Encore! 'Me and My Girl' to be featured at Hult Center Play currently appearing on Broadway H\ Mike B.irri'tl I mer.ild ( ontrilnitor The lirnadw.u niusii al \fr .uni \/i (.1/7 w ill .ill ivr III I.ii yiene Ini u solo peifoi ■ ii.int r .il (Im Hull ( enters Silv.i ( .mil l'll I lull this I hursday .it X p in \lr .iiuI Mi Ctrl uiigmulU produced m London in l‘lir tills won tiller I on\ Aw.nils Live Hi,im.i Desk \vvards .mil dll' I III!' III I' ( )l ivi'l \ Will ll I'll liest 111 Its l( .il \\ l illefl IIV I \i dun Kose .mil Ikmnl.is I-tinier llm pi.iv .ilso te.itures wonder lul nmsii .il si ores li\ Noel I ..i\ I lire! ted liv |oe Leonardo Mr ,iibl M\ l.ill tells the slor\ nt free spirit Hill Snibsun .i com moil fellow from the wron# side of the tracks who nitwit lingly has inherited the title Karl ol I l.irelunl At lust befuddled with his newfound wealth. Hill learns quiikh to eil)o\ the hluehloud lifestyle I hen Hill learns th.it there are strings att.u lied The heir (Hill) must hr deemed .1 III '11111 propel person bv the executors of the will Thus begins Hill s lessons in the .lit of being .1 gentleman \o problem thinks Hill I i an i (range It w ill be worth it I x 11 one problem, enter another Ub.it about Sails Hill s work mg 1 lass girlfriend:' Surely 'sal l\ would never lie .111 epted In the ansliH rats of ll.ueford or wonlil she ’ l liter I .adv )ai|ueline After dei iding she wants to marry Hill (solely tor finain ial tea sons) |ni|iielme sets about the dei udellt task of sei I III 111 g him It is tins 1 ontliltioiis game of 1 at ami mouse between Hill and larpiclme as well as the one be tween Hill and Sails that capli s ales the and leni e I brought ml the show ( hnrengraphf r I fall Mojii a does an e\i elient job to tile tunes "The Sun lias (lot Ills Hat On. l ake It On I lie (llllll ( fill e N oll I .use 'l Oil! I leart .111(1 espei l.lllv I lie Ixiniliclh V\ .11 k Mr .inti M\ < ,irl is the lirsl ol three Hruadwav tmtsiials to !>e leatured at the Unit < enter this season (Sept \1av j 1 he last Hroadwas show to appear at rile Hull w.ts ( ats this past \ugust The Unit ( enlet usual l\ features •) t. Uroadw ay pro dm tions a year "( aimiminttv interest in Hruadwav pmdm lions is ver\ high. said to 1 ’atj n la (uisi( k Hull ('enter assistant marketing duel tin In response to this interest our Ini louse pro graminmg oilu e is very ( out untied to hnuging major Hroad wav prodm lions to I iigene Me am/ Mi Girl is u tin pie he iau.se it is siniult.ineousK run ning on ilroadwav in London and on tour I his appearam e at the Unit is ail (hegnn ext In sive 1 II kets are still av adatlle and range from $l"i $Jr> I here are a limited nuuiher ol student ( mirt*~N\ photo Characters Sailx Smith and Hill Snibson share a tender moment in “Me and My Cirl." premiering at the Hull Center Thursdax night. ,nui siMiior t iti/.un ilis< mints .iv.tilnl)lt' Having seen (he Hroadvv.n prociiK I inn i.i'-l August in \i’w York I would dost rilic \/r ,mil \1\ (iirl .is .1 shrur delight for .ill .IKI’S Si flics lu w.itl h for ini I licit* Hill .mil Ifdv jaqueline on the i oik li Hill in llic Iilirarv. ■iiui the unform'ltiifile "Lam belli W.ilk CLASSIFIEDS Visa and MasterCard gladly accepted. 