Two student sculptors receive international excellence awards By Alic t» 1 hornton I mer.dd Reporter The I )i'|i,irtini'iit of Imi' .iml \pplirii Arts h,is .tnnonni cd llie winners of tIn■ |.u Ih'Ihi ill fiin- .ills nr.nlii,ill's of tin' I iiivrrsity I hr /..nil \wiinl is ii.uni'll iiflfr former I m vi'rsity of ()iri;oii .ill proti'ssor. /.n Ii who ilifil in 1‘IIUi Hr wiis horn in ( Vi'i lioslov.ik i i .iml livnl uni worked in Hi.i/il. Mi'Xii o • Iniii.i .mil tin' I nili'il SI.ill's Ini linin' III.Hi .Ml visits /..nil t.Hlglll .it tile I n i vi'i Ml v i ill I In- (Hit pi isc ol i onvi'viiiK I he im poll,ml role ol nil in i Hissing mlcfii.ilmn.ii liiiiinil,nil's .mil i'\pii'ssiiiK tin- mess.tge ol lice (loin l lic au.nd in /..n h's inHue is niven In I :.iisi111 .lllil \llllllltl/ill till I lieir I'M el le in I' III III! Dep.lll inenl ill I ine .mil Applied Ails .is well .is then .n lneynmenl m si ulplutc I lie award is gr.mli'il with tin- hope that thev vs ill list1 the award funds lu IurtInt their develop mi-ill is .irtisis in .in inii-rnatiimal setting I he re i ipicnls m,iv i house In usi- their lumls In expand I In-1 r I.ill-ill lis studying abroad \i i noting In I ’.in 1 Hui kner I niversilv si ulp tun- professor. Iiulli recipients an- deserving of 11n-jr awards fw-i ansi- of their ili-dii .iluin am) m in II > n Km kni-i praised < .irson lor lu-r willingness In step bi-voiid tin- I >< >n in I. tries ill formal artistii Ir.iililum I alsiui expresses a willingness III llv new wlieii tell,mi e on established expertise w i hi lil gam easy pi .use IIm k ner s,i id Sin is one nt \et\ lew young talents who open themselves to tin- real i h.illenge of ail eilu i at ion in the arts he said Km kin-i i ailed Ahboni/io an ai i iiinplished desjgnei and lonn maker who is driven In find Ins own i oinii r.lions In mu luudumeutal visual language I’revious rei ipienls of /.nil Awards an si iilploi loin Walsh ol I ugeiie and si iilptor and leai hi-i l.inda I lallon ol Sitka Alaska 1 FOR HEART-HEALTHY EATING. YOU CAN < ENJOY QUITE A LINE-UP. Surprise! Look how many of your favorites are both good tasting and good for you: lean red meat, fish, poultry, fruits, vegetables, cereals, breads, eggs, pasta, and even desserts And don't forget skim milk and low-fat dairy products. T he good news is: you can keep your cholesterol down and still jazz your menus up All it takes is know ing how best to select, trim, prepare, season and portion what you eat. For surprising and creative ideas on how to do it, visit your favorite super market participating in American Heart’s Food Festival beptember iu-lb. Learn wnat matters to your heart —and enjoy staying healthy without giving up the foods you love ITS ALL A MATTER OF WHERE YOU DRAW THE UNE. American j Heart I Association An easier walk lilake Tuntau and (ilieree Wilhelmsen are Init two ot the students who will take advantage of the newl\ re opened w.dkw.n between Willamette Hall and Science If HOMESTYLE SINGLE BURGER WITH CHEESE & BACON $lden cheese and ‘..Ivory h.iv ■ Bite *r»lo :-ue soon at youf parlu i .«l n(j Dairy Queer'* Bra/ier* store WE TREAT YOU RIGHT Dairii^ Queen^ brazier ■ -y Li , -i. Mi-» MN *• 'Me ! * TTPESETTING