__Encore!_— Pacino brings non-stop excitement to familiar cop film By Ken Nolan I mer.ild ( ontr iliulor .Serf nl l.mr is a simplistic pred it table rehash of mam nth i'i films about a i op v\ ho has to ignore tile evident ** and follow Ins heart Hut vs ait a minute vvhv is this film so Rood' 1 11*' finswei ,\l Hat inn Serf nl l.mr is I',it ino's film, .mil uar dia s air traffic controllers com liinecl Hut it 's Pat ino. an Amei n an si reen lilac k sheep that makes this c harac ter c omc alive He gives an honest, pas sion.ite and true performance and he gives movie goers some one to care about, someone to feel lor It is annin ing that a man w ilh so nun h talent has not made a good film in five \cars I le took a chain e with this film, vvhic It on the surfac e seems ver\ mainstream and not altogethei original. Hut lie pulled it oft. .mil he is a re inindei of w hat it lakes to be a good ac tin It t.ikes guts and Pac ino s got a belli lull of Cm because of the performances of Harkin and Pac ino. .Sea ul l.i)10 is a ste.um he.id pound ing heart stopping thriller vvhic h i\ ill put audienc es off guard and entertain them as well. 1 CAMP VUxXHf XJSI A MUXM Ti"V - MONDAY NIGHT FOOTBALL • “Foaming Beverages” 50e! • Big Screen TV • Open 5 p.m. Game End! • Hotdogs 50« MONDAY IS ALSO LADIES NIGHT! • (lhampagne & Roses tor the I.ailies • All Beverages $1.50 WEDNESDAY NIGHT 25' “Foaming Beverages" IN THE DINING ROOM • 1 LB. New York Steak i oinplete dinner $7.95 • Prime Rib $7.95 Thurs. • Sal. 215 Q Street Springfield (fust off 1-105) Lunch Moiuluv -L'richiv 11:30 .1 m. • 2:00 p m Dinner Monday-Siiturdav 5:00 p m.-10:00 p m