.Regional— Dix passes police lie detector SAI I'M |,\l’| Si,ili Ki• |) David l)ix said Tuesday that In- lias |iassi'd an ()r«•%.*,!>il Stair I’iiIii r In di'ln Ini Irsl mi his involvement m a fortnri tup aidr s removal ul a i ampuigii ll ii.ini I- dm iiiiirul limn tin stall- Is li-i I mils Divi sion ulfii r llir llimsi' m i.i p in I \ Iradrr also said hr is i u operating m rvrrv u,i\ I (.in with a (iiim i i.i I in\rsl igal K hi mlu llir 11 if idriil and with an audit In the Sim irlars "I Slalr - ullu <- mlu I h * * I luusr I ll mill nils I'188 i amp.ugn tmam rs I lin ul llir i n vest igalnrs m llir i nminal i asr stair i'ldii I < apl I irnilis ()'! Innnrll dri lined In i • infirm whether Mix. a l.iiitmi Drinoiral Sllhlinllrd III till- polygraph Irsl Iasi trill,IV lliil I ) Donnell also said hr vvouldn I drn\ that I ll' look llir li st Slate polli r are i m rsl l j.;. 11 mil whether llir dm iiinenl mi idritt aniouillrd In tin- ( rime ul tampering Willi a plllllli dm iiiiirul a misdr lllisltlul sulijri I lu a S.’ ail) line and a one seal |.nl trim l)i\ said .I Inn hum polygraph rxanmialmn i uvrnd 11 tir si inns aliuiil his rule m r\rnls sin rounding llir rmniival ul a page hum a i .mi paign Imam r report that was filed In the I luusr Dr mm r .ll ll (am us Iasi NnVrmliri Ills ■- Imini'i (up aide I all \\ irdriariidrrs has admitted taking tin page from llir irporl mi llir morning of Sept l'l Alter Wie driariulris resigned siv da\s lain. Dix said Wieder.ir nders .<< « wl«-ntiv said (In the morning lln- page was stolen,' lh\ said hr winil In the him tinns Division offir e al ahnnl 'I III a in Hr had llrilhn srm nm t.ilkrd w illl \\ Irdri .lenders, hr said Ills said lie and Idet turns Manage! l.arr\ Hrvens disi nvrred I hat ihr relevant page was missing and that Hrvens told him that Wirder.iendrrs was Ihe Iasi In view tile lile earlier lh.it morning l)ix said he immedialeh went In his oilier Inund Wiederaenders and (lie missing page and irliuned it In Hrvens Student Lin® It you want tomeet all 'din banking needs, enroll at Weserve I Hirst Interstate Hank ol ()ivijon. Uc have a s|kvial parkaye designed to lu-lj> students make it throut'll those tr\ ini’ rolleye wars the Student lane Account. It has all tlu* pnxluets and services you need: Checking Account \\ itli no mininuim balance. Wi ite up to Iff cheeks a month for one low monthly fee. 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Convenient Relaxing Affordable SunShower on campus wmi-l'll U»>HW »T *«*• t GREAT MOVIES DISCOUNT SHOWS Su-Mo $3 / Tu-W-Th $3.50 m = S *1 492 E 13th Jlfl Jvs 686 2458 4(K off one Gyroa or Falafel ■* vmiJi 1219 Aid*' 343 3062 «-xp ><> 16 89 L Brakes • Tune Up • Mulder $1 9.9 5 Lube While U Wait Mike's Eastside Auto Repair F ranklirt & V11 lard. 344 2523 Smith says old growth pact win for environmentalists H\ I es Hlumcnth.il Assor i.itcd Press UASHIXCION I.M’) Hie House approved legislation I uesdav to allow more logging ot tie Northwest’s old growth forests .mil to proter t spotted ow Is Iml one i ongressman said the so-called compromise was leallv a surrender I lie legislation was part ot the interim appropriations lull fin !is( al year loon u hit li w as approved In the House on a U! 1 11 vole Pinal approval !>\ the Senate is e\pe< led this Week Rep Hob Smith R ( )re said (’ongress was caving into the demands of radii al environ menlalisls and the legislation would result in a "substanti.il and grievous redtu lion ' in hai Vest le\ els I Ins is bevond i ompro lllise this is surrender This is not peat e ill our time. said Smith, quilting lormei liiilish Prime Minister Neville t .hum Irerlain He warned the legislation w mi 1(1 ilu lllllc to end ! hi’ III I gation th.it has tied ii|i limhei sales in tin’ region’s federal tor csts This agreement is not the short-term panac e.i some would li.ive sou heliese said Smith Smith said the legislation would result in a 1 "> peri out re dm lion in timhei sales in tIn federal forests over the next 12 mouths, resulting in the loss of thousands of jolts "We are downsizing the tint her industry hoc ause a less r.idi cal preservation groups su\ so. said Smith. adding (on gross u as in eftei I del l.iri ug the owl an endangered spei ies In i ongression.il fiat Hut in a series of healed ex changes with Smith Democrat IC Heps. I .ns \ll( loin ol ( Jregoil and \orm l)u ks of Washington stale delended the compromise legislat ion I regret ITU i olleaglle from Oregon finds fault with tills compromise, said A11< loin. I find taull Hut von i an t sit on a porch a loh a snowball and call it surrender \u( loin said the legislation would save roughly 1 1.00(1 jobs m the Northwest threatened In i urrent c ourt injuni lions bar ling logging in old growth for C sis w luc h prcn ide prime nest mg habitat for the im I I understand the gentle inan’s fiiislr.ilion, said I)n ks Hut sometimes in the polilii al process you have to deal with u hat is prai tic al and do able links and \u( inn said I hat more than loo Mouse members had expressed opposition to a Senate passed timber plan which Smith supported and had vowed to oppose am effort to pass it ill the I louse I supported the Senate amendment too hut it wasn't going to pass said AuCoin It’s better to save 11,000 jobs then get mowed (low n in a ball ol flame Hut Smith wasn’t about to hat k dow n I always thought a majority around here was 2 1H (votes) and not loo said Smith Kudu al riiv imnmentulists have precipitated a three ring c in us in the forests, the ( on gress and the ( ciurts I lie c ompromise legislation xx file h has the leluc taut support of many industrx and environ mental groups w ill allow 0 l. billion board feet ol timbei to Ice sold in the region’s federal forest during the fisc al year lliat started Sundax It also imposes stnc I dead lines on the c nulls for resolx ing appeals of indix idual timber sales, requires that about half tile sales c urrcntlx enjoined be released and requires that fed eral agencies "minimize frag mentation of environmentally significant old-growth forest stands CAPTURE | those fun times on film. 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