GTFF C ontiniH'd from Pa^o 1 night " Howard said "Next time nr ask you In hr here slum up with the numliers that will send Ihi' I ’niversitv ,i message Howard also lull) (ills the next step toward reaching a solution with the I'niversilv is tact finding "Fact finding comes down to who can lie most efie< tively " Howard said l.awrem e Musgrove a (il l in the I nglish department spoke after Howard Musgrove thanked the federation lor all the work it is doing for the ( ;TFn "The union is asking tor better answers than the ones they are getting from the University. Musgrove said Former (ITFF leader ( dim k I iunt spoke next Hunt pointed out (ills have never re< eived a arv that was equal to the inflation rate Hunt also told the audience that the (til l is dealing with an administration that conducts itself with arro gant elitism. "I'd like to believe that the president doesn't believe hi elitism r.>lh«-r thiin mansions." Hunt S.lill Alter Hunt. Kurt Wilcox u( the Line (lounts 1.allot ('tiuruil spnke Wilcox t.ilki’il .ilimit the is sue ol health < .ire it is .1 terrible ironv .in organization is willing tu train people In lem h set it won't tor their health rare Wilcox said (ill s need to i nme into the i lass room and not he distrai ted Its things at home The last speaker ol the afternoon ssax I 'nicer sits assoeiate professor and State Representative Karl Mustek.i |l)l.tigene) llostii ka said it is mi possible to ai hieve exi elleiu e hs squeezing youi employees and told the union that d they are not organized tiles i an't exist The rails ended ss ilti (III s pu kets in hand man fling around the t !m verst tv s administration huilding The (III I ssill base to ss ait ill dass at ter t.u t finding before going on strike Druids meet for elections and planning Ml I Tl\(.s Druids mri’l Wedncsdav from (i to 7 p.m. in KYII! ( rdnr Room A. All members must .it tend. Remaining officers vvdl be elected and projet t plans tor _Et als_ the year will be dis< ussed l or 4 1 oi (iorin.i at 1)43-9020 Student Health Insurance Committee meets toda\ al I pin in the KMU Century Koom Students are welcome MIS( I 1.1 \\!()I'S Do you want lo become inter nationally aware? join the t or oign Sludrnls Organization and got involved in our activities For more information call (>81) 4187 or stop 1>\ the offii c at Room 2()ti I’Mt' 1\ I I RYU.US The following organizations will he holding interviews on campus. Submit bids tor inter views from Monday to Weilnes dav at Room JJ-4 llemlni ks tor the billow ing rei rioters (no bids are nei essur\ for group meetings) Oil li> Arthur Anderson & do (entrv level tax .11 < ountant) State I arm Insurance do (niiinagement development <11 1 minting trainee underwriter trainee, claims representative trainee, summer minority in ternship| Oil lti-17 Krnsl Mi Voting (stall auditor). Ralston I’urina do group meeting, 7-8 ill p in I Aid ( V dar Room Oil 17 III R II Macs & do (executive training program), group training program. 7-8 III Open 24 Hours kinko's Great copies Great people 6bO l 1 3th 44 * 'Oth 344 7894 344 3555 4(K off one Gyros or Falafel wm\n at 1219 Aldar 343 3062 ••xp 10 16 80 pm I Ml ' ( Room I Oct IH Ini (marketing representative). k Mart Apparel (apparel manager trainee) Hertz Kipiipment Rental (!orp (sales i oorilinator) group meetings, n 7 ill |i in I Ml i 1 u Room l' S Marine ( !orps (pi lot management law) 1MI from 10 a m to J. |i m I' S National Sec uritv Agen i \ groti|i meeting, l It) 4: it) pm. Room 104 I )eady Wallace Computer Services Ini (ai i omit representative) Oct l‘) Apple (annpuler, Ini group meeting. t> it (> in I Ml’ I ir Room Hoopers ,s< l.vbranil |stall at i mini,mt| I S \it I’nri i' (pilot na\ iga lor. management, various) I All' ID ,i in lip in 1 nivrrsitv ol Washington graduate si liool ol pulilii at lairs (gr.iduali' si lion!I group inerting. 1 1 III p in I AH I !»• illnr\ Kooin I Ihl Jll Defense (loritrai t \inlil Agent v (audilorl group nieeling, ()i t in n 7 p m I-All (letlar Room A I lie (lap Stores (assistant man ager| I’m e Waterhouse ,\ ( n (enlr\ level audilorl Deadline fur submitting 111 als to the /./lii'ia/i/ Ironl desk KMI ' Suite nil) is noon the das hell in' p11111 ii .it n >n EMERALD CITY COMICS OLDEST COMIC BOOK STOKE IN OREGON Largest Hack Stock • (nines and Potters ^ ▼ Discount Subscription Service for New Comics Cash Paid for Old Comics and Games 770 E 13th • (503) 345-2568 Get a 14” 1 ITEM Plus one 16-oz. 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