.Regional Man denies Francke involvement KKDDIM I ,.lil |M’l \ liimict ()i• ■ v’iin prison inmate wild Was .11 {|I|itl('(l of first ill' V*rt-»- imirdrr t hargos tin-' work savs hr dorsn’l lirlirvr dime was widespread drug Iraflii k my lirfwrrn pnards .mil in in.drs in ilw i trc^on |iiisiiii svs Inn I’hilip ( h.irlrs hrllol.il w ho w.is found intromit Mond.n of I hr murder Im hire of .1 North n n ( mliloi m.i in.in also drnird anv involvrmnil in llir slaving of fhr hr,id of I hr Oregon (lor in I ions I Jrparlinnil Mu li.irl I l.llli kr \\ lirii M11 liiirl I 1.1111 k r got killrd I said 1 W'rll I nn ri hr.od of him I don't know who Mu li.irl I Mill kr Is llir I l \ ear old 1 onvii Ird artnrd roll lin fold llir Redding Krioril Sr,m llliglll I think I w as m 1 0111I fhr daV Iir was killed Whni I heard hr was him". I mat ini’ diup Irafl ii k nip in llir < trrgon Slate IVnilentiars I thought. ()ii mi l li.-N ii' v:'> mg tu tis In drag me into this 11 ii i keltotal ii I sn < i < -11H-I i knowing I rank i (.able in ss Im has In I nine the Im ie. (it tie I rani he investigation (l.ible is lieing liehl in the ( ikis ( mints |.ul on unrelated i barges Kelliit.il ss as dcs< I iheil in a I'lHti Oregon 1 )e | ia 11 n n- n t ut (airrei Inins re|iort as a majoi drug trafln km in |irisun l ie report said he used whatever means were nei essars In hung drill’s into I lie lai lilts lint in an inters lew Mnndas night K i • 1 lot .it said "There is nn drug lialln king in the Ole gon State Penitent mi \ on an\ kind of laige si ale between tin prisoners and the guards " You has i isolated int idents ss hen some guards ss ill bring in drugs to some prisoners, hut there's nu big st .lit- in- said "Viiu have 1,701) prisoners Most ot tIn-in .irr broke If vihi took .ill tin drug money in 11n (iregon Sl,ill Penitentiary tot -i iik mt li you'll probably huve iiiiiiiikI $.1.0011 Its ik>1 worth killing anybody over. Kellotal has been named by l inn ( iounly aulliinities as the siib|ei:t ill an investigation into the I oh 7 death iif Tommy 11 \ l.inH. a former Oregon iiinviit lint Kellotal said all lie knew about Hyland's death was vv 1i.it lie read 111 tile papers Kellotal was charged with In sl-degree oiorrlei, conspiracy In < iniiiiiil murder and murder fur filiaoc i.ll 14.011 in the death id Vincent (apitan who was 1 11I down by a shotgun filasl at Ins home neat Redding on I eh I. I0H7 l lie stale ( untended Kellotal arranged from prison to have ( apitan killed as a favor to < ap itan s wile who was involved in a hitler divoK e and < hild ( llstodv dispute Ki llotal s is lie and ( apilan s wife were close friends fine Oregon State Penitcnlin rv inmate Jodv Seel ye, con lesser I to the killing and told pole e he w as hired bv t apitan Hut Seelve refused to testify against Kellotal at the trial Hut jeff Mi Kinney an ai 1 omplii 1 ot Seelve Instilled Seelve told him he was hired by Kellotal During (losing arguments defense attorney Bernard Det’aoli said the stale had bar gained with (oiivntcd telons who actually were responsible foi the killing and who were w illing to fahrii ate testimony implit ating Kellotat to get a lighter senlem e Kellotal said he yvasn't sin pi ised by the at (piitlal We thought it was going to be not guilty but you never know lie said "I at tu.illy thought the 1 ase w as over when they (the prose 1 utionl put their evident e on and slopped I don't llnnk they (tnn 1111 ed the jury at all Kellotal said Creating A Rape Free Environment Week 1989 Continues Today.... “SAFETY FROM THEJNSIDE OUI” piesented bvHeif-defense expei t Nadia Telsey Noon, EMU FORUM ROOM and.... “SEX CRIMES AMD THE JUDICIAL SYSTEM” A panel of experts discuss the real impact on crimi nals and victims 3-5 PM, EMU FORUM ROOM and.... “STjLL KILLING l>|M>rtuiiilit's to write on higher education issues, cominunitv, arts and entertainment, student activities, politics, and mam other topics are available. Oregon Daily Emerald Freelancer’s Meeting 2 p.m. Thursday, October 3 in the EMU Board Room 3rd floor of the EMU or contact Alice Wheeler 686-5511 Green River suspect held on gun charge B\ |ohn \\ ilev \ssi« ialed Press SPOk.Wb. Wash. |AP) - Williams Stevens II. .1 target ol pnlii e investigating the (ireen River serial murder ease, on Tuesday was ordered held without bond pending tied 011 a lelom vv e.ipons i barge I S Magistrate lames B llovis said evidence presented during the 2 