I STUDIO SPACE WORKSHOPS SUPPLIES MEMBFPSHIPS ONIY $5 Pt f? TE f<»/ f oo STUDENTS f ACUITY \ StAT f EMU CRAFT CENTER WvH *x n* I M £64 4141 L 342-8111 1 TINO’S • Full dinner menu • 23 varieties of Pi/zas • Whole wheat and white crust • Pizzas to go -cooked and uncooked 15th and Willamette Hours: Mon.-Thurt. 1 1 00 Midnight Frt.11 00-1 00 a m Sat. 5 00 1 00 a m Sun. 5 00 11 00 pm I lit* photo l statue th.tt broke anil disappeared during .in art hitet turn parti has been paid tur alter an anonymous person sent $.r>tlO to the an hi tin lure department UO-Bookstore Have We Got a Shoe For You! OREGON DUCK All-Leather Athletic Shoes • 100% Soft Leather • Custom Duck Color Logos • Durable All-Rubber Outsole • Double Alliance Stitching REGULARLY $43.50 GUARANTEED SATISFACTION Return in 30 days for full refund or replacement ■ 13th&Kmcdid I If 1 ’>* ' ' •> •> O SAT 10 00-6 OC BOOKSTORE 686-J331 Note solves mystery of lost statue B\ Polly Campbell tmerald Reporter Personal integrity and re sponsibilitv are alive and well at the University, at least in the mind ol architecture prolessor |ohn Ke\ nolds Last week Hevnolds lound an envelope ( ontaining an .morn moils letter and $500 cash in his faculty mailbox the note was an apology regarding a si ulpture that had been stolen from the Collier house last |une The si ulpture of a "U endy a kneeling woman, was report ed missing alter an art hitei lure part\ in the (iolliei house Sey oral weeks later it turned up in a plastit bag. the plaster broken and i lopped beyond repair At the time we didn't know w ho took it or why ." Key nolds said I thought someone may have stolen P as a prank anti that it would turn up ()l course when it did turn up it wasn't in good i ondition Reynolds act epted responsi bility lor the broken si ulpture and paid the ailist Salto tor her work on the si ulpture Then last Tuesday. Reynolds ilisi overetl the money and the letter lire letter explained that the si ulpture hail been "knot ked over and broken during the pai tv and then carried away in hopes of repairing and return big it Vet bci ause the plaster had crumbled, repair was impossi ble and the anonymous person had been working to raise the SfiOO The letter ended yv it Ii a "sin < ere apology Reynolds sent notices yyilh the anonymous letter and a "thank you" to the person rvlio serves as "an example of pet sonal integrity Next time my colleagues ask me y^ln 1 love teaching at Oregon. I'll have a new reason at the head of nn list." Reyn olds said GREAT MOVIES DISCOUNT SHOWS Su-Mo $3 / Tu-W-Th $3.50 ^ m = ■ 492 E 13th hS ■ M J ^ 686-2458 * BUSY? GET TAN QUICK!!! Fast Convenient Relaxing Affordable SunShower on campus «a»2U)*INf 'M* Don't t*i»c up looking! I r\ [ (>M \\D KOI M) in tin i lassiritcis.