Carper C ontinner) from Pago I ,iihI si\ million people were iriiirr lied to their death "Thev sal silent. he said "The t'nited States today sits silent with this disease and the analogs is the same We are es sentinlh allowing millions ot Amerii ans to go to their deaths." Sor let\ ( arpei said sup ports the idea ot people with All)S dv mg m its thought pro i esses and phrases sm h as " AIDS violim" hospice and AIDS is a killer Through his walk .mil presentations he at tempted to change the way so i let\ views the disease "lust hei arise a person is dI agnosed with a terminal ill ness, regardless ol whether it s All )S or cam er or whatever we don't hare to Inn into it Carper said "Our minds are ven powerful healers We can love, and we i an fat e adversits and i hallenge those on a daily basis and tr\ to get society to see it in the same Iight One of the personal goals (’.arper i ited was to "share with people that the only tiling that's stopping them from achieving a dream or a goal that they set m their own lives is themselv es II a person w ith AIDS i an walk across the i onti nent vou should all lie able to do just about anvthing vou want I lis journev howevei was not w 11hont moments ot trustra lion and disi ourngement The times I was at the hot tom ot m\ emotional roller coaster and I just saw no hope, and I tell it was useless. he said that people reads do not 1 are that then denial ssstem was so great that it was easier to he prejudiced and to dis criminate and ostracize Then one ini idenl would oci ur I would tis to keep ms aware ness open at all times that we were rear lung people In speaking to more than 2 I out) Amerir .Ills on Ills )oui lies Carpel said he believes lie has .dreads real lied people and (hanged attitudes around the country I h.ivc w .it( hrd Ihf maiules l.ilimi riv; 111 before nn eves lif -.ini '.Siiiin' people i uiiif m .mil llicv re hostiIf in tearful, .mil I u .ill li llii'in ltM\ f vv lilt if,ns . 1C'. _.o*_L T 4 ; e* (V »i ( J I S' > C okT «|»V C \ ft C w \. Afi Q £ VO J .J - M UiATVWft». •, C D ( 0\. (. « < r , .. » a r k Jt L , C?Q At T ) O B v*.« e t OC BAtiOO^V V f <*t fr . ♦ In what will sua*K lx- theeasiest test ■ it \<>ur mtrlksi ihix term, \j.|>k- tn\ties mu t‘itrv winning a tree \j>pk‘\lutii)t(>sh'l,lus|xrsimaliom|'iiiernx,ieh In finding nin this drawing Vie II even gne mu a him Its not the lahk- tlx- lamp,i >r tlx-t h.ur V ns \i hi re on uxir c iwn k i register, k«ik It>r contest details where Mat ml- kl ■ m n mr tanipus ()li all nght. nellgnv mu a hint k >t that, t>«> li» >k at the l> ittomof this ,ul Hut tk i it reallv re.ilK last Het a use t mh > me Mat inti »h is tx-in^ given an a\ i m this»ampus, .uxl it s gi mig to hap| x-n s<«m -snon as m nght an ai l*n mu) Quit k like Kill he\ mu t an take a hint « L~ d 5 Somebody's going to win a free Macintosh. Knlrr (kloht*r 2nd ho.! Mon I n l) S ’“AC, 7 !f r^mr C WNM t * ■ •*- Mr * **1 M* Wit **•• nr trgptnn} Witk-ovjrV- * 1 * ,t* !sh.afj» • ■ * i >nr mn fit prTxr j* jsr • * K fufcmr U ,0t\ jmJ if t*h|(iNr 1 '*'