Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, October 04, 1989, Page 6, Image 6

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Noriega still in control after attempted coup
Kv Rafael (anctanedo
Assor iated Press
| Al’| I roups lo\ >iI to (am
Manuel Antonio Nurieva put
down an attempted coup In a
small rebel (one I tiesdav re
taking tile lieadipiaiters of tile
Panamanian Defense 1 on es ,d
ter .1 sis hour gutifigllt About
11A rebels were reported de
I Ins on ident i orresponds
In the permanent agression ol
I ' S fori es against the trampiil
lil\ ol our ioniitr\ I lie proof is
that I N tones r loser! air ess
routes to the barracks.' Nori
ega said in a television state
ment from Defense lories
lieailipiarters .liter the lighting
sputtered to an end
N'nriega later stepped out ol
Ills headi|uarters with several
fellow offii ers and waved to re
porters Inti made no statement
The rebels "surrendered to
l amend Noriega m person
said Defense l ori es spokesman
M.lj I dgardo l ope/ lie said
more than t>0" rebel troopers
and lour or live officers had
been detained The I Intense
I ones serves as both the null
tars and polii e and has a total
strength ol about la.001) mein
Rebel troops seized tile head
ipiarteis ill .in atl.li k laillll lied
around 7 a in but tailed to i ap
lure Noriega Troops losal to
the general who r ommands
the Defense I on es ami < ontrnls
the government Iniim lii'il .1
i iiimli r.iH.ii k .mil In 1 |> m
tliu shooting li.nl tapered off .is
Noriegas backers n.i111• I fIn*
u|i|mt li.iuil Noriega appeared
mi television around 1 |> m
I hr I inlcil SI.lies uhii li lias
been trvmg I" mist Noriega
sun e lie vv.is mill) led lli'.irlv
luii years ago ill I liiml.i nil
drug i barges denied ,m\ m
volv 1'ini'iil m the i imp .i 111• mpI
I hi- upnsiiiK was I.min Ih'iI I>v
junior Defense I mi rs < if f it its
l S troops assigned iii I In*
Panama I anal Xoti<' look up po
siIiiiiis .ilinill lillll \ .lids Irulll
it'll' lii'ii(li|ll.irti'rs pi,ii i'd lie
Iwi'i'ii llif fixtiliiik .il fiui i mu
pi iii ml and I S mst.ill.il unis at
I or! Amador and (Juarrv
Heights IIdhi'Vit a spuki's
man for tlit* I' S Soullii'rn
(aimni.md said tin- Atnerii an
Iruops look no part in tin- light
mu and were dispali lied lor sc
i in ilv reasons
It was the si*i ond lime in 1H
ii ii 111111 s dial Noriega had sui
v iv cd a coup attempt In Ins
OYV II offit ITS
In a radio brnadi ast after die
reliels sei/ed die lieadipiarlers
the insurgents i I.timed Noriega
had heen ousted hut loval
forces soon took lontrol ot die
hriMili ast networks
"We want to underline that
the situation in the cnuulrv has
heen (InI\ i onlrolled to guaiaii
tee the peat e and li.mipiillilv
dial the stale should assure tm
its citizens." said a statement
released In Instill' and Interior
Minister (llmedn Miranda
It de< hired an H |i tn -In '■
a in ( urleu and s.nd the news
media < mild report unit ulln tal
statements nil the revnlt
(dlillerinn lord an opposi
lion candidate lor vice presi
dent III the Ma\ 7 elei linn, "as
interviewed in New Mirk on
( IIS /-.Ve/iifig New s and asked
al» nit the Ini led < imp
I think Noriega s going tn
get stronger regarding the I’a
namaman people l ord said
lie s been holding them hos
tage for the last two \ ears
International observers at the
Mas 7 balloting said the oppo
sit ion slate won bv a substan
tial maigin but t be Noriega
(ontrolled government .in
nulled the elei lion
I’anama s provisional presi
dent. I rancisro Rodriguez,
speaking to tin- I' N (leneral
Assembls in New 'll irk said
the attempted (imp against his
government had been i rushed
Rodriguez in his midalter
noon address, did not accuse
the I lilted States ol i omplii its
in the revolt but said Washing
ton had undermined Ins nation
with "financial terrorism, ecu
nomii blaikmad and politnal
interlereni e
