Duck gridders move into Top 25 Following Saturday s 10 10 win ovet I 7|Ij r.mki'd Arizona Oregon. i l nmvi's back into tin' Assoi i.ili'd Press Top 25 poll this \\ eek I lii' Ducks jumped back into till' lop 25 at Nil 2.t alter tall mg out ol the l op 2 i follow mg tlieir loss to Stanford ()regon is one ol tour t’ai it ji lt) (amferenie teams in the pul I this week ( Jregou w ill plus Washington State, ranked 111st. at t it) p m on Saturday at Aut/en Stadium Kii kolt was originally si lied tiled tor 1 p in but was moved bai k so the game i mild be aired In the I’rime l it ket telio ision network, which televised the Ari/.ona (iregon game The Ducks have had good sin i ess against the ( nugais in the [last including a 1 l 2H y n tore in I’ll liman a year ago when both I at in Berry and I )ei ek l.oville had ovei 100 yards rushing. In fact. Oregon hasn't lost to Washington State sinie l1 IK-1 Southern ( !al is the I’ai 10 s top ranked team, tying for ninth alter heating Washington State, previously loth, on sat u relay The Pai 10 had the most teams ol anv i onterence in the lop 25 rvith I'CI.A being the other conlereilt e team in the pull \i itru I l.imt' in n'l.iinud tin tup spot ill lilt1 pull wilh i~ first pi,it u votrs .iltrr thr.islimu I’m due tu Id.i ri’iii.iiiii'd \<> while Mi>> 1 itill! pouet houses ("olor.ido .mil Nrlir.lsk.i were lliini ami fourth respot livels Michigan rounded out the top five Three Ducks get honors It u.ts tlelimlels .1 sm i i*ss Ini \\ eeke ml for ()n unii .ith It'lt1'.. .is llirt-f I )iit ks walked nil n illi I’.u ilit 10 I 111111■ i file f l’l.i\ft i tl ihf U itk honors. \nsf klf I lav 111 ( US.inn ,tml kn kfi (liff u Mi ( ilium weto Ihf tlflfiisivf .mil spe I ini If.nils I’l.lVfl's til III'' V\ ffk Mf.nnvhilf l )rogou s \ln liflf kifsh.ii li tlif I'.ll Ill's v ollev ll.lll I'l.iv f I . ll I Ilf \\ ffk (Ins.tun .mil Mi ('.ilium 111.i\ fil If,nI mi; lnlfs m On $>on's Hi 10 win ovur \i i/o u.i t v,mltfil I hf 1 lilt ks k min ihf Assiit i.lied I’tfss Top _’"i pull (Insulin had 1 1 On k If s against tin- U iltli .tls twu On kIfs tor losses ,i i|uarlfi but k k ,mtl .m mlfii up lion sot up ,i I>ut k lout litlmv ii Me,um liile NO (i.ilium t unlillllftl Ills slfll.ll pl.lV Ini tin- spei nil If,mis Mi ( .ilium si nifd 10 ul (liegon s lo points < om rrlim: throe ot three fields goals including i I.’ \ .irder and one evlr.i point kreslwi h garnered the \ol I e\ 11.111 award after leading (fregon to niati li v ii toi les over sixth ranked ( alifornia on I r111,i\ and eighth ranked Stanford on Saluidax in the Max \ie,i h h had .'I. kills ft digs and fixe kills in the Ixxo mail lies as the I fill ks improved to I t ill I'm 111 plax and ] I I oxer al! Ihe lone I’m III I’laxei ol the Week xvho xxas not an t fregon athlete xx as I nixei sitx of Southern California ipiaiterhar k l iidd Mai inn X ii h the offensive plax er ot the week Marinovii h led I St to an III 1 7 xx in over Washington Slate lix throw ing a touchdown |iass xxiftl four sei omls in file game and then throwing a two point ■ onx ersion tin the x ii ton NAA KAHIDI THEATER AND EMU CULTURAL FORUM PRESENTS naa Kahidi T M I A T I ■ Fires oin the Water I mhn;\ <>/ 'Hint’ll L ^ouls tnikstn tiller. SJuinuiit Sionct tllltl ( I tilth ‘II \l\tli 11k.' |\ rU>nnaikv i\ / R/ l Wi n.