_Editorial r l 1 Toxic food imports leave a nasty taste Here's a little food for thought: You may want to closely examine that apple before you eat it Or that pasta salad. Or that filet of fish Chances are it's the first and last time the food has been through any sort o! inspection whatsoever The Food and Drug Administration, which is re sponsible for seeing to it that what we eat is edible, has progressively gotten behind in the area of imported food inspection. According to a report by the House F.nergy and Commerce Committee, out of one million food shipments imported to this country in 1HR7. the FDA tested only 2 percent tor bacteria and other impu rities Of this 2 percent, an alarming -1(1 percent did not meet FDA standards. While i ongressional hearings began lost week to address the already overwhelming problem, solutions will come a little too late tor victims of the inadequate inspection system. 77je !Will Strri't Journal last week reported that 22 Mississippi State University students were poisoned last February after eating mushroom omelets in the school cafeteria. The tainted mush rooms. imported from China, eventually caused the sickness of lot) people in three states before the FDA ordered a recall of the c aimed item. There is little wonder why hacteria-laden food is able to pass inspection at our borders. The fact is, some ports of entry don’t even have inspection programs Until two weeks ago, the FDA had never surveyed what was coming across the Canada-North Dakota bor der in Pembina, N.D.. even though the port is the bus iest in the state In Nogales. Ariz., one pesticide inspector struggles to inspect 7(H) trucks of produce per day coming from Mexico. In contrast, there are 85 IJ.S Agriculture De partment officials posted at Nogales, but they inspect ing produce for blemishes and size, not for poisons. Aren't our priorities a bit twisted here? It seems that most rational people would rather eat a bruised apple than one that will bring about intense physical harm It's slightly comforting that Congress is address ing the issue, but the statistics that are emerging from the investigation are quite frightening Anyone prone to paranoia about food contamination may want to ig nore the facts in this situation Fven if poisoned food is discovered during an in spection. there is a good < banco it will gel across the border anvvvay It seems that some importers blatantK ignore rejection In the FDA and simply ship their product | has 1 .nnviin i'll im* ot two things Insi that hi* believes lit* is right, anti si'iunii. that hit believes people he agrees w 1111 are right To explain mv vim- ot tin* term "human" in referring to tire tetns 1 repent a portion o) my essay that Tryba refers to In ()< loin a 1*H>7 the lirst Inter national (lonfereure on Abor tion brought together respet ted authorities from around the world in the fields ol meiln me law, ethir s and the sor ial st i enr ex Tin* lirst major ipiestion this mm nl.ir group nl experts con Melon'll W .IS "when does lltl ni.111 lih* beginThe\ i on i IiiiIimI lh.it they "i oiild 11 in I no point in time bet ween the union ol sperm .mil egg and the birth ot the infunl at which point we could s.n that this was not a human life "The changes occurring he tween implant, a six-weeks eni hryo. a six-months fetus, a one week old i hild or a mature adult are merely stages of de velopment and maturation ” II we .ire determined to hold onto views. v.ilucs or lie Inn mrs that ignore or ilem plain re.ili t\. we ilo not cause that realil\ to slop being true Ue merely set ourselves at odds with it and in so doing, we sacrifice our integrity \\ ilhain Moore Stall musii Theology lor nciirlv 1.200 years theol ogy was called "Queen of Si i ences " l liis description sun l^esls the application ol earh wit Theologs is a word formed Irom the ('.reek words "theos" (Cod) and "logos" (word) Hence theolog\ is the study of the "word ot God" or "holy si ripture The word "Si i ence" is from the Gatin word of "si ientia" (knowledge) I'he Quern is the r onsort ol the king kind’s represent puss er .mil wealth Thus theolo gians .ire the consorts ol those who 'wield power ami wealth They exploit their kuovsl edge" and skills tor their own benefit as well as the benefit ol the masters ol powers and wealth (lies serve I’he theist concept (aid" is