Insurance continued (mm P*igt* 14 don't Wiint to take on such a high risk population Moreover. ( lark ul the I in varsity's program is unique In i ause it is run in students and it is .1 voluntary program I he problem with a voluntarv pro gram is the people who will most likely need insurance an purchasing it. he said "That doesn't make good business sense lor Prudential or any oth er insurant e company A SI '()'s lot al insurant e i on sultant. liriau tain or,in of ('ra mer & ( dies insurance Inc. said the rise in the t niversitv s rates are part of a trend in the overall insurant e industry “Kvervone is experiencing big increases." (inrcorat, said " I I,erf 's lot of i osts of people who can't p.iv their bills which .ire shifting to people who can pay "There's also .1 big ini rease in utilization of benefits." he added "People pist seem to be using their health insurant e more Local insurance broker (larry l.idav agreed that most insur ance rates are increasing, tint "what is unusual ,s they (Pru dential) raised it over fit) per cent. "The fact that they've lost money, therefore they need to raise rates, that's accurate." l.idav said "Hut they raised the rates just too much More lienefils. limrr rates Inday wlm has been m the insurance business tur more than 20 years said the t \ pit .i! insurant e plan be otters stu denis has better tienetits at low er rates With these plans, stu dents tan t house one of three deductibles ranging from $100 to $',00. The plan pays HO per tent of the t hums up to $1 ooo ,md loo pen cut ol t hums alter $4,000 up to $1 million Although the student plan has belter pregnant \ and men tal health tare provisions, the alternative plans have no limit to prest 11pt it>n tiit'tlit ation whit h is limited to $100 h\ the A.SI () program. Iuda\ In addition. these plans are offered at hettci premiums 1.111 a \ I le said an individ rial student plan lor one year ranges from $20', to $ t >0 llus band and wife polit ies are usu ally between $000 anti $720 and a polit \ for three people will i ost Irom $0ri0 to $M">7 However, Newman warned students to be t .ireful about these alternative plans bet a use they are often more restrictive plans "Our rule is not to go out and look lor the t heapesl poll i \ and underprice them." Newman said "We have to bast.’ our rates on out experi once with this group, and we've already lost thousands of Turn to Insurant e. Page lt> UO-Bookstore Screamin' into Fall ivith TDK Audio Tapes and PEPSI Oiler valid thru October 7, 1989 Buy 10 TDK SA-90 Blank Audio Tapes for only 1.99 each, Get 2 liters of FREE PEPSI |Y| 1^1^00 Continued from PdRe 1 Scott VYyikoff. law students Mike Mc.Yey and Marianne llvland and international student Kh hard ()ng SHIt' hires an insurance rnnnlinatnr tu oversee an insurance stall contracted In the Student Projects Inc Hoard of Direc tors I he current insurance coordinator. < alhv (iurran, was hired in mid September In addition international student adviser (hum Stark also serves on SI IK in a non vot mg c apac.iK also functions as a liaison for the I adversity administration, under a written agreement between the I adversity and the \Sl ( ) said Assistant Dean ot students (beg,: l.nbisscr I he administration representative is appointed bv (ierry Moselev vice provost tor academic support, and has input on the forma 11■ >11 ol pollc V l.ohisser said rhe current insuiancc carrier lor \St (). 1 lie Prudential Insuranc e (ji of \menc a is not the only one that underwriles (student health insuranc e) (Mark said " I here are eight c ompniues hut Prudential is the only one to bring with it the finani ial sis urity and (it) truly accepts us lor what we are a volun teiT program, ’ ('lark said Ihe A meric an ( ad lege of Health Assoc i.i lion (At 1IA) through Prudential offered stabil ity and a chance to at least not have the proh If ms «r did' with the previous tarrier, l.une Stilt, U \ t knit saitl \( 11A e- a mm profit national organi/a lion ot college and university health services iindi'rvvritlfn and administered h\ Prudential, ait noting to the \SI'() Student Health Insut ance I lamlhook The ASIA) lias held a position on tilt1 se\ on membet AfdIA committee simr tttfiii said t lark Slat was bought out in .1 nirriti'i in I'Wti, saitl (dark Motfovi't tin- tirin did not have tin- fiiiant tal restitutes to hat k student st>r\ n e and they had lousy sen it r On thf otht*r hand, thf ASIA) has had vers few t la mis problems with I’m den tin I '11111 Ihtrv’re slit king with ns (dark said, tlespite losing money on the AtdIA program tor the p.lst two \ fill s Met ause the ASI A) health insurant e pro giam is ,1 voluntary plan run In students it has e\perie 111 ed rate 11 it re.ise anil insurant e 1 .U riel dibit allies ( dal k saitl SI IK is seeking information tor solutions to the insurance dilanuna .it a lorum t )t I Id at III p m in tile I Ml' I n Room Present at the forum will he insurant e 1 onsultant Steve Met kley w ith Uverly ,s I 'miipaiii 111 Demei and insurant e t onsultant Hrum (!ort urraii with ( r.unei and titles insurant e Im in Kugene TMt III Mil OVfM 4 0(1 HI staurants AROUND Ml HI YOU CAN GET TO m EVERYONE ON Till HU. FR( I \ 1 i VM ID U Of < i MUDI Nl i II iS A Ht; S PASS f A R { fOH T M f ' f IlM N S SfuOl Nl I N i, IIH N T A 1 M E S PH 0vIOE 0 IN COOPf NATION AKH ASSOCIATE D STUDENTS UNIVERSITY ) f ('HI G t) N LTD LanmlYanait District Personally. I prefer licorice biis and anchovies Bui, hey' To each his own