_Community_ Peace group sponsors event to celebrate Gandhi's life Bv Hon Walker f morale) \ssot into Editor Mohandas K (N1.iii.itm.il (landlii. horn 120 years ago to (lav u ill hr honorcil u itli a birthday i elebration al 7 |i m upstairs at Ihr Kugene I’lihlit l.ihrary 100 W I tth Avi> Bhavani Manheim, Gandhi m holar and University ta< ultx member in Ihr anthropology drpart mrnt. will dismiss the human sic It* ol the Indian pnhti i al and spiritual leaflet I hr ports is sponsored by Ihr World Peat r l hiivrrsitv |U I’l ’) an organization which relocal cd to Springfield from Cortland last year. The group is laum hing a fundraising campaign in hopes ol creating an international re seari h lihrarv lor prat r studies The library will hr lot ated in luigrnr and will feature 27.000 volumes ol Gandhis works, the largest collection anywhere, said Richard Schneider. WPG chief e\e( iltive offii el "Kugene is one of the most progressive communities in the Northwest. Schneider said "It has the kind ol puhlii alti tude we felt was necessary for what we are trying to do." Four areas of corn ern to U I’l 1 are peat e etlui ation. tood efficiency ecology and social instil e For two years the group has operated Radio Peace Inter national, a short-wave station whit ii broadcasts from outside Sail Jose. (losta Rit a Though the WPt1 is not an ai i redded university, and cer lainly not traditional, it is a nonprofit group detlit utetl to 1'iiut filing ilif global i omnium t\ Si hneider said 1 niversit\ is ,i genenr IiTIII we use so Hr i ,m l)f rei ogni/.ed lor uh.it wo re tr\ing lo olitics, and mam other topics are available. Oregon Daily Emerald Freelancer’s Meeting 2 p.ni. Thursday, October 3 in the EMU Board Room 3rd floor of the EMU or contact Alice Wheeler 686-5511 T Cash For Textbooks Mon. • Fri. Smith Family Bookstore 768 E. 13th 1 Block From Campus 345-1651 Uuv Thrrr Hooks (let ONE HOOK FREE of or U'ssi'i \ aim* u Kii this > otipon \\I HI ^ SMI & IKADf I M l) HOOKS \ I APES ' ■■■■ Mon-'l hues \ S,il Di li In in H 124? \ illard SI :i4r>-<)i'ii >/ "// ll is .in eik li.inline profound, and comforting work th.it will stand proudly beside Ml I Kedlh Y < id to Know I learned hi K mde retinal Robert Ful ghuin has been a cowboy, folk singei IBM salesman, proles sional artist parish minister, teacher ol drawing husband ami father He lives with his wile on a houseboat in Seattle GENERAL BOOKS ROBERT - FULGHUM ALL I REALLY NEED TO KNOW ! LEARNED IN KINDERGARTEN IT WAS ON FIRE WHEN I LAY DOWN ON IT