Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, October 04, 1989, Page 3, Image 3

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    Campus members of Bahai faith to meet
\h:k n\( ;s
It.ill.n ( ampus \smii ialion
will lie holding .1 meeting In
nielli .ii i> .it thr H.ili.u ( enter
1458 Alder St All am u<\|
i nmn
\ll .id u 11 learners i
tu meet from noon to 1 to p in
toil.u in IM1 ( • ■ n1111\ Room I
_Kt als_
tor the Adult Learner I.mu h
(lathering Hilda Young. coor
dinator ot \dult Learning Sri
vii es, w ill 111' till' gllest
Mpli.i Rapp.i I’m tin pn it.
sioii.il business meeting tor
men and women, will be ha\
ing an informational meeting
tonight troin 5 to to o m t t.t
(Gilbert Hall
Alpha Kappa I’m pledge
meeting is to<la\ at 1 p m in
201 Hilbert Hall
Sot iet\ ol Professional |our
nalists is bolding its Inst genei
al meeting loda\ at I it) p m
in ttl" -Mien I tall Ml students
are invited to attend
"Saletv from the Inside Out"
a self defense presentation b\
expert Nadia Telse\ will be
presented t(iila\ at noon in the
I'Afl' Forum Room
The (lollcge Kepublii ans will
hold a general meeting tonight
.11 ■.
i:\ir ( . Mtur\ k
I hr film "An I arlv I rosl'
will hr shown tonight .il ’ in
till- Sailed llr.nl (irnrr.ll I In-.
[iil.il .miiitonum stall trom
Shanti of Oregon will hr avail
ahlr In ilisi nss supports srr
\ ii i'v in tlir i (immunity tor pa
tirnts with AIDS ami their tain
ilies anil Irirnds Sponsored h\
the Drpartmrrit of I’svihialry
and Hrha\ loral Mrilii inr
' Are ( alholn s Allowed In
Kr.ul I hr Hihlr V" is tlir h ; > ii . I
discussion tonight at it at tlir
\ewnian (Initer Ulall i.merald
SI I hr dlsi ussion w ill hr lol
lowed bv Wednesday night
Mass at o Kelreshmenls will he
I’rojrt I Safrridr has started
I'lrasr pit k up a hlur si heilule
in the W omen s ('enter, 1 All
Suite t 1 or more information
and In lie a volunteer tall
Will 42(0 or slop h\ the Worn
ens (am ter
(lainpus Interfaith Ministry's
1 1 part ii i pa11nk hut h i mniiiu
nities (I list piles ol ( lirist
Amerii an llaptist I 'nited
Methodist I’resbvterian, I pis
i opal, lew ish Lutheran. Ku
gene friends. Komau ( alholn
I nited ( hurt h ol ( llirisl and
Metropolitan ( liinuminily
( I In i rt h| will he having a new
student welcome pit nil tonight
Irom Ii 10 to H al the Newman
(ViitiT ur.n I'mi’r.tiil St Fur
niorr information < all
-tH4 i 'or m f>Ht> :ri*tr
I ilr Foui It
i.impaign tor liroust i am it
.iu rtrt*nrss, in now mult i ,i%
rhtr goal to «*<ilit .tlf wnrniin
un llu* nn|Hirliiiii <• nl ili'lrtlmg
tiriMsI i ,mi i-r early l lu* i am
paiytn li'.iltins rmlmed 11 in *
mammograms .uni 1 ri•«* mini
malion p.ii ki*ln th.it i an hi
pit ki*d op at III M.irI pharma
ties the Ameru an ( am ei Son
rlv ami tin* ( am i*r (’.m- ( toilet
at Sue rod I ic.irl (lenerat Hospi
lal km more intorm.ition on
I iIn 1 inn li i all tjHti ' .
Dr.nllmr Ini siihinittinx il
a/s In llir I niriiihl hunt drsk
i\lt ' Stulr nil), is nnnn llu■ d.i\
hrlorr /nihlit .iliun i t a/s arc
run Ihf din nl llir rvrnl un/css
llir I'vvnt in i ms brlnrr nnnn
/•Vents with a tlnn.ilinn nr ,id
mission i h.ils’r n ill mil hr inn
siilrird (,'amjills events .Hid
llinsr si hrdulrd lir.ursl llir
inihlii .ihnil d.iti' will hr given
/innrih hr imri.dd rcscncs
thr ill’ll! In mill /mines Ini
i;i.iiiiin.it .mil sfi lr
Police Beat
The following in .i list of
< ainpus area i rimes taken from
Office of I’uhlii Safel\ and l'u
gene I’oliee Department reports
between Sept 11 and ()( t J
• A har.issment report w.is filed
on Sept Z\. by l.l’l) after a
male snspet t spit on a table
containing pamphlets and bin
t bores for the day and hesbian
Assoi lat ion
The informational table was
set up on I till Avenue and hm
laid Street and OAI.A mem
bers were distributing the bro
( hures The victim of the ha
rnssment did not wish to prose
( ute hut a formal report was
taken about the mi ulent
• I nknown suspects damaged
,t l‘)7 1 Volkswagon Karmen
( Kim parked on 1 Uh Avrnnr
.mil (dlunibia Street on Sept
12 Ihere ssas damage to the
driver s side door and i hrmne
strips had been removed from
the side ot the i ar the trout
and rear bumpers had also been
• A wallet u as taken from a
bai kpai k from the side oi the
Mean area basketball umrts on
Sept The wallet contained
( redd ( aids and stamps
•A (link touch w as reported
stolen trom Kites I fall tlorini
tors on Sept Jti The emu ti
ss as s allied at $ 177
• A svooden lamp valued at St> l
ssas reported stolen trom I >111111
I bill Sept .it)
• In addition ()I’S reports tsso
takes stolen, none rec overed
Evolution of the Stickman.
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breaking the sound barrier
few of t ti i s century's composers have
achieved t he sweeping popularity or
influenced t h e musical sound of
their times as much as philip glass
• his originality, driving beat, and
sense of drama have permeated not
only serious music but rock and pop
as well • in the familiar setting of
the soreng theatre, glass will stiare
an intimate side of himself that few
of his legion of cult followers have
come to know • experience m u s i c a I
history in t h e making
philip glass
Iriday, October 13
7:30 p.m.
hult center
so re n g theatre
Hult Center
tickets fiS7-r>(H M)