hour detention hearing 1 onvim ed him the IB year old Stevens represented a danger to the community and was <1 (light risk lie s done everything he can to ensure he would not lai e the 1 unseipieiu.es ot even the miuoi tilings." llovis said ol Stevens uiiests loi a number ol minor inlr.n lions and use ol numerous a I lases while .1 fugitive Stevens escape from a King ( a mill v work release 1 enter in 1'IH I shows to me there are no conditions I could put in (a release order) that would satislui tori 1 v ensure Ins attendant e at trial.'' I lovis said Assistant I S Attorney K011 Skihhie 1 harm terized Stevens as a i ha nn‘I eon who was able to "prod in e lalse idenlil ica t ion at will to esi ape detei I ion by law union emeiil " Spokane bounty sheriff's I feted iv e (allies I bin.sen testified Stevens m.iv have used as niaiiv as if> aliases dozens of ad dresses hank accounts Social Security numbers and mail drops and was arrested at least eight times while a fugitive between lanuarv 1981 and his latest arrest last januarv Stevens tied while serving time for a 1979 burglary ol a po In e equipment supply 1 onipanv bate last month he finished serving the burglary sentence and an additional four months fin escape He was then moved from the King (a unit v |ail in Seattle to Spokane to far e the federal weapons i barge The fugitive Stevens I iv ed iii Vane ouve 1 Hritish ( ailumbia Portland, and Spokane. Hansen said. Offered as evident e were photo identifii ation 1 arils show mg Stevens as the chief of police and emergen* v services di reitoi ot the town of Spangle 25 miles south of Spokane Spangle has no polite department or emergency services agent v I lansen said Roger Peven appointed to represent Stevens asked llovis to ignoie the extensive news coverage that has surrounded the former l lonzagu Law School student since his arrest last launai y lie said .Stevens lias ueen sine.lied h\ law entori einent and the media In |ul\ the (Ireen Kivei I ash I'cm e c liaiai terized Stevens as a viable suspect" in its ongoing investigation into the deaths and disappearam es nt at least -1(5 uiinien in tile I’acil n \ortInvest between 10(52 and 10(51 Stevens has denied involvement in am ul the crimes and task ton e cillic nils concede he was not in llu1 area when at least eight nl the slavings uc c urred Hovis rejet led (’even's recommendation th.it bond he set at S ill.0(1(1 tci s 100.000 Stevens lather. William Stevens Sr and brother Robert John Stevens testified they were willing to put up cash and property as i ollateral to ensure the young ei Stevens would appear lor trial Robert Stevens a 17 ve.tr I S \avv veteran said he is be mg Iranslerred to Tennessee and his brothel is needed at liome to c are lor his lather, who is rec overing from brain sur gen Since Ills brother's arrest Robert Stevens has given (been River investigators photographs and other documents he said c leal his brothei in that investigation. 'You have destroved evidence in this case haven't you?' .Skibbie asked Robert Stevens Hciv is told Stevens lie had a right not to incriminate him sell and instructed Skibbie not to pursue that question Out side the c ourlroom Skibbie said he could not c omment Rob ert Stevens also had no c omment Detec lives who scare bed the elder Stevens's Spokane home in InIv found 2*1 handguns, police paraphernalia and numer ous documents with dozens of fictitious names in William Stevens U s basement bedroom Hansen testified One ol those guns, a Colt Ci caliber, is the basis for the federal c barge ol being a felon and fugitive' in possession of a firearm It c onv u ted Stevens fac es a maximum of 10 years in prison and $2fill.(100 fine Investigators also found a c ar equipped much like a polic e cruiser and a Washington State Patrol motori vile equipped with emergent v equipment. Hansen testified (’even, who steadily objec ted to the hearsay nature of Han sen's testimony pleaded with Hovis to "bring this c use back to reality and recognize that federal senteni mg guidelines c all tor no more than one year in jail if c onvic ted He said de tention without bond means Stevens will spend at least halt that time in jail awaiting his trial Spokane County prosecutors on Monday filed separate charges alleging Stevens received stolen property and used false information in apply mg for a vehicle permit Don’t gi\e up looking! Tr> LOST AM) KOI M) in the classifieds.