Forest Service to wait for bill on timber sales roKTI .WI) (A 1*1 The 1 ’ S I urrst Srrs k r won't sl.irl preparinn limber lor sale under the nrvs spotted mv 1 i ompromr-r until .i stencil lull is In hand a spokeswoman said Monday "\\i• art- nnl (loin# an\ tliinn until in- liavr tin' lull ' said Slu-rr\ Wannri spokeswoman lor the I'orest Serviie's Northwest ri' Insidi|uai tors I'lliliKs liavr i 11. i lint'll a lot so Wr ill in t know d thus II ' hanur ana in I loss es or I ' S llurrau ol Land Imiliri |ilannris exprr Ini to v;rt to ssoik I iirsdas as soon as tlirs irimi' a ( opv iil llir 111'.II svoikrd out last svrrk llr I S\ rr 11 I'liv 1111 n nll'lll a 11 Is and llir tiiuliri industry I hr minillr svr gel that laiigunK1’ vvr arc noiun to sit doss u and anals /.<• ss hat nerds to hr dour said HIM s|>okrMiian ( Inn k Hoyt Wanner said slu didn't know U Ill'll the I Hirst Sri sit e would liavr filial details to u oi k ss it h hut one date sill* had heard ss as ( )i I I i Ur have hern user till) versions ol this nine nil nirnl Wanner said Ur ale |Ust ill the position noss ss heir ss r s r nd <‘n 1111>111 to i onnirssional stall Will'll tiles air tlnounll SS till thru proi rss. ss rll stall illusion on ours Ur sr In rn asked In the 1 llirt (ol the I oirst Sell ii r| not to talk about spe< ifn s mi ■ I 11 \ nf this till Hi' l|.l\ c ,i 11 bill in Ii.iiiiI jiist !><■< .him' tluiiKs i mild i liange \\i' don't w uni to influent 11 I lie I >< 11 it ii .11 pr«ily timreld OH OrSgo fetffM OPi tore BIF Thurs 12 OOish Halley* yogurt SEE VA • M'M Love J The Bid Dey B8Q *.*s .» i alt' Sony the thank s ,uf late \v. K VO Anita1 • * ’ you lots' From Huey A thetas 105 PERSONALS Congratulates its 1989 Fall 1969 pledge class Chiisly H Jenmlei B Sarah B Jennifer B Jill B Barbara C Maragtel f Kimbertee G Allison H Kelli L Jessica M Michelle M Tracy S Sally S Jami S Gwren W Michelle B Kimberly B Knslal B Karina B Amy B lisa D Rachel F Lisa G Kelly M Deidre M Stacy R Lauren S Heidi S Natalie S Theresa S Stephanie W Wahly W Jennifer Y Love Your Sisters 105 PERSONALS K \(» IS 5000 proud to announce its Fall 89 Pledges Rulh B H«b*< a ( t *t>by D Sa»a O Mama 'i T nsh H Angie H Lon t T >n M Su/ann© O Mi-ni, H Rutharm R JJ S Jill A Deborah C Becki© D M Sly D Amy I M.r e G Drill H l on K K* *!a M { N Kelly P Knslm R f oka R Sarah S Shelby S Catherine 1 Kerry T M.r , ’ Knstin S Sydney T Sarah S 105 PERSONALS GREEKS' the t.i, U,"' .n f"ur order from uM *eei> ends party WALjV_ HAT Sven N. To fully Appreciate the true meaning of the word large one mull first ripen ence the very small Democritus thanks for the eipenence Pt ANNED PARENTHOOD ,t junj nani y test the! i*> W , 41 i ufdte .me da* aft**-' .t miSteiJ peiiwr Includes unbiased counseling CaH 344 9411 PRE PT/OT APPl K A T ION Dt ADl INt S AhPAT 10 13 WlCHE 10 IV See Pally o> Katherine 164 On-gun ! Hail «32H .0 AIL the people al W O W Hall wrhc helped me when I gol crushed al the Crazy 6 s concert Friday nigh! THANK YOU' Erica V 105 PERSONALS PRIVATE HELP f ROM ERIE NOS Free Pregnancy Testing BIRTHRIGHT 667 6651 !M>K lor the mind bio* and shall we say uh KAO rdy parly no LOST j FOUND LOST PEARL RING with two dia monds on a gold band Sept 9th Sen timenlal value II found call 343 3221 REWARD I_ LOST WHITE JACKET with blue and red stripes down sleeves True Con ’••ssions written on the back IMPOR TANT Please return Call Pam 14 i 9699 LOST RED'GREV AOIOAS RUNNING JACKET W/WALLET LEFT IN PARK ING LOT AT ARIZONA GAME PLEASE RETURN 344 W73__ 1 is TYPING SERVICES TYPING UNLIMITED IBM <* ; at f » Gr.*»! S< A;,;.*. .»-•! H4ft>d'j Land 48*>0d90 BIJOU THEATRE BUILDING 492 [ Ulh Ni 101 WOHI) PROCESS I NO 343-0969 Software Conv«[-iUmi APPLE CP/m IBM MACINTOSH IASKH PH I NT IMG 132 E. Broadway Suite 102 Doonesbury BY GARRY TRUDEAU YtAh THI5 /5 BARBARA AHN dOOPST&NS PERSONAL MANA otR' m still HAmn ecn rue script for thl ' trump - ^ CARP’PHOT TODAY! I ] WHAT OfVBST I 1 KWW SH£ DOeSNT HAVE ANY PNtS, BUI tve nusp to see it' u/hat? Houfssne oe wno to nt, swao7 I'LL TUI YOU HOUJ i sues eentNG to thb STUPTO'^. SHE 6 ot rriNO THERE IN A WHITE ST RE TCH UMO WITH TWO ceuular phones a vcr anp a wet ear as per her , - CONTRACT- THAfSHOW/ OR I CjOUIV JUST HOP ONTH£. SUBUJM R/6HT. THE "P TRAIN' 0OOPSIE! IE YOU PONT COP AN ATTI TUPE THEY PONT RESPECT YOU' \ Advertise HERE FOR $18°o per i*$uv Call 686-3712 For information