686-4343 ios PERSONALS ALPHA PHI PROUDLY ANNOUNCES ITS FALL 1989 PLEDGE CLASS Allitoo A Krtalen B 111 B Monti 0 Aitni F Danielle G Deanna M l AIH0l M Melina l Katie M Shannon O Kern R Mary Ann S Michelle S Tanya V Kristen A Rohm B Mmdi B Angela l) Christy T Jennifer F Came G Sara H Erin H Christine L Bryre M Sarah M Kan S Jackie S Heather S Jennifer T i MCA W l aurrr W PRIVATf HUP F ROM FRllNDS Free Pregnancy Telling BIRTHRIGHT b»7 66S1 Communu »lr «%i«h fnendt IhiOuQf) l penoo*l *d» Michele & Sandi You are so cool You make us drool"1 Love, The Production Stall 105 PERSONALS A XU WELCOME TO OUR NEW PLEDGES' ■ Julie 8 [ Roaemane C | Shelley C | Pauld C j Heltly C l on I Kan H Jennifer H ! I mily l Jr' • i M Mr.»!hr> M M n«*tir (J Lon O j Kalhfyn H Wen.iy S D.*ne A t )..v <• 0 K11s!t*r> ( DtM'inA 0 M » 1<1> I Amy H lit-, fey H Kiislm L Holly l • m- , M Jenny O I Wendy O j Chnstma P | Ci.g, M ! T ami S You re the Greatest 1 CASPER IS 21 TODAY!! Pace Youraelf We love you1 Nul AOulch GRCEKS* 1 - • *.»» <*. I hr •!.»> ’ 1 your ii'ilei envelopes from lant weefe , WALLY PLANNEO PARENTHOOD ‘ ml#< t.oM , he,*.-. i. -|h ontrol A .iunnelmg Dayi pvf'ungs Call PRE PT/OT A PPL It A'ION p|. ADI INI N AMPAT 10 1 1 WlCHi 10 1?> See Pally 0» Katherine 1(>4 0*eq, 105 PERSONALS SEAN N Happy 21»l (*orry il % lale ') Your* I* gal no** hop* you can prove il ' Yv*ll* G no LOST & FOUND LOST Pt A Ml RING *>fh ■! .1 moods on a gold band Sep! 9th Sen limental value I! found can 343 1221 Rf WARD* LOST PRINCE t*nm» rack*! Reward' Call 342 6751 LOST RED/GREY AOIDAS RUNNING JACKET W/WAllET LETT IN PAHK ING LOT AT ARIZONA GAME PLEASE RETURN 344 5973 ns TYPING SERVICES t AS! R WORD PROCE SSING 19 ,*-.»'•> e.jH-orn. ,• | } • ' g IBM G-.t 5 hi . .»{ ; • •*»•'! Nr.i? .(in; Rohm 344 0759 PROFESSIONAL TYPING Alv. word pro- rssmg ml.lmg free i . ku(i delivery R< n la 9 »*> 1892 TYPING Mb 2355 TYPING UNLIMITED j M Barbara Land 48S089C BIJOU THEATRE BUILDING 492 E 13th N 101 WORD PROCESSING A EDITING EPIC COMPUTERS Mao'-tas* and IBM wo'd processing RESUMES $16.. H,ghost Qi.a ty laser printing Call 686-8708 H? E i’.t ,’iv fljai. ' Vawr Boxing ns TYPING SERVICES Word Proctmng M « ■<- ’ " • iQpn- Grrul approved TEXT CONVERSION .»n po/dad u*«l lo M.»' HW Ao'd lor papers flumes BSQC3QSQ1E1 » RANK l iN PARK Pi A/A • l *>1?0 F RANK I IN Rl VD E LKA Nt 4 4S89 ' fi> t^5 WOHU PRCK’KSS I NCI 343-0969 Software I'anvwraiom Apr IF CP M IBM MACINTOSH IJISFH PHI NT INC 132 E. Broadway Suite 102 I Ht WORD SPECIALISTS • Ct'Atluate School Approved \ j • D’*se'U1>.. ,^Trw*s.