A small groti|i ol Defense
I ori es had tried to overthrow
Noriega m Mari h 1‘ltttt but
that attempt also was crushed
1111 ii k I \ l>\ fori es ln\ al to I he
I lie I luted Slates has been
been applying pressure on I'.m
,itnn ini hiding ei oiinmii sain
Imns, in .in (dfort to force N’ori
ega to step dov\ n
The relieis’ ( laimed in *i
broadi .ist .iround noon tti.it
they ti.nl overthrown Noriega
.out retired top oltii ers. tint tti.it
i (iiniminnpie was not repeated
An uftii er loyal to Noriega
later said tlie general was at an
undisclosed location control
ling the operations against the
White House spokesman
Marlin l it/water said Tuesday
afternoon in Washington that
oflii nils had heard early "rum
tilings" of the uprising He said
later it appeared that Noriega's
fori rs ".ire I>.»< k in control
A communique by loyalists
read over (iliannel 2 television
said. "The nationalist off iters
of all ranks and in all the bar
rai ks i ountrvu ide have eon
tinned their loyalt\ to the la
therland and to our Coin
mander in ( duet (inn Manuel
Antonio Noriega
Noriega inherited i onmiand
ol the inililarv from linn Omar
Torrijos. who seized power in
1'ltiH .ind was killed in a plane
c rash in 1 'in 1
Noriega < laims I he 1 ’ S
( barges ol drug tralln king and
money laundering are part ol a
11 S plot to abrogate the I’ana
mu (lanal treaties of 1(177
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Boren criticizes U.S.
for not aiding rebels
By |im Drinkard
Ass(k iatf<i Press
.iti' Intelligent >' (Committee
Phriirman David Boren sliarph
i tilit i/ed lhi‘ Hush administra
tion Tuesday lor failing to send
m I S troops to help rebels
seeking to overthrown Panama
man dii t.itoi Manuel Noriega
"llt*re vou have brave people
in Panauiii Irving to rid
themselves of a drug dealer and
a lliug who’s taken over their
i iiniit■ \ said Horen I) (Ikl.i
speaking aftei an hour long
i lassitied briefing from ( IA of
In nils
And foi the l ulled Stales
with all ot mil strength and
Ion e and all of our belief in de
linn rai \ to stand h\ two miles
away as the crow Hies and do
nothing and allow these pen
pie to tail personally I think is
Horen said he had been in it i
lied early Tuesda\ that the
loop was in progress and had
followed its progress through
out the day lie said about 200
to .100 lehel troops had seized
the Panamanian Defense lories
headquarters compound with
Noriega inside, and had the
leader "trapped and pinned
Hut later in the day some 500
troops loyal to Noriega sur
rounded the compound and
treed the dir tator. he said I he
late of those who led the revolt
is uru lear. he said
No American troops or t di
/ens were present or involved
in any of the events surround
mg the coup attempt, he add
I'm just sorr\ it didn't sin
.. I 'm son \ there w as not
some wav. apparently, for the
I 'lilted States to help make it
succeed," Horen told reporters
I le i ited failures b\ the Rea
gun administration to use ton e
to help deposed former Rresi
dent Krit Arturo 1 telvalle w hen
he sought to dismiss Noriega
and to help maintain order
when Noriega overrode nation
al elec lions to retain power tor
\sked w het hei militar y ton e
should have been used oil
I uesdav Horen said My pel
sonal view is that we should
have. and we didn't U e cer
lainly knew at that moment
where he was He was in a
pin su al lot alum w here per
haps he could have been served
w ith that warrant tor his ai
iest'' stemming from a I S
drug mdii tment
"I think it's one thing tor the
United States to go into am
other country particularly in
our hemisphere and try to im
pose its yy ill from the outside
Horen said
"It's quite another thing
yy lien the people of I’aiiama
have very clearly spoken in
their free elec tions and ovei
rvhelnuugly yy.mt to rid them
selves ol this corrupt dic ta
on campus
«•* im - ini »
Upi'Mt ■ 'n*o t
EUCERE • ill-1414