Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, October 03, 1989, Page 12, Image 12

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Straw, McKee debut with solid performances
Bv Kit k Hey man
Emerald Contributor
t he Call li ttlirD.n Urtfin
The 1 all's Ion oil. si rained
and iiltnrls medioi re i oliseum
roi k adds new nmaniuK to die
_Music Review
old ,id.ik1' dial mam are < ailed
lull lew are < linseil
Svil Straw S'l/r/irise
I Inc ul die hesl delmls i it I In
veal Straw s voii e is a Ini linn
Inil she is nevertheless a
first rot t* vinahsl hei nuse she
siiiks with assiiiain e warmth
and i harai ler <|iialilies mam
lei hull alls heltei siiik' I s imlv
dream aliinil 1 lie souks (neailv
all in written h\ Straw) are
i|iili k v lull i all In and enltc IUK
whili' Straw s |irodui lion is
l.iVi led Without helllK too slit k
I hi- sl.it siiiililt-cl supporting
i ,isl lilt IikIi-s \lu li.ii-l Stlpr
M.irsh.ill < n-nsh.in l<\ ( oodi-r
.I Billiard Thompson among
mnn\ dllii-rs
M.trill Mi Kit
I .uni! |nsti< r's load siogrr
st| lkl!S out oil lift OW II W till f\
I mi>r«lin.irx rrsulls Mi K• *• • s
vim .il povvi-r now is usi-d noli
i iinislv—slii' cloi'sn ! fust Iwlt
out songs like ill till' p.ist \11\i
her voii i' swi lls .uni drops ri*
vr.diug f.mt.istii i oiitrol .mil
sounding IT'- ■! i ountr\ roi k
Mulhn I r.oiklm
lou \nn Barton Rr.nl \/i
Barton too was i oinpari'il to
I i.ink11u .ilti-r lu'i I .Ii’ii I 11• \
ptodui oil I'tn.’ cli'liul Barton
liowi'vui hasn't hiid Mi ki i's
11ii k — (Iropprd li\ W.uui'i
Hrothrrs in .1 purge that mi hid
i'd Homin' K.iill and \ an Mom
son Barton is now inevplkalil\
toiling m olisi unis
Hr,til \/i l.ips Hit third al
hum. is a del. tried I \ loss budget
affair released on a small blues
label from lev.is It's bltlSler
and lias less i.omnieri i.il glaze
Ilian either ol its predei essors
ss fin h makes it i nine out ol the
speakers ssitli less i rai k lint
ss ilb more ol a blues r lull flair
l.ou Ann's sou e and i bou e of
material make it ssell svorth
bunt in).: doss n
Marshall ( renshass This
(aenshass like < ountless olb
ns whose debut's receised
ss ild i ritii al and |iublii sup
port has set to oufgross the
We liked bis fust album bet
ter' syndrome It's a shame
bei ause t renshass i ontinues to
make good on all the i all In
lilts pop evpei latinos of the de
lint, but has vi'l In really • n«-r
ate ilitt s,ili-s ili,it someone ill
Ins staturi' deserves
This F.vt'nitig was in pm
ilia fd In David kershenbaitm
i 11.ii \ (:)i.11> 1 n.in. |t>*• |.11 ksnnl
■ mil strikes a ImI.iiii f between
llu' pnm pup jangle ul \l.irshall
Oi'iis/wii ami lh«‘ moodier
IhtiviUaiyn This I vrninx is an
invigorating reaffirmation that
pup mtisii i an hr i all liv as Ill'll
\\ itlioul bong inane
Another fine David
kersheiiliaum-pmdiK ed ref urd
I h i s \ e vv ^ o r k ■ Ii.i sed band
mines the same territory as
III mill M.iiuai s On songs like
I .el It ( .o or l i ne Itel level
I h e \ sou 11(1 like I Ii e roi k I e r
i nusin ill llie lolkier Maniai s
Itul on "History ol the World
mini llunk lliev were i liannel
ling fiii Natalie Men bant All
enjoyable debul
(iiidl.ilhers More Sungs
About l.ni *1 and / /ate
I bis follow-up giv es me the
sei olid album slump blues
llirth School ll oik. lie.till
with its wall ol guitars and
Illusion, venom spilling deliv
eiv was bailed on these pages
as the best punk lei Old sum e
t he ( lush
I bis time around the guitars
leetei lovvaril radio metal and
the l\ ri< s tire muddled relation
ship vignettes which I.ii k the
burning. < \ nil .il glare llml
m,uii' thl‘ ilrhu! mi jolting Mol
.1 ilrliai In on the si ale ol (low
h,il Km A lull il woiilil suri' hr
mi i' In hi'in (his hand’s envi
able 1111in Ii usi'il lor more vvor
tIi\ ,i song ill.in llii' liki's ol
Shi- ( iiv ns Mu I ,ovi‘
Knd ut Innocence Don
I Irnlrv
WiliiK inconsistent Thi'ri'
,iri' .1 few songs, like llli' title
Ir.ii k whit h .ire .inning the tin
est songs he’s ever written
liven the weaker songs benefit
Imm the bard edged sound anil
I lenle\ s i vnicul imlii linents.
II ion g Ii a few tall embarrassing
h flat
The tiisl lour songs easily
pislih the prii e of admission,
but as with the previous two
solo rei ords it contains about
hall an album’s worth of the
type ol material that v\ e \ e
i iiiiir to expect from him It he
could ouk rescue (’den I rev
from I’artvlown. between the
two iif them lhe\ might be able
to write an album's worth ol
material every few years
Overall, a very good album.
hut \ ou luive to take the medio
i le tew cuts along w itll the bi ll
lien! ones
Self-Validation Ciroup
for Lesbians and (ia\ s
Ki«lil 2-I lour Mt>ticl«iv nighi m ••
U*!u»MMi ( b t M ami t b « «
, in in in pm $ l » Srssiun
Hi i.in K MA
I1HI1 ‘Ml l‘l
I i .truing assertion skill',
supporting .nil validation
empowerment and an
enliaiK i ll Sflisu of
. Inaling v\ itti t ritit ism
olIn i s expei lalunis asking
lot In-Ip and support
I spressmg Inf lings ol hurt
ungfi disappoinluifnl lovf
affei tion and It*ndfiiifss
l\prexstng intimacy
Crnt copies Great people
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