Congressional truce not effective, both camps say By left Barnard Assot iatc*d Press OKAN'TS PASS ! \l*i tmvi ronmeiitalisls and represent.! liv es of I he timber industry ex pressed (Imil)ls liiat tile t S Forest Servile could turn out the timber I ailed Ini liv ( 'nil giess m a short term trine he tween loggers and the northern spotted owl The two sides each said I ri dav they nave up loo nun h and the solution that i ame out ol political wrangling stretching hai k to June IT! mav he too lit tie too late lor timber depen dent towns as well as the spot ted ow I Moth sides also agreed that management of tin' Northwest's forest has now been thrust on a national stage and lor heller or worse will never again lie .1 In 1 al issue I he last dpi h deal 1 alb d lor the Forest Serv 11 e to produce 7 7 billion hoard feel ol timber in Oregon and Washington .mil the I' S Bureau of l and Man agemenl to prodm e ! 'i hillum hoard feet ill (fregnp in the nest v ear The deal restored some 111 d 1 1 lal rev lew ol limber sales or deled the lores! Servile to re i (insider its management plans lot the spotted owl 111 the next year and implemented a polii v ol preserving environmenlnllv s 1 g 1111 it ant stands of old growth I lie 1 ompriiinise w as a lar I 1 v from Ihe deal proposed lime .71 m Salem bv Sen Maik II a 111 e 11| altei 1 onv enmg a sum mil ol environmentalists and timber industry representatives to t r i •«• some nl tin- timber lix k<■<{ up bv lawsuits brought In preserve fni tin- spot It'd owl I .11 nil with .1 growing timlicr shortage due In lawsuits mcr Ihf spotted owl. Iliillifltl Inid proposed .1 guaranteed harvest nl ft hillinn linord It'i'l nl lirnlifr trnm forests in Oregon .uni Washington .ind Iiillion board ft'i'l from HIM Kinds in ( begun w itli no i f nl jodi i nil ri'VifW I lu if are improvements in ihf fund version iivit what originally proposed, said Vic. Slifi attorney Inr tlif Simra I lull I .cgal Ili'fi'nsf I und li.indli'd I hi- spolted owl lawsuit against llif Inrest Nei vui' I In- organi/alion is sepa r.itf Ironi the Sierra ( lull Slifi s.nd In- was luippv In sit I In* I' i iifst Shi vii f diri'i 11 •! I In Il'.ISSt'SS lls management plans Ini llif spnllfd nw I a pi i niarv goal nl llu* spnllfd owl lawsuit I lifif is good 11111-i I inn inn i filling consult' nil ion nf liag mi'iitalinii nl ecolugii ally sig llifii ant i>111 grnwIII Inn- st stands, lie said I Ilf prnlllflil is llu- i nl Ifvid is sn high that vou wotulri him llif Forest Sfi \ ii f is going In lit' ablf to give mi'.inniglul consideration in that diri-i livf l lif i alls Inr releasing I I Iiillion board fuel nut nl llif 1 7 Iiillion under t ourt injuni linn in llif I i ire si Sf i vii e law suil. Slier said " I lie biologists have been telling us I bat we may have al ready passed the point nl no re Inin lor the owl." lit’ said llif pur ported solution here m.n well Im* loo little* emigres sional attention loo l* Fin* Forest Sarxjic would have no i oinment until the compromise was signed into law hy the president said (.ar\ ( oidnva spokesman (or Region I) in I'nrllantl ( liris West, ilisiru I forester for the Northwest I oreslrv \s six lalion also expressed douhls the Forest Sen. it e i mild produie the tiuihei given the constraints won In environ mentalisls III terms of everything that the environmental comrnunitv or preservationist community, everv prohlem rer ogni/.ed w ith the Hatfield Adams amend men! the volume was too high there was no judicial re v lew the old grow th definition was too narrow everv single one of those points has been met West said Not one i on i essiiin w .is made our w av Hut the bottom line to us is that it appears we got a short term solution where prior to this we had nothing. West said We are going to see lav oils hei ause in the W estern parts of the two states we've seen V erv little timber sold IA en il the timber is sold in I )e< ember 01 laiiuurv tliev w ill not he able to start harvesting that hi*i ause tliev can't build roads until the weather is drv It is unfortunate when we have a united Northwest dele gallon with a solution for tile Northwest that two congress men from east of the Roi kies t ’liet Atkins and Sid Yates, can In* so powerful affer ting timber dependent i (immunities in the Northwest, West said I..irr\ Tuttle. Oregon director ol Thr Wilderness Sim ict\ said I in- Ih*sI thing In ionic out ol I lie i i fit I was th*- nationalization of ihc old growth issue \\ lulc there are .1 lot ol things in this |).i( kage I don't like I think it established .1 new beat l ullle said I know there is consideration and a strong possibility ol oversite hearings on this in the Semite as earl\ as October of this year lames Monleith direi tor ol the Oregon Natural latum d said lie was staggered l>\ the willingness ol law makers Iroin outside tin- region to take on the Northwest dele gallon on this issue That trend is a vet\ power (ul trend .ind one that ive have a certain amount of faith in. he -.aid Mark Kev of the National I or est I’rodiu Is Assih iation u.irned that sue ( ess ol the deal depended on the goodwill ol environmentalists lie added that the harvest levels environmentalists are de crying as too high were the same levels the Oregon Natural Court! il testified last spring \\ ere ai i.eptable "Whether this works or not is todav .1 matter ol spei illation to some extent, not hec ,mse it is not well written, hut he< ause it depends verv heavih on the good faith of everyone in volved Ke\ said Is student health insurance cutting into your budget? 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