ed. sluggish bodies of water.' he said
I he waterway has a narrow intake near )ud
kins point along the Willamette River and when
Franklin Boulevard was paved during the Fiatis
the outflow area was constricted as well
Rust said the pollution will not clear until
the narrow intake and outflow .ire i orrei ted
Currently', the water in the millrai e is stag
nanl and murky Irccause it flows at .1 mavitliuni
rate of about 20 c ubic leet pel second according
to a 1087 study
Part of the research park's master plan calls
for enhaiu ement of the outflow area I his would
allow a grentei volume of water to flow through
the millrai e. flushing out much of the existing
The Fmernld Canal plan. Rust said, would
divert 20(1 ( ubii feet per second from the Wiliam
ette River through the millrai e The millrai e
would be connected to the Amazon Channel v ia
an 11-block route through downtown and past
the fairgrounds
Walet levels nt tin' I cm Ridge Kcmtvoii and
the Long loin River ill so would he enh. lined
i nmpletlilg .1 i m lilt bill k to tile \\ lll.llllette River
A lttH2 sludv estimated the i .ui.il Would i usl
SJ.t million to i onslnu I
rile r S Army Corps ol Lngllieers is ion
dm ting a livei hiisin sludv to determine how the
i iitiid would help with loi id flood control. iinoth
er benefit ot the |iroposid Rust said
Runotf from a flood in South Kugene in
tlownlown could he diverted with sin h a i anal
he said
Halt ot the water in the Hood would go
down the Amazon, and halt ot the water would
reverse the Mow on the lower in ill race and push
out underneath the l errv Street bridge and go
into the \\ illamette." Rust said.
The millrnie runs through the future site nt
the researi h park roughh paralleling I rankliu
Hlvd then it passes through the residential area
along Hilvard and Patterson streets
Negotiations on researi h park development
are proceeding, hut the Riverfront Research Park
t ommission is awaiting a dei ision trom Salem's
Land I'se Hoard ot Appeals (l.t' It A | whii h could
slow progress on the project
I.CHA was scheduled to issue a decision
Sept Jti regarding an appeal tiled by the Coali
lion for l air Allocation ot <'ity Taxes hut post
poned doing so until next week
"It could have a huge impai t on our el forts
said R A (his Keller chairman ol the Riverfront
Researi h Park Commission
The research park projei I is a joint effort ot
the 1 hnversity the city of Kugene. the state of ()r
egon and a private i apital group the I tab-based
Institutional Development Associates
The Riverfront Research Park Commission
named IDA as developer of the park in June The
commission's previous choice. Carlev Capital
Croup. In< of Washington. D( withdrew last
Photo I*\ Mill lliii.
lane Counts Commissioner lorry Kust helioses < leaning the
mill rate should hr undertaken during ' onstrui tion id the re
seart.h park..