< THE OREGON HUMANITIES Cl NTLK » PRESENTS: The Media in 20th Century America: Whose Side Are They On? J public lecture by PETER A. BROWN ( hit*! Political Writer for the Scrip ps-Ho ward News Service 730 p.m. Monday, October 2, 1989 I'rb Memorial Union Gumwood Room Jhis l, < turr, free and open to the public, is the first in the JQSQ-^O Autzen / ii tuns in the Humanities and the Professions senes entitled "Moral* and the Media: Information, Entertainment, and Manipulation " the lei ture U'lll he followed by a rei eption WANTED!! RECRUITING HOSTS & HOSTESSES Gain Valuable Experience in Public Relations by applying for 1989-90 Recruiting Hosts and Hostesses for the U of O Athletic Department. Pick Up Applications At Athletic Department in Mac Court. Deadline For Applications is Friday, Oct. 13. Photo h\ Martin I hirl I hr Theta Chi Aiademii fraternity will stirs* achievement anil l ’niversity involvement this rear to receive support from its alumni organization. Fraternity emphasizes academics By Polly ( .implied Emerald Reporter I'lii' Theta ()hi fraternity just isn't i .illed Theta ( In anymore The hrit.k strut tun* at I liffi I. 19th Ave that houses the brothers of the fraternity hasn't t hanged, nor has the address of the house that has heen a part of the University Ureek system lor more than GO y ears What has t hanged is the name of the fraternity anti the lot us of its members Tlleta ( In has offit lally he t time the Theta ( In At .itlemit ITaternitv Tim change evolved this summer when the lire mar shall inspei ted the fraternitv and compiled a list of neces sarv repairs that had to he made m order to keep the fraternity open said Darin l.innman. vice president of the house In order to make the required repairs the members of the fra ternitv asked the Theta Clu Alumni organization for sup port "When the issue came tip, we had to dei ide d we wanted to i onlinue the fraternitv under the same strut lure and the em phasis on partying." said Dwight I’linlv. alumni advisei and legal counselor for the fra ternitv It was dei ided th.it a i hailge would he made to shill the lo ms and the mentality of the fra ternitv members to scholarship as well as campus and column mtv involvement I’urilv said I beta Chi is still a par! ol the Theta Chi fraternitv system and the Creek system, but we felt a need to set it aside from the lest to sliess excellence ill si holarship and participation V\e wanted to get away from the socialization aspect and start emphasizing involve merit he said Although i hanging the name ot the fraternitv is .1 svmbolii gesture. Purdy said drastic ( hanges have already been made to promote a better aca demit atmosphere One of those changes was to remove all the members who had below .1 2.5 grade point av eragc. I.innman said. "As .1 part of the Creek svs tern, we are trying to make <1 distinction in our bouse and move in a direction that the en tire Creek system is moving into." I.innman said (.'ailing themselves an aca deniii fraternity may give them positive recognition on cam pus but internal 1 hanges must he made to improve then grades, said Shelley Slither land (I reek adviser. "While not as oln ions as 1 hanging the name on the dooi 1 hanges in other chapters are also being made," Sutherland said. \ lot of 1 hapfers have academics as one of their lop five priorities "Our desire is to start out with a corps group of men in terested in academic achieve ment and I adversity involve inenl Purdy said "In any < use every body will yvati It to see what happens and consider it i.irefullv." Slither ! a ltd said -UO-Bookstore It’s a thirsty ride to the top. PEPSI 6 PACK + DEP ENTER AND WIN • SEE DISPLA Y IN FRONT LOBBY FOR OETAILS • ENDS 10/6/89 PMlUM , CHIPS! ST NT STAGNANT iff Oriental Buffet Lunch Downstairs E> Try Out Dinner Upstairs Hours: Downstairs v • : IM- Ito f 4 I, Closed Sunday % Hours: Upstairs l*7*AI*' S.,«. . b» -.Mb [BUSY? GET TAN QUICK!!! p*" I Fas! Convenient Relaxing Affordable SunShower on campus rafW'iMl i)» UpHMn »«*« a J \!= *r j MIX I I sl \| \ II I ( ! / tf—=zzr.7-m:— Rent 1 Movie Get the 2nd One Free (expires 1016/89) (With a movie of equal or greater value) 1888 Franklin Blvd. (next to M 1 on Vlllard) 344-2691 Brakes • Tune Up • Muffler $19.95 Lube While U Waif Mika's Eastside Auto Rapair Franklin & Villard. 344 2523