.Editorial. MUST BE ZSA ZSA'S ROLLS... ==36; ; ' .^-r ! SLAP YOUQ r LOCAL POLICE _Letters_ Sorry, George An open letter tu tin' I liinur . 11 * 11 ■ (ieorge Hush. President ut t 111' t Hill'll SI,ill's Mr President. I was quite impressed In vuur campaign speei bus As you s.iul in the ti u,>1 presidential debate. "I am an environmentalist." I. tun. <1111 d A In sid \ mi d.i\ 'mi iti.nno dr.id birds ,ind B20 dc.id otters have Ixidii cinintcd Main ot thi'sc waterfowl art' prolei ted by mil international Migratory Hint Treaty and others mi bid ing the licitiiitial svmbol nl inn Ureal and ma|estii n.ilmn the bald Kagle are protei ted b\ the I Mid.inhered Spei les Ai t I remember when von asked me and mv i umputriots to read your lips " I did When you said "I am an envirnnnii'n lal 1st I believed lint I was al ways taught tb.it actions speak louder than words bearing tbat in mind please "put Mini mimes s\ bere \our mouth is Vour disappointed but losal const itueiit Matthew W eeks Kugcnc 1 THE FAR SIDE By GARY LARSON r7 Bop fefr Hy Pa?*? Don't give up the search! Try LOST AMD FOUttD in the classified section Emerald I’M H.m ' I Oir»*..n ** •• ; • Da , f mw i ! pub .' in! M-->- My If". ,.gh f ' ■ t.,y opt du»‘ -j r-i.in week and v.1' .Ihons by the Oregon Daily F.rn«»ai. * Production ir A- ' . Kathry H.r' In B> • , .“■ ! « * , .. ’pp if1 , f O M. Yvette i . Hi,.-y . Mi Kiaast.nl •• m Mas V\e »,|> M- ••• •. An i M . an - C • .s A’ i Ri-intvnki Janet SM'Mm Ted Shopler Scott Smith C.aitlm Stark Jennifer Thomas Jennifer V re ingnd White Kelly William* General Staff Advertising Director . i Assistant to the Publisher Production Manager M Advertising Coordinator ' ■ i • Accounts Receivable Circulation Newsroom 68hr>S11 Classified Advertising hflb 4 143 Display Advertising t>86 3712 Production Graphic Services 886 4381 > Whoa' lt\ The Killer Hus horn Hlanel \ (ircat movie' I saw it 2h times one night i r Mt Id AMI o v 1 m M 7 I I I M I A I I l AHOUNO Ml Hf Of T TO | VI HT T M I it US f R I I » O U I A N V A I I (> U o f <) SlUOfNf l 0 IS A Hus I’ A *. » AMI IOR IM| IIIIM iNUUDfD l N SIUDI N! INClOENTAl MIS PROVIDED IN C O 0 P I HATmN AiIh A \ S OC I A r F D MlMil N1S UNlVf HSIfV ()l OHM.ON Lanmltanmit District Hpmn> f* kkkk