Insurance ( CAMPUS HA9R V8S9GH Men & Women • Shampoo • Haircut • Blowdry A,| For Only • Style EMU Ground Floor $10 N€$JS Call now lor an appomlment' Walk ins Welcome1 484 0314 MONDAY NIGHT IS FISH & CHIPS NIGHT Just s295 6:(X) pni Hi closing I >.iik mjj .iikI Mush, cuts \Vtsl . I ri . .11 hI Sut i up hi AT RESTAURANT 343-06X1 13th & Alder on mni/HL\ dollars mi this group Hul it somebody Imils .1 bet let plan .it •< better rati- morn pnw er tu lh*Hti lit' added At cording to I’eter Drake. work study assist,ml in the \Sl ’() lll.sui.iin i' oflicc last veat tin1 other plans might have lower rales but they also might 110I pay their 1 laims W till Prudentlal it s been a real positive plan in the past I)rake said 'The truth is those nlliei plans aren't the liest anil I’rudenlial is really good on c hints I.tday said students always should be aware ol their op lions Tin pist mostly con 1 ei ned that students be often i alternatives and that they look into these other options lie said Ki*(|iiirrrci In register l.idav s>tid this espei inllv .i|> pin's tu international students \\ lin ,ife the ttnl\ students re ipured bv l«i\s .mil I nn ersil\ puliev tu lime health insur am e student .idvisei (.inns Stark, said the interna tiuual serv e,es ulfii e always has provided pamphlets e\ plaining other insuram e plans hut most students have bought the AM ()'s plan in the past AH hum h is there is |an in i rease| ol students Inn mg other plans this sear Stark said "Our approai h to this is that the student take the plan that meets their needs best she added Although international slu dents made up more than one thud ol the AMO insurance plan's total enrollment the past two years they only reported 11) pen i'iit ol the i hums. ( dark UO-Bookstore L O C K S Lock> 22-D > HEG 2 95 Combination Lock 1500D ;s? 3.50 REG r 9S Cable Lock 1519 6.50 Kryptonite Bike Lock 21.95 REG * 30 95 _______ RACKETS SQUASH TENNIS RACQUETBAtL 20% OFF — SPORTING GOODS DEPARTMENT SPEEDO GOGGLES 20% OFF TENNIS I U3l£ion BALLS 20% OFF ( Optic ) ijlh & Kincaid M F 7 30 6 00 SAT 10 00 6 00 686 4331 ■Hi MH _ -r. said Ht*( ause stu dents usualls make fevvei claims than domestit students some insurance companies til ler If) insure unit foreign sin dents uu a group plan, lie said "There were main oilers from other companies saving we ll insure vour international students for sui h anil stu li a premium' because thev know iulern.itlonal students are not going to use their claims." ( lark said "It's good business to insure international students liei ause tIn*\ are unfamiliar w ill) the health i are prof ess III the 1 lilted Slates agreed that foreign stu dents use their insurant e less It i mild he a lai k ol familiari I\ with using insurant e. she said It t nuld also he a desire not to deal w it I) paperw ork and the bureaut rat \ No mono* l>ac k One student need that has been nun h debated is the until lu a refund nt the A SI () instil am c premium if students find plans better fit their needs This issue has t reated mm h (.onfusion amonit insuram e ex peris as well .is students l.idav said students should he able to withdraw from the iiisuram e plan within the first 2 1 days bet a use the brut.hure seems lo iiulit ate this is one of the students' options Hut ASl'O insurant e coordinator (lathy (airran saitl .ifler stu dents pay the premium. they may withdraw from the plan iml\ d thev enter the military oi drop out of school When Prudential claim ex aminer Dam Ashln first looketi at the brut hurt', she agreed the brot Imre "makes it sountl like vim t an pist withdraw from the insurant e plan w ilhin 21 day s Hut unfortunately for stu dents who bought the \Sl'() plan and now wish to hu\ an other one the final authority t ame Irom Newman w ho over sees the I'niversitv s plan with Prudential (tin e vim enroll for the plan and pay the money we don't give refunds unless you enter the armed fort es or with thaw from st bool for non niedi t al reasons Newman said I.itlav saitl the brot Imre does not ( learh inti it ate those (litions tor refund It something like that i\ent to .1 i owrt the judge ing to sa\ (to Prudential) is »hat it sa\ s .mil that s vou have to provide said < nil over is go this i\ hat he Looking for solutions One thing students have to lie aware ol is we am very much at a crossroads ('lark said "Thu trend lor student health insurance is mnndatorv insurant e I Iraki- saiil a mandatory plan might he the best solution, it more btmefits could be added and it the state would allocate more money for financial aid pat kages Most si bools have some sort ol mandatory plan." Drake said "It's a real positive fat tor bet ause it spreads out the i os! Although premiums would definitely go down il insurance was mandatory loi all students many students would not vote to atlopl such an insurance pro gram ( dark said Hut it preini unis keep rising and students keep dropping out of the stu dent health insurance plan. ASl'() i i>nItl lose its stu deiiti ontrolled program alto get her "Anti there is nothing stop ping the administration, it we are to lose our student insur ante program. from saving all students have to be insured in l'l’K)," (dark said, adding that mandatory insurance would bring in a lot of money for the Dniversitv ndnumslra lion According to (Iregg l.obisser. assoc late dean ol students and ailministration liaison for the I 'niversity on SI IK the Dili versity has expressed no desire to take ovei the program "Hut I think it (mandatory insurance) is an issue yy e .ill have to learn more about ' he said (dark said decisions about next year's insurance will be made long before next summei and students will know about any < baiiges before tail term A lot ol dec isious have to be made he said '' Hut hoyy to keep the program is up to the students RENTALS I CHECKOUT WHAT WE HAVE TO OFFER! SMITH CORONIV OLYMPIAD swintec CORPORATION RENT TO OWN ALSO!! OREGON TYPEWRITER CO. 30 E. 11th, Eugene, Oregon 342-2463