*vPap«»5 ; ' IBM Comp O'Hh Conv#r%*of»s | * Rfium(>s l diting CINDY CAROLYN 4»4 S4‘>4 344 S2B7 & 344 7231 i?s INSTRUCTION - CLUB SPORTS JUDO PRACTICE MWF ESL 77 ALL WELCOME! FOR MORE INFO CALL: 686 3733 130 FOR SflTT AIMOST NEW t/ a- • r • bike $1V)0B0 Almost ne* electm blue wvhm . oat Can 344 1068 CHILDREN ARE ' t-uV and ft* go.«! a! I KuHtuff b2 W 1 3th 4H4 44H£ FURNITURE ANO • budget p»l< ri Thu»S F»t Sat only' Dintys Trading Post 1 355 River Road 688 J742 Ki-cu'lr this |i.i p»-r. FUTONS & FRAMES Furnishings * Lighting * Posters * Clothing * Jewelry * Sleeper * Couches CITY LIVING 164 W. Broadway 343 3622 Nt i : TO ( l . I A'.- t i t REM .A-.H * I.JW Ijdinn P*ti e ' Call Tma NEW 4. CU WEF MICErator $ i’*> ,Js us**»J aipvt .«t $.i yl Caii tX - 7?b ‘>994 Jay*. 466 1 it) 5 evenrnQS POOL TABLE .i-Hl an f • .•!! OTKl $50(3OBQ 14 ' 5662 OUEIN WATERBED a r ► .ist- h»-jatd fre«? S'00 S**iaii itefto a assatlf 'arte $40 342 4 364 CSN TICKETS 2 CSN t M5ts tor &ho* -n »,|* ■' ,! vVA Sat Oct 7th $35 OBO 3426801 135 BUY OR TRADE THE BUY & SELL CENTER Buy * Sell ’ Trad* •• • Photographic Equipment 361 W. 5th us CARS-CYCLES-SCOOTERS BE AT UP bike5 < heap but reliable 20 boys 24 10 speed womens ? speed wfh baskets $20 $40 $2*' 144 471 1 C't ASSlC 69 VW Transporter P U perfect shape 2000 mi rblt eng nee s> hro Pans must sell 12500 OHO 144 4 HONDA XL 125 1200 rr ,f. 19'**gre.i' shape great fur am pus 345 93‘> t INTERCEPTOR 750 1983 K... hai.sf Met/ier t o- $ 1‘ OBO MUST SELL RED HOT YAMAHA HlVA BO< Mir,’ CONDITION nly 40 m Call Bri.r at .’26 *494 eve 1972 240Z Completely rebuilt new engine us tom i" 1 e'. • great shape 4 speed fed Must sell $4200 080 48446V' 19” 6*-: ■ YAMAHA ,,niy ht.t* • . great ondtt'< • asking $6'*' Days 14*. HddB eve- ngs .143 7007 1481 HONDA 200 T Winstar low miles eicellent cond $545 OBO Call 746 5335 leave message 76 TOYOTA CEUCA $500 OBO U2 hElOl 79 BUICK OPE i N< $1300 910 miles, very reliable good shape inside and out 485 720' HONDA ELITE fto | great condition Includes full N». e EJietle Helmet veh feg until 90 and ! Uoto parking for one year Only j $600 OBO 145 2149 HE) TORD ESCORT reliable e- • •>,,,• • at student . jr 6 spd 23 000 miles $4 996 OBO Can b8 7 t 106 ’ 484 t J.’ ’ Doonesbury BY GARRY TRUDEAU 3P THI5 /5J0U pAV/5 MY piP£cm ON TH£ . 0OOP5TUN Ml NttP A R£$T0tim f&tAfSAl' PHtRtS HtR VR&StHO ROOM1 OH ITS UP STAIRS I 1 15 The Ptwutx. UP ThtPt m (HAWCmAT r The FP5SH OJT 0R6H1PS FROM HAHJAII * ANP U/HAT ABOUT H£R MAKPUP APT1ST FROM L A * TSSFt H£Rl* tPmavb WCHEIK § £ YOU PO THAT, ANP tUMlt- OH, MY OOP' WHAT'S THIS * you call THIS A PRBSS/U6 ROOM* rr « LOOKS UK£ A BROOM closer' c UH IT ISA dMOM 'WSfrr l first PAT JITT FRF V FOR INVITATIONS BROCHURES FLYERS P O S T E R s AND MORE LETTER PERFECT GRAPHICS 300 EMU 686-4381