Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, October 02, 1989, Page 7, Image 7

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Ducks take a ragged win over No. 17 Arizona
The final's 16-10, even
with five turnovers
By Tracy Sumner
Emerald Sports Editor
In the davs loading up to Saturday's game with
Arizona. ()rogon footh.dl i oat h Ric li Hrooks expressed
serious concern over the emotional condition of Ins
The Ducks had just dropped a gut-wrenching
1H 17 loss to the Stanford < animal and Hrooks was
concerned about whether the team had the type of
character it takes to recover from such .1 loss
"1 would hope that we'll bounce hack, but that's
just a hope.'' Hrooks said
The Dm ks pul
their com li's i on
corns to rest at
least (or this week
with a ranged
Hi-10 will over the
Wililc ats at Aiit/eu
Stadium before a
crowd of to u 11
The Ducks stir
v ived five turn
overs. ini lulling
three second iptar
ter interceptions In
_Pac-10 Football
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junior quarlerhai k
Mill Musgrave to i luilk up thru second Panin 10
( amferow e c\ in ol the season
"We made .1 lot of errors today on the offensive
side." Itrooks s,iid "hut I don't even went to l.dk
, 1 bout those he( ause v\ e got what we needed to get and
that was a \ 11 tore
Oregon needed a rot k hard perlonnam e In Os de
tense, including a first quarter interception hv nose
tai kle David (uisano. to get the victory its (list over
Arizona since lUH.t
l or tin' game Arizona managed only H>1 total
cards The Ducks also harassed Wildcat quarterbai k
Ronald Veal into a miserable game passing Veal eras
t for- Hi on the day u ith one interception
I don't think there's any doubt that otir defense
dominated the game." brooks said They got ns the
field position, they got us the turnover tor the tom li
down in the lirsl quarter, they preserved the victory .it
the end
"In the crunch time when Arizona could have
gone down and scored a touchdown and kit ked the
extra point lor the win. our detense dominated and
controlled and played confidently and aggressively
he said "I'm very proud of them They 1 usi played
great football
Oregon started out quu kl\ taking the opening
kic knit and man lung 70 yards in nine plays before set
tlmg lor a J'J yard (iregg \h ( .ilium field goal with
11:14 remaining in the first quarter
On the Dinks' first plav from scrimmage Mils
Photo In Hill 114 ini"*
\ntlrr Williams' initial fourth quarter sai k ol \n/on,i (JH Konaltl l cal on third-und-eif{ht helped to se
i until thr Iti• III it in tor tin• Dm ks
grave i omlimi'd with 11.«nk«• i I nrv I )bee for ,i ill yard
gain In the Arizona JH-varil Imr The Dinks llini
drove In llic Arizona I before Uildi.it x.detv Ji'tl II.im
miirsi limiill stopped Oregon t.iilli.u k Derek I t• v111»• fur
.1 I \ ;ird hiss on th in I down
An/un.i s lust drive of thr afternoon was short
lived After U ildi.it miming li.n k Miehael Halos i ar
ru'd tor J v.irils on lust dow n Vr.d throw ins Inst p.iss
ol thr ilav into tin' arms ot a wailing I )a\ id (aixann
( us,inn grabbl'd the inti'ri rption and rambled Itt
vards to thf Arizona H Yard lino setting up Oregon's
lust and mils tom liilou n ot the game
After runs ol i and 2 Yards b\ tullbai k Don
dre Ifausli'Y. Musgravn lound light end KoIy.i lellt in
the let! i orner ol the end zone for the tom hdnw n \li
( .ilium's extra point was good to gne the Dm kx a It) (1
lead with little more than tour minutes gone
After stopping Arizona on its next possession, the
Dinks wr.i |»| it-i i tip tht'ii lirst It.ill storing In driving
17 vaids lor another Me ( .ilium held goal
(begun began tilt* drive on the Arizona til alter a
Wilde at punt and used Musgrave completions to
boville Huusleh ami Turn Hargain along with run
ning plays In l.oville and llauslm to gel in position tor
the held goal
The end ol tile Inst i|iiarter was the beginning ot a
nightmare lor Musgrave
l or the i|uartei Musgrave threw three mien ep
tioiis and set up Arizona's onlv touchdown ol the
game w itli a tumble at the ( begun 1 vard line
Musgi.ni's tumble tame with It ill let! in the
i|ltarter and tell the Wildi ats with a tirst and go.il on
the ( begun I Veal si ured on .1 (|liarterbai k keepei two
plavs later I long I’faff's extra point was good to tiling
Turn to C .its, Page ‘>
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