Sports. L T‘T. 77T7T. \ • < ,l(,i S.itunhix \ win Wits unythinu hut imm /or //»#• Dm As «is I’rrrx Ohrc finds nut ( ontinued from Page the Wilde ats within six .it I i 7. Mnsgrave s thinl mien eption was ,ilsn espe ciilllv 1 ostlv ,is it ( osl the Due ks .111 e\i ellelll sew ing opportunity (tregon driven from its im n 2H to the \i i/.oiiii ."> yard line and appeared to he in position In score its set ond tom hdown ol the game u hen on see ond and goal. Mnsgrave rolled right ami threw the interception to Arizona safet\ (Ihris Wright in the end zone Arizona ran out the clock and went to the !n< kerrooni trailing I t-7 Mnsgrave had thrown an interi eption to I lamtnerse hinidt to start the cpiarteT and another to Si oil ( level later ill the quarter After a scoredi-ss uneventful third quartet Ilic U ildc als i .urn1 nut and made things sc ary Inr tin- I tin ks Arizona began tlu> Inurlh quarter In finishing ,i seven pla\. MH-vaid drive that elided in .1 10 v.mi i’t.ilt tield 140,il that brought the Wildcats in within three ,it I i 10 l lie Due ks then took the ensuing kic kntl and appeared to lie marc hing lor the insuranc e sc ore when llargam funihled after a reception from Musgrave on the Arizona I't Arizona c ornerhac k I l.irrvl I eu is rec overed the tumble ( begun had driven trorn its own .Ml to the \i izona 22 on a fine inside run h\ l.ovdle tor I I lorn to ( ats, Page 10 ( \l\ I K i S( )( I \I IWIMMIM ll \t> For People Who Caret ()W As Well As How Much. ¥ 7 I ir '• r t I -I llliu! ■ ' l }\ > I-I. '! lll.lkl r (hi • 1 (k. !• • ,1 imrMiiu nt** H.isc v»»u th. Mivjlit .dx-ni vslui wnir !■ *U.»rs .its «»retina .ttul . »n il» > h • k« t-| ‘ ihrtn k i vsUft svhii l*< In K t .ihrrt s* In" Miih tit I i m«! k tv s> 'ii n Ik s I s»mt \ .illit-v in \» nit imi vtnu nt jh >nli >li« > llu I mul n ti\» K •»«« K • (" li 1.1-4 in 1 ■ n I; III VI m • it U lies i i» mtrtbuu t** ,i In .iltI s j* .x « lul (Hinlmtisi ss.nkl sslnk ts- »mling iotn|Mim-s tfut il" hitviiu w in > *i \\ it 11 Vi >ulh Mils • 1 't | t « • il | •. tssrl . H ttt .ljs H»N V\ Nil f1»V I kmt k .isi \i mi \.illh v .uxl um-vtmtms in 11 infix t .1! IV M !'k-< • W ' ‘I . ill t* t I lit ' .!•('' /it "•m- H ill/ U i i4n fuU\ /*•/> >*r n >:» mi ni iwmIhk. iK * ft >» « mil it > < . ij » i \1 mliikl 1 Please send the information on the Calvert Social Investment fund Attention Geoll Hughs Name_ Address_ City------- State _Zip Phone-- Office Ph _ Wedbush Morgan Securities i i I I I I f • tetoltthed i 92} • In f uy«n« Since i974 “»» " •» *»%« ~W<** ». % ’00 t Bft*e4131