.Regional— Forest road construction cut fails Bv Dnv id P.u o Assot idled Press washincton iaim \ House Senate ( ontereiu e com miltee has rejei ted a proposal bv (‘>eorgia Sen Wyi he l ow lei to reduce logging in national forests bv slashing the I orest Service's road constitution budget Kovvler's proposal, adopted 11\ tile Senate in |ul\ as an amendment to the S 10 '( billion interior spending lull lor list ai lotto, would have given the Forest Service only SHIl mil lion next vear lor road budding into timber < tilting areas ol na tional forests That was $(>n million less than had been approved bv the Senate .Appropriations ( ommd tee and S25 million less than the House had allocated tor road building in national tor esls m its version ol the interior spending bill Hul the c nnlerence commit tee. .is part ol an agreement aimed at resolving the dispute ovei logging m the national tor ests ol the Pacific. Northwest dec ided late last week to permit the Forest Serv ic e' to spend up to Si8f> million for rtinti c c>n struction File agreement give's the for est Servir e the S11> > million that was approved bv the House, and it also prov ides up to $2(1 million more loi road building d revenues from na tional lore's! timber sales in tis cal PMO exceed the forest Set vices So.’ll million projection bv So ' million Tile Forest Serv ice bad about S1011 million in exc ess timber receipts last vear File agree merit alloc ales the lust SF7 mil lion of scull excess receipts next year to pec ilu programs including implementation of the' Pacifii Northwest logging agreement The next S.!0 million in r\ i ess ri'< eipls can be used fm road building to l.n 11ila11* tun Inn sales in n.ition.il forests nn dm the agreement. with ,im ex ■ ess revenue beyond S‘i_ mil lion reverting to the l' S Ire.is u ry rlie two part road i onstrui lion spending deal was put to t’other l>\ conferees to vt in the support ot Sen James Mi < lure K Idaho toi the I’at ifii \ortll west logging agreement, ac cording to a Senate aide who asked not to he it it ■ i it it led That agreement lilts for one year a court injiini lion against logging in the am lent forests ot the northwest hut retimes the amount of timt«‘i tli.it t .m be solil well below pri'vious forest Ser\ ii i* .tail House .mil Sen.ite allow anr.es \|t ( lure tile ranking Kepub In an on the .i|i|>ro|iriations slllii omilllttee that wrote the original interior spending hill loi the Senate, had opposed the howler amendment on the Son ate floor and had insisted throughout the i onlereiu e that the mail building budget be in c leased f owler, who serves on the Senate \pprnpr lat ions ( oiiimit tee but W as not I lllelllbei ol the i.onfereni e on the interior spending bill, was not available Moml.n to i otiimenf on the agreement */!>/!/ S night t luh Welcome Back U of 0 Students!! It’s “Dimer Tuesday!!” 1 0C BEVERAGES at SCANDALS 2222 Centennial Blvd SPRINGFIELD SCIENTIFIC SUPPLY Hours: Mon.-Sat. 10am-6pm 726-9176 1124 Main St. Springfield Hearing is delayed on soliciting charge I I i;i.\K|.\P) Mlornt'Vs han- agrred to tl«*lav a lu'.ir in vi tni ,i \ru York i .on plt> i ili'il mi prostitul ion - rt* I iili'il ili.ni’,1". tm allrgi'illv i 11n111it tuu; .i plinin n'Si'.iri h pmiri t 11timu; .i si'\ 11hir ut WVsl < Itiasl i olli'gt' i ainpustis Kniin*»\ I limp Woml tit) tail's a i li.trm* nl priiinnting p n isl 11 lit H Hi u lull' his uih' Vi tu v Nli "fir n \\ i n h I I I tai rs a pi i ist 11 lit mil i ha i gr 1 n vii • n« • pi 11 li i ■ sal rill- \\ i >t it I s nrigmalll ui'ir urili'iril tu appi'ai in imnt Mmiilai lint l.anr t anility assistant ilistriit atlurni'S Scan I Inar salt! at tor nit vs ngitvil In ilnlai t hr a ppm ram r ivht lr I hr mi I'stigation i mil mill's I hi'i ntipli'Imm Smith Hainplmi \m i isili'il tin1 taiiviTsitv ut Orrgnn i ampus last mmitli (riling mail' slu limits thi'i iti'ii' I'valuating tin* sttxual pulrnlial ul thr ina tun' female ami ivmilil pa\ p.irtn ipants tm taking part in resea ri h sessions pnln r sanl Their way FINISH Our way FINISH You can save literally days of work between now and grad nation. Simply by using an HP calculator. To keep you from endlessly retracing your steps, ours have built in shortcuts. Such as the unique HP Solve function for creating your ow n formulas. Menus, labels and prompts Program libraries. Algebraic or KPN models. Iletter algorithms and c hip design help you finish much faster and more accurately than their way. So, whether you're m engineering, husi ness, finance*, life or social sciences, we've got the best calculator for you. For as little as S Ifl !!.">. ( heck it out at ykstore or 111* retailer. • 198ttl*BKkanl( omjmny There is a better way. m HEWLETT PACKARD