Insurance ^°n**nue^ from pam* i Are you tired of eating Breakfast standing up? <3s(sLpoli restaurant & bakery • Spaeious tables lor eonversalion or Iasi minute stud) ing • I - rc shiv baked sued rolls, muffins. & seones; S.75 I’.25. • Ireneh roast eoflee & (i.H lord leas served m ehina eups: S.75. • (,)mek serviee lor take out orders 686 K. 13th at llilvard Mini-1 huts 7:(M)AM-iO:OOI'M h i ida\ 7:(HI XM-Midni^ht Saturday \M Midnight Mired onlv up 11> $20.00(1 In addition. Prudential i halted its proi ess (nr dealing will) i hargcs from the student health (enter Although in the Prudential always paid .ill lltedi( al expenses used at tile (enter, these servn.cs now will lie treated the same .is other ( hums This means students will have to till out < laim forms and the ( laims w ill he subject to the same 70 peri cut rate as the ((immunity medi( al c\ pcnses I nderxtandnhly students are finding this year's health insiir ail< e p.H huge a haul pill to swallow U In should they sod donly pay higher rates lor less benefits •' The Koi T bleeds A< i ording to Prudential Ac ( mint K\ec utive ( and \eyy man. the premium hike result ed from simple business rea sons We processed more i hums than yye reieived in premiums during the last tyxo years. Newman said "We couldn't cover our expenses for the ai ( mint at all Tor year one yye paid out SI 111 lot cv cry S1 00 le< eived and \ve expei I to pay out Si - I for every SI 00 received last year she added I his trails latex to a S2f! ’> loss in ( hums for Prudential during 1087-88 and a pro|ec ted loss of S.'u In, during 1088 80 and that doesn't even c mint our ex ponses for things like proi ess mg < laims salary and paper work Newman said Prudential initially wanted to raise this year's student prerni urn 1 Wi pen ent to SfiHl for an individual when the Student Health Insurance Committee (SIIIC) tiegan negotiating the p.n kage last year Newman said Students wore never noti tied In the ASI 'O that tin- rates were heading up "I'ortunateh the par kage of changes that were made al lowed us to go down from a lad percent plus rate increase to a ad percent rate increase." Newman said "Our goal this sear is pist to stop the bleeding and pay our expenses Hut ( amine \\ lute a molecii lai biology graduate researr h felloss said the low er rate III crease isn't mm h consolation when it comes to paving file bills "lor many graduate stu dents |lhe premium) is three months pas she said " I here are .1 lot of 1 ompanies out there ss ill provide a million did bn major medical polii s foi a lot less money The (iraduate Teai lung 1 el loss I edtration found a 1 oinp.i ns that bettei suited their needs this year, said Diane Kan (ITi ’I union representative. "After finding out the in 1 lease sse hired an iHSUratic e 1 onsullant ss ho ipiii kls found a plan, payable monthly, which is comparable to or better than A St'() insurance." Ran said In this plan, restrii ted to CTI's. ea< h person signs up .is an individual lint is charged group rates, "but we encour aged everyone to shop around for the plan that suits them best '' she said "After looking around, it didn't seem to us that the ASl'O plan was as competitive as it could have been." Ran said "I just don't think the ASl'O really shopped around when they were planning out this pole v.“ White said Stress means high-risk ASl 'O President Andy Clark said SI 11(1 did look at different insurance plans with tin' help ot paid insurance consultants, lull they still believed Pruden tial to offer the best plan to lit most students' needs "What we found was that no body is insuring < ollege stu dents anymore." Clark said " The risk is too high Main insurance companies have stopped insuring students as a collective group because college life stresses cause stu dents to get sii k often. Clark said It's that strep throat that mono that has to he treated at the health < entei ' he added "Stress has to he covered and most insurant e companies lorn to Insurance, Page I "> UO-Bookstore Phones & Answering Machines BELL Phones BY NORTHWESTERN BELL PHONES FAVORITE PLUS • TonerPulse Switch • Last Number Redial • 10 Number Memory DISCOUNTED 49 95 44.95 BELL Phones BY NORTHWESTERN BELL PHONES TECHLINE 2000 • 27 Number Memory • On-hook Dialing • Auto Redial DISCOUNTED 59 95 Panasonic KX-T1600 ANSWER - MACHINE • Tone Remote • Room Monitor • Compact Design RETAIL 109.95 DISCOUNT 99.95 s<^ 79.95 Panasonic KX-T2390 PHONE AND ANSWERING MACHINE 149.95 • 12' Auto Redial • Beeperless Remote • Message Transfer RETAIL 169 95 PHONEMATE 5050 MINI MATE s 5" 99.95 PHONE ANSWERING MACHINE • 10* Aulo Redial • R#fi U • Call Screening RETAIL 139 95 PHONEMATE 6900 DIGITAL PHONE 'ANSWERING MACHINE 99.95 -- • Call Screening • Beeperless Remote • Voice Activated RETAIL 119 95 ELECTRONICS DEPARTMENT I3td & Kincaid M F 7 30 6 00 SAT 10 00-6 00 686 4331