Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, October 02, 1989, Page 3, Image 3

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Foreign students hurt by insurance plan
By Kelvin Wee
It's happened again I hi1 A SI 1) ha* om e again
ignored the neeil ol international students in its
attempt to provide a service to the general stu
dent Ixuh
it you haven't noticed In now the < ost of
health insurance (overage sold l>\ the AM t)
health insurance office has increased h\ astro
mimical amounts
Last year. (.ovi'rani1 undi'i the ASl () Prudential
group )>l,iii cost onl\ sJH'i ,i year Ini .) student
with no dependents I ii.it rate tins skyna keled to
$ l-'t tins ve.ii
To add salt to the wound, the (overuse has de
i leased It's dio|iped to only 70 pen ent i overage,
w hile the dedin table has now leaped 100 peri ent
to $.111(1 instead ot $100
Main students are not aware ol this bei ause
thev do not have to pun base insurant e Interna
lional students at this l!niversit\ and in this
i ountry , however, are required to pun base some
form ol health insurance before we are allowed to
completely register tort lasses
The point 1 am trying to make is in addition to
the annual mt lease in tuition, we also are being
additionally burdened In this year s abhorrent in
t lease in health insurant e costs
l nlortnnatelv. mam international students are
not aware that there are several other plans avail
able in tilt* market that t ost much less anti offer
much belter coverage Although none is actively
promoting these plans mam ol us have found
them and are pun basing them as an alternative to
the sit keningly overprit •■<! ASl () plan
What’s men more distressing is that while the
pamphlet distributed by the ASl () states that stu
dents may cancel coverage with Prudential with
in 2\ tla\s of purchasing it (Page fi). the top an
thority from Pruiiential has deemed otherwise
Apparently the pamphlet has been designed by a
select few and not “for the Students of the t’ni
\ersitv of Oregon The statements on Page t> ol
the pamphlet should and must he binding under
law .uni the ASl'O health insurance i ommittee
and Prudential must live up to their promises
hast year we received a hard slap ill the laic
when the ASl'O ignored international students
while it organized .1 symposium on r.u imii In re
I.ill,limn nr 1 hose to bovi nil thr event I I>in year
nr art’ being slapped in <i different area llm
pocket book
Mm li of the work done on tins vr.11 s health in
sur.ini r (overage cost Inis boon blamed on I ho
pro\ ions administration Hut what s tlm ditlei
t»n« o' This vo.11 s iidiinnislr.itmn is still i .illod tlio
\S1 ■() .mil llio ,\sro health msnr.ini o ininmil
ton is still 1 ailed the ASIA) ho.iltli insurant o 1 inn
M.iiiv may sav that the present \Sl t) .nlmini -
tr.ilinn slinulil not have to Im reminded nt I.1II.1
i ms by Iomiiit .idininislratiinis; I bey to (lifter
It tbe bilks in ibis vo.ir s ad in mist 1 at inn tool so
strongly abniil lairlv taking 1 are nl its i nnslitii
ents, it should have rose.iri bed alternative msur
am e plans that ntlel better i overage In stlliloills at
lower i usls 1 be executive also should have nl
ten'll those plans .IS .III alternative In tbe present
poor oxi use for insurant e 1 overage
I would like to lake ibis nppnrtuilltv In re
mind the members nl the AS! A I that they rei eive
their stipends from ire 1de11l.il tees paid for b\
students at the University lnlernalmn.il students
also pav 1 lit 1de11t.1l lees and we demand roi ngni
linn as a pail nt this student body bv these elei led
and appointed nit 11 nils
I am extremely disappointed I teel that it is In
tally irresponsible tor the present administration
to .11 lively promote the Prudential plan when nth
ers are available and utter better t overage at low ei
prices Isn't the ( list nl education high enough '
Why should the 1 osl of health insui.mi e lie as
In ( losing. I would like to encourage every stu
dent who has purchased the Prudential plan to
lake 1 .lie ot their health and pm kellinnks
Pic k up tbe telephone and find out about otbei
plans tlial are available out there Many cost
mm h less and offer mill h better coverage
fight lor your rights Demand tliat Prudential
live up to its promises and forte them to allow
ram ollation ol < overage
let's show the ASIA) the ASIA) health insui
ante committee and Prudential tliat we will not
deal w it li t rap
Krlvm Dee /s an mlrm.ilinn.il stuilrnt cr/irr*
seu/.i/iv e 11 n tlir I'nitnl Stairs Sltltlrnls \ssoi 1.1
lion s \ 1it1011.1l Ho.ml ol Dirri ton. Hr is also thr
lint orr! sec lion rililor loi thr Kmerald
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