;AHO< Phitlr* h> Ihirl l.ucv Kingsley and Tom Akins .ire in CAHOOTS to help out on the i it\ s puhlii satetx problems CAHOOTS is an acronym for Crisis Assistance Helping Out On I'he Streets CAHOOTS Continued from Pa^e I Some confusion between the ‘111 desk .uid the van mcr "what calls belong to whom." and a lark ol spai e in the lai gene area to house people in need of alcohol or drug treat menl has slowed the program down at times. I)ritz said The construe lion of a new so tiering station at the Mm kle\ House detoxification (enter ti()5 U fourth Ave should help "Kiglit now we are never sun1 that we liavr a lied for sontfonf,' I)ritz saili The program i ould lie cx panded beyond the streets ot tlif i 11\ ami into homes and dormitories; si enes ot domestn disputes tor whir It the police are annul expensive and some times inappropriate prolilem solvers. Dritz said \ more ettii lent response i on Id i ome from the human sen ires s\ stem lie said Now u lien not spec if it .ills dispatched. the van is free lu roam Kugene's hot spots.' as identified from poln e re< ords "We arc patrolling parks downtown, by the mission not in )i-i I is i imi enieii With wtl.lt W ill happen to the homeless pupil Lit mu It's going to get vert hill'd w hen it gels cold Hloum s.ild stressing the f.n t th.it for peu pie with meiit.il h.indii aps who don't le.irn qilii kiy it vv ill be even harder It s llltt !( lilt III (ll'.ll IV lltl problems fui people vv 1111 dis abilities llloom said "It’s hard In six lalize In dire# I \ iHirsell. In gel In wt u k and In I>a un linn; "We need In mnvi‘ mure In ward i aimfortable understand mg rather Ilian hem \ imfnri i* menl hi’ said "We iK'i’d In nurture ill#* peuplt; and (mild llli’ir sell esteem Mislead nt ti-ll lug llieni llial they’re had Is student health insurance cutting into your budget? Call the (iarrv l;. l.ulav Corporation and find out how \ou ean save hundreds ol dollars. GARRY K. LIDAY President Insurance Broker Investment Broker 4S4-6SS5 CRUSH COURSE Martial Arts Tae Kwon Do M 5pm 7pm Esl47 $15 Instructor IK Ki Jeon, 5th Degree Black R«;lt All classes begin the week of October 9, continue for eight weeks, and are non credit Call 6H6 4113 or 686 4121 for details RECIFE AIION& INTRAMURALS Making fitness tun! ( I.inn Kr^lsll .1 (l< 111 | II < ( ,. i Im.t i I ii l\ K« mu < K I 1 4. I Ml } Mlpm. SI 1 Hinisii .limn (K t. s.fi, | Ml \ lOpin M* I .tit kruisli .il mn Oil '# 211, H.iiii Spin. SKi UO-Bookstore A JOURNEY INTO THE WORN) OE HIE WORLD OE THE I)EAE Seeing Voices OLIVER SACKS Oliver Sacks has been described (In Pn \Vn )mk 1 mu \ H<»>k Hevicu) as one o! the great clinical writers Id the 20th ccntuiy and his hooks in el ud irle the medical classics \//e/ ■ \/ \!< “ £ lit II i/r' / • >t a P Sun / wr\ called wise, compassionate and \er\ htet.ile the kind that restore! sj one s laith in hiimaml) Sow witli \ I >i Sacks takes us into the world ol the deal a world he explores with the same passion and insight that have illuminated other human conditions lor his readers everywhere Siting I on a w is a journev a journev first into the historv of deal people, the (often oulru geous) wavs in which they were seen and treated in the past, and the new understanding that started to dawn in the eighteenth century, and journev into the present situation of the deaf a situation which, all too often, is still one of misunderstanding and mistreatment GENERAL BOOKS 15.95 HARDCOVER