Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, October 03, 1989, Page 5, Image 5

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    Japanese class enrollment rises
By Julio Andrade
Emerald Reporter
Registration ryas mind bog
gling for many I'niversitv stu
dents this tall who were trying
to gel into required i lasses th.lt
were already lull, and it was
equally frustrating toi those try
ing to get into lapanese Ian
guage ( lasses
()t the in.add students at
tending the I 'diversity , about
■I7d ot those are taking (apa
This is a significant increase
Si in e I ‘IK I I he lapanese Ian
guage has become the third
most popular language and has
grow n twiie as last as I rein h
the most popular language
I'lie mi reuse in enrollment is
not a ref lei t ion o! the I niy ersi
ly alone l'diversities nation
wide have been experiencing
this rapid demand tin lapanese
language classes
Between IdK.t and 1‘IHli en
rollment mi leased by r> pei
i ent. indicating that about
J t add students were taking
Japanese language courses
I'(d.A has about the same
number of students enrolled in
lapanese classes as the I diver
sity even though there total en
rollment is cvnon almost
lyyue that ol the ('diversity lo
satisfy the high demand lor
more Japanese classes the I'm
yeisity hired \oriko I'ujii in
1!)84 lo develop a spei iali/.ed
lapanese language program to
adhere to the needs ot the stu
I'ujii said she has tried to in
i orporate this ueyy altilnde in
the lapanese language courses
The courses are set up to in
i hide realistic cony ci sat ion sit
nations combined yyith the tra
ditioua) aspei Is ol the program
she said, adding that students
were interested in learning
more than |ust hanji (Japanese
Jeanne karvamoto. a junior
majoring in business is taking
her second year ol Japanese .it
the t diversity kayvamoto said
despite the far I that this lullills
her Hat lielor ol \rts re
quirement. slie is taking Jap.i
Ilese III hopes that it will help
her gel a job after graduation
It’s prat tu al in the business
world sun e a lot ol Japanese
are expanding in the t nited
Stales kavxamolo said
"Hopefully I'll tie able to
rontinue taking |iipam*si' lie
voiul im requirement if il tits
into nn st hndule. she soul
I.oirn Pelrowski .1 thmi \eat
lap.mt'M' languagr student. said
she li.nl .1 tlithi nil tilin' getting
into lln- i lass tins vf.ti Imi ansi
tlm lapanese language program
li.nl antii ipated fewer students
This uilexpei ted ini.reuse re
suited in the expansion ot i lass
size and tin- addition of another
i lass | low e\ ei oitlv 11> stu
((fills mi ihf w illing list were
,it)lf lu get in and I’etmwski
W .IS llllf 111 I hose
Iruriii .ill\ IVIrow ski liiis al
ready fulfilled her Hai helot of
Ails 1 ei|u 11 eluent and is taking
lapanese to im lease her |oh op
I hope il u ill help me u ith
a |ol) ill the future I’elmwskl
said ' I u ant In work 111 I law ail
and there are mam lapanese
hiisinessinen moving in
4(K off one
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UO/UES meets tonight
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I niversilv <>( I I Salvador
will hold <1 general interest
meeting tonight .it ' in KM I
_Et als_
( edar Room \ Kveryone is
Students \gainst \parl
heid will have a geneial in
terest meeting and a (dm to
night at 7 in 1-All' (edar
Room I
Ml ( h \ the
no Latino student union is
ha\ ing its first meeting to
night at V.Ut in 1-All ' Room
( aitipus ( i nsade tor
(Ihrist's ’Prime rime
meets tonight .it 7 10 1 it Jtl-t
( nndou Mali Ml ,ue wel
i nine
Sun u ,il ( niter an :
.1 general meeting tonight at
7 III in the I'All I'orutii
I lie Ski I earn is h.>|<llie; a
general interest meeting tu
night at ' in the I All In
Sl'l Akl.KS
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i al vvritei lur Si ripps. u ill
he speaking mi i urrent puli
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esteil si intents are eili Hill
ageil tu attend I lie e\ ellt Is
s|ioiisiueil In the Siii lets ul
Profess in na I lourii.ilists
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lie the topic ul all minima
Inin meeting In he 11• ■ 111 tu
das at 1 III p in in the 1'All'
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