_University_ Disability group offers services Equipment unci other uids provided Doggone I'hr ,inmi.il l-Aifirnr (Iclrhr.ttiun null'd Smul.n and u ilh it ,i i Ihim r h> i>l,i\ m ith thrsr didni.ilhms Hut tlir i untiniird sui i rss <>l thr < it\ s thrrrd.n ft'stiwil should rnsurr th.it thr\ ’ll hr h.u /. Photo In \li;i Hi*r1i*lst‘n Bv |olie Andrade l mer.dd Reporter liie Disabled Students Ser vires Pilot l’ro|ect provides v.ir lolls serv ie es for I 'niversitv stu dents willi disabilities I ast \eal ASI '() and the I 'm versil \ admmistralion gave funds to initiate DS.SI’ which provides service's lot students I he* I'diversity is not legally re cpiired to suppk Most of the students who rei eive the ser vices have learning disabilities oi visual impairments All disabilities have to be legalK doc uinented before ser vices of am kind can be of fereil said \anc ie 1 aelelev assistant to the provost and c hairwoman of the protect I lie projec t i ommittee < on sisls of three students appoint ed hv the ASI () president, two fac ult\ nieinbers and one .id ministration member appointed b\ the dean of students I lie' committee meets about nine a month lo disc nss and plan tin alloc ation of funds Of the S’1 non avaitable to the projec t more than S 1 J non is used for mac bines and equip ment I he IM loop for exam pie is a new dev u e that ell aides the hearing unpaired to heat i lass lec lure's and disc us sums i learlv Tim instriK tor wears .1 liny tr % i 2100 W. \c row from Warem.irt ^ 68J-6902 Mon Sal 10-8 Sun 12-> Ir,lined users are allowed to use it she said hast vear the pilot project re ceived enough money to install a Telei ommumi ,it mil I )ev ice (or the I teat I'lie t 'niversit\ s academii advising office will also he assisting the DSI’I* v\ ith this instrument hei ause ol the increase in demand. Tile committee also provides note takers tor students Kor the lower division classes that do otter footnotes, ladelev said ol tile group "sometimes we pav for footnotes instead of paving for someone Students with mobility proh terns are furnished with a print ed handbook map and a hand out for learning disability However, ladelev said that even with this supplement, main students are unaware ol the newly installed elevators around ( ampus due to the lu< k ol signs indicating there Inca t ion In addition to these servic es HSSP sent two students I’at Henderson and Jim l.einen along with )ill Harocui. DSSI’ coordinator, to a national con lerenc e in Seattle DSSI’ will also he attending the October Stale (onterence and the ( )regon Assoc iatinn ol Disabled Student Service I’m grains in I ligher Kduc ation in Ashland DSSI’ has also encouraged a students w ith disabilities group to form on c arnpu.s " I hev A e alreacK c imir up w ith a logo ad name.’ ( anendei said l adeles said that awareness among students with disabili ties has inc re.ised "More are canning lor assis tain e I adele\ said "( I he\ l didn't ask bet ause tliev didn t know it was available. A lot ot students don't know thev have a I ight to these ser\ ices FULL COLOR Laser Copies • Large copies up to 11*17 • 50-400% enlargement or reduction • Color copies from 35mm slides, negatives, or 3-D objects. Open 7 Days kinko's Great copies Great people 860 E. 13th 44 W 10th 344-7894 344-3555 CHECK CASHING at the UO Bookstore