_Universitv_ Science buildings renamed B\ Peter C ogswell I merald Reporter I hr Oregon Sl.ilr Board of I Uglier htltit ,ilmn has approved names lor four new science buildings. and name ( hanges for si\ previousli existing si i roi r buildings (lllli i.11 (ledit ,ilion tor Ihr loin now buildings is si lird ilird for (ktober I "> (changed arc Scient e I lo Pa til ii I l.d I. Si inn r II in h la math I hill. Si.join r Ill to I Incslis I hill: (ieologi to (iolomhia I lall: thr Si ience Annex to ( as cade Annex: and tin- hast Wing to ()n\ \ Bridge \ained .nr I test hides I lall v\ 11ii h w oold ha\ e hern Si i elite I\' A: Streisingei I hill w hii h would hav e hern Si i one e IV B; \\ illainette I lall ivhii h would have been Si i ence Y and (hist ade l lall which would have been Sir once VI I lest hides is the new home id the i ompntei and information si join e department and Streisingei is the new home ot biotechnology research. Wil himette i onlains new physic s depart limit tat 11 it irs and las i ade is the new home ot grid og\ department .utilities and an expanded Si mu e Lillian II lies! i s I hill IS named 111 memorv ot Ralph finest is, who was a researi hei professor and Biologl department head at the I'niversity in .1 i areei spanning from 1 ‘lUO to 1 ‘it 1J 11 nestis is credited with re building the I mversiti s si 1 eme department after the state hoard rescinded an earlier tin 1 sum lo eliminate SI lem e re se.in h 011 the 1 niversili s 1 am pus I le w as the only si mu e Streisinger Hall is named in memorv ot (ieorge Streisinger a former biology professor at thi* t 'mversiti w ho ilied as a re > • I** Phnlti \ unit's hkr "(irnlti%\ .mil "Si irm r II' have tin tmir Ihini; nl Ihr ii.isl .is litiililinfis in thr si irm r inm/ilrx h.n r hrrn rr n,mini suit nt .i si ulia iltv mg .ii i ident in August. I‘IH4 Streisingei Imd been .il tlie I'niversitv sun c l'lhli .mil w.ts .1 member nt the National \i .ul i■ Itt\ of St trill rs A spec ml i rt rmonv IS SI I)t>11uIf'4 or nt her t.i i 1111v is ii|> tin being tiainrd oi rrn.iinrd tin- president of tlir I'nivrrsily appoints .in .id Itoi i ioni1111111■(• on \.oiling 1 .i11i|>ns buildings (( \( H) I (it* l \( It Ihi'ii dfi idrs on iliinn' possibilities .mil votes .inning ilself to dei life on .1 sin gle name II takes ,t ma|onl\ volt* nt thr i 111■ 1111111<■ members m urili'i tin .1 mime tn In' sub ini111*11 liiii k In tin1 11ii■ s1111>111 I In- president tin'll .hi niniiii i's tin- 11 it i*i ii ii-< 1 ili*i isimi nil .1 ll.imillH In till' I .11 1111 v. Ail v IMIIK ( mini il ,111(1 llir I nmn il Inr \i iiili'iiiii All.ms I If Ilii'ii allows members nl I'lthi'i nt llifsi' two groups In respond In llic prnpiisi'il name llif president next reeom mt'iids tli.it llif SI.ilr lln.ird .ip provi' tin- selei led ii,mu' wlifii appropriate under llif sl.itf bn.ini s rules .mil ^uidflmfs The si.ill- board tlien voles nil llif proposed ii.mu's Back off! The four-legged members of I’rojei I Saferun demonstrate their solution to jogging [i.ith assault to two volunteers Monday afternoon in front of the liMl fishbowl The demonstration was part of Hape Awareness Week I’hulit liy Martin Thiel WANTED!! RECRUITING HOSTS & HOSTESSES Gain Valuable Experience in Public Relations by applying for 1989-90 Recruiting Hosts and Hostesses for the U of O Athletic Department. Pick Up Applications At Athletic Department in Mac Court Deadline For Applications is Friday. Oct 13 RENTALS CHECK OUT WHAT WE HAVE TO OFFER! Eilllllll SMITH is coroniv OLYMPIAO swintec CORPORA! ION WN ALSO!! OREGON TYPEWRITER CO. 30 E. 11th, Eugene, Oregon 342-2463 Fellini’s Pasta House Restaurant Beer and Wine Available PIZZA SPECIAL Large 16 in. 4 topping *8.95 Oder subject to cancel without notice Open 11 9 192 W. 11th Ave. _ Mon • Sat. corner ol 11th & Charnelton 485’2409