If you can find a Macintosh in this room, we might put one in yours, free. U)ftUL-SHAfci*o6 SPfcAfctGS I _-o--L t lava lamp 8tFRl6teftT0C STtfcto o~ 2). A Rtf^DT'E. C\eCutA£ ^6 C D COtl £ CTlO»U . 9 A (OPCfct- 0 • t < r ) PT Get.AT AM£fii CflO/ f P CfT / PfiAPT") t== o I Bucket OP ujatxC 6Auoo>jS C OM SuiPPt£-i' 0-. -* ^cnt rtiO£NiM6 In what will surely lx* the easiest test of your intellect this term. Apple invites you to try winning a free Apple* Macintosh' Plus personal computer merely by finding it in this drawing. Well even give you a hint: It's not the table, the lamp, or the chair. Now you're on your own To register, look for contest details w here Macintosh computers are sold on your campus. Oh, all right, we'll give you a hint tor that, tex>: Lu>k at the b< >ttom of this ad. But do it really, really fast. Because only one Macintosh is being given aw ay on this campus, and it's going to happen soon. So hi, as in right away Pronto. Quick like. But hev, vou can take a hint. 0 ^ FIRST 150 PEOPLE TO VISIT US GET A FREE POSTER 1 . ^ Hnter OctoIxT 2nd-()etolx*r 13th Microcomputer Support Lab 202 0imputing (Center, uso h02 Hours Mon I n. l) S - ' f«|,uirr Sir thr Applr kv-• JndM*»nu,*fr jttfetpstctrd rjdmjrbof Vi1*1 v\t*.u-< in, ifiu* ; Hf\ j«t ' ;*4X h ^ iski'IU-si r.irfMs }ji u^\ JIKi v-i.'- t?f ; ,.k- ' «• lc Wir. k FIRST 50 MAC BUYERS GET A FREE T-SHIRT