.National Racial slurs result in probation OXFORD. Miss | AIM A t 'mversity of Mis sissippi committer Tuesday recommended proha lion for nine students in .1 fraternity prank that stranded two students naked and painted with ra 1 lal slurs at a mostly Mat k t ollege The tlist iplin,ir\ committee ret ommentled that the university s t ham tdlor e\ptd a ltllh stu dent and suspend four others Most of the students were pledges to the lirta Theda I’i fraternitv Sept 1H. when two members of the fraternity's Ole Miss t hapter were tarried hv t:ar to Rust (ollege. a small, private st hool 1!a miles to the north Fhe\ were stripped naked, their hands and feet hound w ith dut I tape and their bodies painted with such things as "Risk and "We hate niggers The two who are white were pit ked up b\ Rust se< urity oftiiers Flu1 students facing (list i plinary .» turn .ilso arc white (lie Miss (lhant cl lor (Icralil Turner last vs eck ban nod Beta Theta Ih from the s< hoot tor three years and ordered the fraternity house i losed Turner has final snv on discipline against the students, whose names were not released The students have until Friday to appeal Turner will take no disciplinary action before Friday a uni versity spokesman said Turner said last week the ini idenl had opened an old wound at Ole Miss the scene of violence in 1 *M>J when lames Meredith enrolled as its first blai k student Fraternity members have remained silent about Ihi' ini idenl American support for abortion pill sought By M.ilt olm Hitter Assor iated Press HOUSTON (Al*) The de veloper ol .1 pill lh.it jmltk es abortion said Tuesday Ills re reiving a major medical award should help ptuspei is for intro during the pill in the I 'oiled Stales Legislators judges and oth ers will "((insider that the opinion ol such a prestigious (award) jury gives additional eredihilitv to the use ol such a 1 (impound said Ktienne Klliile Baulieu lie also said he helteves that Arnerii ans 'who are confident in the progress ol si ience with 1 oiisi ieni e w ill find way s to have il distributed here Although the pill is used in franco. distribution in the I nitod Slates and elsew here has been prevented hs Roussel t cl.lt the lient h comp.OlV th.lt holds the patent on it Haulieti said Haulteu last week won the prestigious Albert Lasker ( lilt n a I Medical Rescan h Award The decision to prohibit I S distribution ot the pill was made before Bnulieu won the award and before ret cut data on the pill's performani e be (.line .i\.ii1.11>I<- H,mlicii said m .III llltl'IA It'll I'hi' award may help prr su.iiir thr I rt'iii li ( ottipanv In rrlcasc tin' ill iiu and In-Ip pro mull' pulilii x 11 p pi it t tin its list in tin1 I nili'il Stall's u Ini li uihilil lif .1 kfv fat tot in its i liani a lm distribution lit' said It.mlii'ii a bioi:lii*mistrv pro 11 *s si a at llif I tiivt'isip ol Paris Si hin11 ot Mt'dii ini' spokf at all \ 1111*1 II ail Mod It al \ssot la lion si ifm r u niffs i oulfri'iii r X03MUS RECORDS TAPES CD'S MAGAZINES ACCESSORIES New and Used A Bithcnuctfi tApr'-t-KO Open Sun 12 6 Mon Thur 1 1 6 ind Fri 8i3.it 1 1 8 Open 24 Hours kinko's Great copiei Great people &60 t HI* 44 * H)l* 344 7894 344 3bSS SCANNING GRAPHICS SCANNING AND OCR TEXT RECOGNITION FOR MACINTOSH AND IBM PCS :miGH CkjAUTV O -'T tffEC ’ vf. fAS’ S'C1 A'N'N'E'FvS FRANKLIN PARK PlA/A O b I 20 FRANKLIN BlVD (UGtNt 747 4589 College deans believe in getting tough with sports WASI ll\( ;T( )\ (A!*) I Allege presidents ,iii(! deans sa\ (hill pressure lor sue ( ess and financial rewards in sports in terferes with the edm ational mission of A merit a s sc funds a poll released I'uesdui showed l s Veils A World Ke/iorf said H> pen ent of < ullege presidents and deans partii ipating in the poll agreed that the pressure for athlete sin i ess and for finant tal rewards in intercollegiate sports tod.iv Inis reai lied ■! level where it is in terfering with the prune edutation.il mission of Amenta's i (dieses and unit ersities About III pen ent disagreed and I I pen ent had no opin ion I he poll w as i ondui ted more than lout months nun and lust tit) percent ol the t.'lOO college olfit ials contacted re spoilded to the snivel ( filler sill v ev results • 'i > pert ent said that high s< hool graduates being ..ited lot a school's athlete team should he ret|uirotl to meet the same admissions standards as all other students while > pel i ent said the standards should he lower • II h pen ent aid athletes tend to he . h.inneled into less ,n adelllic allv demanding ionises pell ent disagreed and 0 ' percent had no opinion • , ! pen ent felt the sale.listribulion .>1 illegal drugs on . ampus among athletes is about the same as it is among nlhoi students 7 I ti pen ent said it is lowei among athh'tes and l .1 pen ent said it is grentei among athletes • I • pi : i fill S.ild that UK 11 It ■ 111 . . it ( mile vloleiu e and se\ ual altac k. vv. ie about the same among athletes as among nth er students In 7 percent said grealei among athletes and 1 I II pen ent said lower among athletes UO-Bookstore Utterly essential stuff that you can’t possibly doj/yithout, uh-uh, no way. * I NEUTROGENA Emulsion Neutrogena 5.25 oz. 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