B rown * ontinued from Pa^c 1 ism h.is no formal rules 1 1 here are no oftic ial si.in dards or tests that must lie passed as doctors and lawyers must pass before the\ max prat In e their profession he said Although the existing guide lines are informal moral rules must he followed These moral practices include not causing physical harm to people, not deceiving others, not breaking agreements or disobeying the law and not irresponsibly prat tii mg journalism The main exception to these rules, Brown said is when the public interest is c (impelling enough that the stem must be told no matter what the rouse queue es max be Brown said most of the American public has i onti deuce the media will perform responsibly "In l'IH7. the /.os An,ge/es Tillius released the results of a nationwide study," Brown 7 would argue that in the news columns of America's newspapers, and on the nightly TV news, the reports are generally pretty even-handed.' — Peter Brown said "It showed th.it the pub In contrary to the convention ,il wisdom overwhelmingly gives the press high marks oil a variety ol subjects. including believabiiity I'he study reported Ameri (alls believed the press to he more believable than President Reagan and other political fig tires. Drown said "Now that may not he mut h to Drag about but it's better than nothing," he said. Brown, who re( eived a bai h elor ol .nts degree in journalism from Svracruse Ihliversitv and IVtcr Hmv\ n studied |iol it ii s ,it I liirv.ird 1 in versil\ worked tor I nited Press International in New York and Boston from 1074 to 1070. when lie transterred to I M’I 's Washington bureau Hrown < overed |ohn Andet son's presidential i ampaign in imho. ,hhI vv rotf about six Mil is sues during tin1 first nine months of tin1 Reagan adininis t ration tie joined Si ripps I low ard m 1MHJ. Iiei ame i lllet poli lii al correspondent in 1986 •mil duel led Si ripps coverage o! the 1MHH presidential lain paign t he lour part lecture series entitled Morals and the Me dia Informal ion I uteri.linmenl ami Manipulation. ' is spot) sored In tin- I dmersitv s Hu inanities (enter and is funded b\ a giant trom tu t I alumnus Thomas Aut/en Why Pay More? Come to the Shutterbug and SAVE! Print File Pages for 35mm negatives 250 only Stainless Steel Reels $319 Stainless Steel Tanks Double ^7^®Single S649 Bulk Film Loader $-1499 Film cassettes.. 4/S1.00 Kodak PAPER Kodak Kodak Polycontrast Rapid RCIII $10.99 25 Sheets 8x10 100 Sheets 8x10 $39.99 Kodak Polyfiber DW F 25 Sheets 8x10 100 Sheets 8x10 (Big discounts on • peaal order papers) Kodak B&W Film Tri-X 135-36 Incredible Price! WOW! Tri-X 135-24 $2.25 Tri-X 135-36 $2.99 WE HAVE TMAXTOO Compare & Save! 890 E. 13th • • 342-3456 Across from the UolO Bookstore UO-Bookstore HP CALCULATOR SPECIALS HEWLETT PACKARD 10B Algebraic Business Calculator • Business & Financial • Linear regression , • 256 memory bytes *49.95 HEWLETT PACKARD 14B Business Calculator • Algebraic entry • Business functions • Alpha numeric 79.95 HEWLETT PACKARD 19B Business Consultant II • HP solve • Graphics • Business A Finance 169.95 HEWLETT PACKARD 28S Scientific Calculator • 32K memory • Advance graphics • HP solve 235.00’ HEWLETT PACKARD 21S Math/Stat. Calculator • Built in stat library • Hypothesis testing • c ssentidl math fun< tions 49.95 HEWLETT PACKARD 17 B Business Calculator • 6500 memory bytes • HP solve • Continuous memory 110.00 ELECTRONICS DEPARTMENT