_Sports Ducks knock off Stanford, California; move into poll l olhm inv; \ i< lories over ( all lor me and Stanford tins past weekend (Iri'Kim's Mil If * vt><> 11 team moved into tin* Ta< hikara AmiTii .ni Vollevliall ( unities Association Top 1!0 poll released on I nns (I.IV The Dm ks ,io- ranked l'ltli in tin' poll •iftor npsi'tlun: liin (.olden lie.its previ ouslv ranked sixth and tin- ( animal Milked ee. hill hefore tailin', to tin Dm k Stanford llimi^h improved to sixth in the poll while ( alifornia tell to tilth Three other Pat ifii Id t onlerem e teams are also ranked in tin- poll I ( I A ( her ks m .it \o \ii/tm.i is r•inked s»*\ entli, ind Sl.mford krelisli-M li li.nl .'0 k ilk .mil I'l digs 7ape duplication instant cassette copies! Quality stereo or monaural duplication Check the prices today at your Bookstore Photo h\ |HI Hurlru It ith Mk heir kiesh.it h s strong f)l.n . the Ihn As he.il ('j S**x wt A_i r ME OAtCTiStCO coVvpTtTP C orA' Ti Ci.M* UW LOYALISTS EttECTJMfi, 5T*t^E. oP 3oPe.N‘T QB.OvjtJ D POR tJt e^f^EESC WI Too woe H <£> CoFFee \ OveesHoT Ko*jt oo«S , erra \ Law School Logistics Course Help L-l Leroy find his way to the Microcomputer Support Lab. Beat Leroy on the case! Get your own personal computer so you can sport briefer briefs and sweeter suits. Why litigate? Get rock-bottom prices on Apple Macintosh, IBM PS/2, Zenith Data Systems, Claris and Ashton-Tate products. Request a free demonstration and form your ow n verdict. Microcomputer Support Lab Room 202 Computing Center Monday-Friday 9 a.m. - 5 p.m. / 686 - 4402